

我正在使用 Latex 模板来制作简历,但遇到了一些麻烦。下面是我使用的模板。

% Resume in Latex
% Author : Harshibar
% Based off of: https://github.com/jakeryang/resume
% License : MIT


% only for pdflatex
% \input{glyphtounicode}

% fontawesome

% fixed width

% light-grey


% custom underilne

% custom font: helvetica-style
%% Only if the base font of the document is to be sans serif

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields

% Adjust margins



% Sections formatting - serif
% \titleformat{\section}{
%   \vspace{2pt} \scshape \raggedright\large % header section
% }{}{0em}{}[\color{black} \titlerule \vspace{-5pt}]

% sans serif sections
\titleformat {\section}{
    \bfseries \vspace{2pt} \raggedright \large % header section
}{}{0em}{}[\color{light-grey} {\titlerule[2pt]} \vspace{-4pt}]

% only for pdflatex
% Ensure that generate pdf is machine readable/ATS parsable
% \pdfgentounicode=1

% Custom commands
    {#1 \vspace{-1pt}}

      \textbf{#1} & {\color{dark-grey}\small #2}\vspace{1pt}\\ % top row of resume entry
      \textit{#3} & {\color{dark-grey} \small #4}\\ % second row of resume entry

      \textit{\small#1} & \textit{\small #2} \\

            \textbf{#1} & {\color{dark-grey}\small #2}\vspace{1pt}\\ % top row of project entry



% CHANGED default leftmargin  0.15 in
\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in, label={}]}


%%%%%%  RESUME STARTS HERE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    \textbf{\Huge Harshibar} \\ \vspace{5pt}
    \small \faPhone* \texttt{555.555.5555} \hspace{1pt} $|$
    \hspace{1pt} \faEnvelope \hspace{2pt} \texttt{[email protected]} \hspace{1pt} $|$ 
    \hspace{1pt} \faYoutube \hspace{2pt} \texttt{harshibar} \hspace{1pt} $|$
    \hspace{1pt} \faMapMarker* \hspace{2pt}\texttt{U.S. Citizen}
    \\ \vspace{-3pt}


      {YouTube}{Aug. 2019 -- Present}
      {Creator (\href{https://www.youtube.com/c/harshibar}{\myuline {@harshibar}})}{San Francisco, CA}
        \resumeItem{Grew channel to \textbf{60k subscribers in 1.5 years}; created 80+ videos on tech and productivity}
        \resumeItem{Conducted A/B testing on titles and thumbnails; \textbf{increased video impressions by 2.5M} in 3 months}
         \resumeItem{Designed a Notion workflow to streamline video production and roadmapping; boosted productivity by 20\%}
        \resumeItem{\textbf{Partnered with brands like Skillshare and Squarespace} to expand their outreach via sponsorships}
            \href{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhWUjp5pD0g}{\myuline {The Problem with Productivity Apps}}, \href{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms4cWMsOITs}{\myuline {Obsidian App Review}},
            \href{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkDbkyIR44w}{\myuline {Not-So-Minimal Desk Setup}}}

      {Google Verily}{Aug. 2018 -- Sept. 2019}
      {Software Engineer}{San Francisco, CA}
        \resumeItem{\textbf{Led front-end development} of a dashboard to process 50k blood samples and detect early-stage cancer}
        \resumeItem{Rebuilt a Quality Control product with input from 20 cross-functional stakeholders, \textbf{saving \$1M annually}}
        \resumeItem{Spearheaded product development of a new lab workflow tool, leading to a 40\% increase in efficiency; \\ shadowed 10 core users, iterated on design docs, and implemented the solution with one engineer}



          {Hyku Consulting} {Sept. 2019 -- Mar. 2021}
            \resumeItem{Mentored 15 students towards acceptance at top US boarding schools; achieved \textbf{100\% success rate}}
            \resumeItem{Designed a \textbf{collaborative learning ecosystem} for students and parents with Trello, Miro, and Google Suite}

\section {EDUCATION}
      {Wellesley College}{Aug. 2014 -- May 2018}
      {Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science and Pre-Med}{Wellesley, MA}
        \resumeItem {\textbf{Coursework}: Data Structures, Algorithms, Databases, Computer Systems, Machine Learning}
            {\textbf{Research}: MIT Graybiel Lab (published author), MIT Media Lab (analyzed urban microbe spread)}

%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in, label={}]
     \textbf{Languages} {: Python, JavaScript (React.js), HTML/CSS, SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL)}\vspace{2pt} \\
     \textbf{Tools}     {: Figma, Notion, Jira, Trello, Miro, Google Analytics, GitHub, DaVinci Resolve, OBS}


我希望在项目名称中添加指向网站的超链接,例如,我希望将文本“Hyku Consulting”链接到带下划线的网站。


  1. 更新了添加链接和下划线的命令
            \textbf{\href{#1}{\myuline {#2}}} & {\color{dark-grey}\small #3}\vspace{1pt}\\ % top row of project entry
  1. 添加了链接地址
          {www.google.com}{Hyku Consulting} {Sept. 2019 -- Mar. 2021}
            \resumeItem{Mentored 15 students towards acceptance at top US boarding schools; achieved \textbf{100\% success rate}}
            \resumeItem{Designed a \textbf{collaborative learning ecosystem} for students and parents with Trello, Miro, and Google Suite}

但我在 overleaf 上遇到了一个大错误。我到底做错了什么?
