

我正在尝试寻找一种自动在脚注之间添加一些空格的方法。我现在\smallskip在每个脚注后添加一个。它解决了这个问题,但不太优雅。我正在使用 reledmac。请参阅下文,了解为什么提出的解决方案在我的示例中不起作用,并且我更新了 MWE。

\documentclass[foolscap, 11pt]{octavo}




%To have critical footnotes before familiar footnotes



\usepackage[style=verbose-trad3, doi=false,isbn=false,url=false,eprint=false]{biblatex}


This is normal text with a footnote of type A. \footnoteA{\textsc{Title 1} \ Please bring me up! \blindtext[1]} \blindtext[1] And this is critical text:\footnoteA{\textsc{Title 1} \ Please bring me up! \blindtext[1]}


This is a critical text with critical \edtext{\textit{footnotes}} { \Afootnote[nonum, nosep]{\blindtext[1] }}. And \edtext{\textit{again}}{ \Afootnote[nonum, nosep]{This is a footnote }} footnotes.
And this is again \footnoteA{\textsc{Title 1} \ Please bring me up! \blindtext[1]}  normal text.  \blindtext[2] 
This is normal text with a footnote of type A. \footnoteA{\textsc{Title 1} \ Please bring me up! \blindtext[1]} \blindtext[1] And this is critical text:\footnoteA{\textsc{Title 1} \ Please bring me up! \blindtext[1]}


This is a critical text with critical \edtext{\textit{footnotes}} { \Afootnote[nonum, nosep]{\blindtext[1] }}. And \edtext{\textit{again}}{ \Afootnote[nonum, nosep]{This is a footnote }} footnotes.
And this is again \footnoteA{\textsc{Title 1} \ Please bring me up! \blindtext[1]}  normal text.  \blindtext[2]




\usepackage[marginparwidth=40pt, headsep=20pt]{geometry}



This is normal text with a footnote\footnote{\textsc{Title 1} \ \blindtext[1]} and another footnote.\footnote{\textsc{Title 2} \ \blindtext[1]}


编辑(见评论):然而,reledmac 提供的特殊脚注不使用此数量。据我所知,处理该问题的唯一方法是使用包中定义的钩子\bhooknoteX(或\Xbhooknote关键的钩子)在每个注释前插入一些命令;您可以使用\vskip它来插入垂直空间。但是,由于这也会影响第一个注释,为了避免在页面上第一个注释之前有多余的空间,您可以将\afterruleX\Xafterrule)设置为负数以将其拉回到规则。

% xelatex

\usepackage[marginparwidth=40pt, headsep=20pt]{geometry}




This is normal text with a footnote of type A\footnoteA{\textsc{Title 1} \ \blindtext[1]} 
and another of type A\footnoteA{\textsc{Title 1} \ \blindtext[1]} 
and another  footnote but of type B.\footnoteB{\textsc{Title 2} \ \blindtext[1]}


