这是我的 MWE:
\chapter{Guide Intro}
\section{General view}
\subsection{General view}
\chapter{Guide: Detailed content}
% symdivprob.tex SE 639496 (Symbol before divisions)
%%%% PW symbol stuff
\newcommand{\lsymdiv}{\llap \symdiv}
\renewcommand{\printchaptertitle}[1]{\llap\symdiv #1}
\chapter{Guide Intro}
% \lipsum[2]
Just a little bit of text. Just a little bit of text.
Just a little bit of text. Just a little bit of text.
Just a little bit of text. Just a little bit of text.
\subsection{General view}
Just a little bit more of text. Just a little bit more of text.
Just a little bit more of text. Just a little bit more of text.
Just a little bit more of text. Just a little bit more of text.