




MWE 如下。


\par Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}.
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}.








\newcommand\circled[2][\fnrad]{\kern.5pt\scalerel*{\tikz{\useasboundingbox (-#1,-#1) rectangle (#1,#1);\node{#2};\draw circle[radius=#1];}}{X}\kern.5pt}



可以调整全局常量\fnrad(当前设置为.16)以在数字周围创建更多空间,而无需更改圆圈的大小。 值越大,空间越大。 如果脚注出现在标题等特殊位置,也可以使用可选参数调整该间距:

\large 1\circled{1}\circled[.18]{1}



  • 不会影响文本或脚注的行距。
  • 使用原始字体。
  • 适应字体变化和大小变化。


  • 正在使用 TiZ 有缺点吗?



\newcommand\circled[1]{\tikz[baseline]{\node[anchor=base,rounded corners=.375em,draw,inner sep=1pt] {#1};}}


缺点:用途TikZ(这是缺点吗?)。可能需要调整rounded corners不同的字体。2 位数字用椭圆表示。



一种方法是TikZ使用预定义的 Unicode 字形来表示带圆圈的数字: ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩。不过,字体支持各不相同,因此必须小心使用真正支持字形的字体。我在我的示例中使用了 Arial Unicode(由于使用了 ,因此fontspec也需要XeLaTeXLuaLaTeX。)


% Make sure your font supports circled numbers (U+24EA .. U+32BF)

\newcommand*{\myfootnote}[1]{% Redefine footnote symbols:
    \ifcase#1% 0
      \or ① \or ② \or ③ \or ④ \or ⑤%
      \or ⑥ \or ⑦ \or ⑧ \or ⑨ \or ⑩%
% Toying with Chinese circled numbers (Ideographs ≥ U+3280)
%     \or ㊀ \or ㊁ \or ㊂ \or ㊃ \or ㊄
%     \or ㊅ \or ㊆ \or ㊇ \or ㊈ \or ㊉
      \or ⑪ \or ⑫ \or ⑬ \or ⑭ \or ⑮%
      \or ⑯ \or ⑰ \or ⑱ \or ⑲ \or ⑳%
      \or ㉑ \or ㉒ \or ㉓ \or ㉔ \or ㉕%
% can be extended as needed for up to ㊿
    \else \@ctrerr%

% Redefine \footnote command:


Now we test the single-digit footnote numbers.\footnote{Test Nr.\,1}\par
Now we test the single-digit footnote numbers.\footnote{Test Nr.\,2}\par
Now we test the single-digit footnote numbers.\footnote{Test Nr.\,3}\par

\setcounter{footnote}{9}% Skip a few footnotes
\vspace{1em}% Add some vertical space

Now we test footnote numbers with two digits.\footnote{Test Nr.\,10}\par
Now we test footnote numbers with two digits.\footnote{Test Nr.\,11}\par
Now we test footnote numbers with two digits.\footnote{Test Nr.\,12}\par


虽然我在例子中使用了 ① .. ㉕,但任意符号也可以起作用。





\newcommand*{\myfootnote}[1]{% Redefine footnote symbols:
    \ifcase#1% 0
      \or ① \or ② \or ③ \or ④ \or ⑤%
      \or ⑥ \or ⑦ \or ⑧ \or ⑨ \or ⑩%
      \or ⑪ \or ⑫ \or ⑬ \or ⑭ \or ⑮%
      \or ⑯ \or ⑰ \or ⑱ \or ⑲ \or ⑳%
      \or ㉑ \or ㉒ \or ㉓ \or ㉔ \or ㉕%
    \else \@ctrerr%

% Redefine \footnote command:


你好,这是一个测试文档。\footnote{Test Nr.\,1}\par

Now we test the single-digit footnote numbers.\footnote{Test Nr.\,2}\par
\setcounter{footnote}{9}% Skip a few footnotes
\vspace{1em}% Add some vertical space

Now we test footnote numbers with two digits.\footnote{Test Nr.\,10}\par






1. 按pifont包装

  • 致谢:@Leo Liu (参见链接其中解决方案首先出现)
  • 推荐指数:★★★★
  • 优点: (1)用带圆圈的罗马数字或无衬线数字枚举脚注,外观漂亮,大小合适;(2)您可以将文件编译为、、、、LaTeX等格式。PDFLaTeXXeTeXXeLaTeXLuaLaTeX
  • 缺点:(1)数字字体不是计算机现代系列的,或者不能和你使用的字体相同;(2)数字不能大于10,否则显示效果会不一样。


\usepackage{pifont}%for circled numbers
%%%enumerate footnotes with circled numbers%%%%%%
%\renewcommand\thefootnote{\ding{\numexpr191+\value{footnote}}}%sans serif

\par Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 



  • 归功于:@M. Logic 和 @CarLaTeX (参见链接
  • 推荐指数:★★★★★
  • 优点:(1)用circled roman、bfseries、itshape、sffamily、ttfamily数字枚举脚注,外形美观,大小合适;(2)数字字体为计算机现代系列,也可以与TeX系统中收集的字体相同;(3)数字可以大于10,小于100。
  • 缺点:(1)只能使用该包LaTeX来编译文件;(2)对于不同的字体,需要调整相应的参数。PDFLaTeXmicrotype

重要的是使用合适的值缩放两位数的宽度,并减少两位数的间距在解决方案中。这可能是最好的选择之一,因为一页上的脚注数量不能超过 99。它的代码、从 0 到 99 的带圈数字以及测试输出如下。

\usepackage{graphics}%for \scalebox
\usepackage{etoolbox}%for \ifnumcomp
\usepackage{microtype}%for \textls
%%%define circled command%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    inner sep=0.05ex,
    text depth=0ex,
    minimum size=1ex
    % if > 9:
    \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]\node[circlednode] (char) {\textls[-70]{\scalebox{0.5}[1]{\bfseries#1}}};}{%
    % if <= 9: 
    \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]\node[circlednode] (char) {#1};}%
%%%footnote numbers setting%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%make footnote numbers be circled------------------

\par Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}.




  • 归功于:@M. Logic 和 @CarLaTeX (参见链接
  • 推荐指数:★★★★★
  • 优点:(1)用circled roman或bfseries或itshape或sffamily或ttfamily数字枚举脚注,外观漂亮,大小合适;(2)数字字体可以与计算机上安装的字体相同;(3)数字可以大于10小于100。
  • 缺点:(1)由于使用了软件包XeTeXXeLaTeX所以只能在 中编译文件;(2)必须设置软件包能识别的主字体;(3)对于不同的字体,需要调整相应的参数。LuaLaTeXfontspecfontspec

重要的是使用合适的值缩放两位数的宽度,并减少两位数的间距在解决方案中。这可能是最好的选择之一,因为一页上的脚注数量不能超过 99。它的代码、从 0 到 99 的带圈数字以及测试输出如下。

\usepackage{graphics}%for \scalebox
\usepackage{etoolbox}%for \ifnumcomp
\usepackage{fontspec}%for \addfontfeature
%%%define circled command%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    inner sep=0.05ex,
    text depth=0ex,
    minimum size=1ex
    % if > 9:
    \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]\node[circlednode] (char) {\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=-9.0}\scalebox{0.5}[1]{\bfseries#1}};}{%
    % if <= 9: 
    \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]\node[circlednode] (char) {#1};}%
%%%footnote numbers setting%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%make footnote numbers be circled------------------

\par Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}.


