

我想用从 Numbers 导入的数据替换 3、0.35、0.35、17、2 和 2。有办法吗?Numbers 中的表格如下所示:

pone xone 总
3 0.35 0.35
10 1 1
17 2 2




             \begin{tabular}{|m{0.7\textwidth}|  % <-- use 'm', not 'p', col. type
                         w{c}{0.07 \textwidth}|  
                         w{c}{0.07 \textwidth}|  
                         w{c}{0.07 \textwidth}|                       
                                      \hline   \hline
            Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)$^\star$ & Question  & Points& Mark\\ \hline
\CLOone & 1& \pone /\TPone & \xone /\TMone \\ \hline                      
 \multicolumn{1}{|r|}{Total} & \multicolumn{3}{l|}{\total/\T } \\ \hline    \hline        
 \scriptsize{\underline{$^\star$ Linkages to Program Outcomes and Concentration Outcomes are provided in the Syllabus. } }  
 Marking scheme :
 \item Each question/part/subpart has an assigned $n$ point value, where
 \item a point is lost for each mistake,
 \item $n$ points are lost for $n$ number of mistakes or more.
 \item The final mark score equals the mark allocated for the question scaled by the points earned divided by the question point value.

\footnotesize{If you have mistakes please check the key answer to know your mistakes}\\
\footnotesize Instructor: \underline{\textbf{\normalfont\calligra Dr. Diana Dawoud}}

