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\textbf{International Solar Alliance}\\
\textbf{Solar E Mobility: Charging for Change}\\
\textbf{Duration: 120 min}\\
\begin{tabular}{|p{4cm} |p{11cm}|}
\textbf{Session} & \textbf{Theme}\\
Inaugural & Welcome address\\
(3 min) & \\
Context setting & Rationale for Solar EV-Integration\\
(5 min) & \\
Closing session & Concluding remarks and Vote of thanks \\
(7 min) & \\
\includegraphics[width=1.05\linewidth, height=0.15\textheight]{isa_bottom.jpg}
\noindent \today
\item document is attached herewith for your kind reference.
\item I hav sector.
\item I al
\item I aations.
\noindent With the hope
\noindent I look forward to your positive consideration and hearing from you.
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\textbf{International Solar Alliance}\\
\textbf{Solar E Mobility: Charging for Change}\\
\textbf{Duration: 120 min}\\
\begin{tabular}{|p{4cm} |p{11cm}|}
\textbf{Session} & \textbf{Theme}\\
Inaugural & Welcome address\\
(3 min) & \\
Context setting & Rationale for Solar EV-Integration\\
(5 min) & \\
Closing session & Concluding remarks and Vote of thanks \\
(7 min) & \\
\noindent \today
\item document is attached herewith for your kind reference.
\item I hav sector.
\item I al
\item I actions.
\noindent With the hope
\noindent I look forward to your positive consideration and hearing from you.