我的书目中的参考文献有问题。首先,互联网来源既不显示 URL,也不显示“Laatst geraadpleegd op: [date]”(EN:访问日期)。另一个问题是来源的大小写敏感性。它适用于少数来源,但大多数来源完全忽略了书目文件中参考文献的大小写敏感性。我尝试附上我作品的简化示例。
\usepackage[ngerman, dutch]{babel}
This is a test.\footnote{\cite{DARIAHDE.2019}.} This is also a test.\footnote{\cite{Hockey.2008}.} Again, a test.\footnote{\cite{Schoch.2017}.}
%add your sources in the bib file and change the style here
bibliography2 文件中的参考文献如下所示:
% This file was created with Citavi
author = {DARIAH-DE},
year = {2019},
title = {Notebook IntroducingMallet.ipynb},
url = {https://github.com/DARIAH-DE/Topics},
urldate = {10.06.2021}
author = {Hockey, Susan},
title = {The History of Humanities Computing},
pages = {3--19},
publisher = {{John Wiley {\&} Sons Ltd}},
isbn = {9781405168069},
series = {Blackwell companions to literature and culture},
editor = {Unsworth, John and Schreibman, Susan and Siemens, Ray},
booktitle = {A Companion to Digital Humanities},
year = {2008},
address = {Hoboken}
author = {Sch{\"o}ch, Christof and Schl{\"o}r, Daniel},
year = {2017},
title = {Topic Modeling Workflow in Python. Computergest{\"u}tzte literarische Gattungsstilistik (CLiGS).},
url = {https://github.com/cligs/tmw},
urldate = {10.06.2021}
图像中的输出是错误的。因此,文档中的引用是正确的(带有脚注),但参考书目缺少 URL 和日期。