


  • 标题
  • 图像
  • 问题
  • 解决方案
  • ETC..

我想为每个练习创建一个单独的文件,然后从我的主文档中多次引用这些特定部分。我希望能够在每个项目中放入方程式、图像、tikz 等。






作为变体我的答案使用 Latex 代码块作为库 - 用于在多种表示中重复使用 Latex 元素(例如图形)我可以提供一个界面,其中具有可指定部分的文件具有模式

\filesection{⟨name of section⟩}
\filesection{⟨name of section⟩}
\filesection{⟨name of section⟩}


\inputfilesection{⟨name of file⟩}{⟨name of section⟩}

⟨代码⟩仅当 -command\inputfilesection\filesection-comand 具有相同的⟨部分名称⟩-争论。

在这种情况下⟨代码⟩将在 verbatim-catcode-régime 下读取。然后将结果传递到\scantokens重新标记和正常处理。

多个\filesections 可以有相同的⟨部分名称⟩. 在这种情况下,文件中出现的所有相关名称的文件部分均由 提供\inputfilesection



% An example file with \filesection-commands:
\filesection{First Section}
Some text in First Section Of FileWithSections.tex.
Some verbatim material in 
First Section Of FileWithSections.tex.
\filesection{Second Section}
Some text in Second Section Of FileWithSections.tex.
Some verbatim material in 
Second Section Of FileWithSections.tex.
\filesection{Third Section}
Some text in Third Section Of FileWithSections.tex.
Some verbatim material in 
Third Section Of FileWithSections.tex.


%///// start of code that could go into a package / .sty-file//////////////////
  \catcode`\{=1 %
  \catcode`\}=2 %
% Begin of code for removing one leading and one trailing explicit
% <carriage-return>-character-token of catcode 12(other) from _verbatimized_ 
% argument
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
  %% Check whether_verbatimized_ argument has a leading explicit 
  %% <carriage-return>-character-token of catcode 12(other):
  %% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingCarriageReturn{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
  %%                                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case
  %%                                       <argument which is to be checked>'s
  %%                                       1st token is an explicit <carriage-
  %%                                       return>-character-token of 
  %%                                       catcode 12(other)>}%
  %%                                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case
  %%                                       <argument which is to be checked>'s
  %%                                       1st token is not an explicit
  %%                                       <carriage-return>-character-token of 
  %%                                       catcode 12(other)>}%
  %% Check whether_verbatimized_ argument having a leading explicit <carriage-
  %% return>-character-token of catcode 12(other) consists only of such tokens:
  %% \UD@CheckWhetherOnlyCarriageReturn{<Argument which is to be checked and 
  %%                                    which is known to have a leading explicit
  %%                                    <carriage-return>-character-token of
  %%                                    catcode 12(other)>}%
  %%                                   {<Tokens to be delivered in case <argument
  %%                                    which is to be checked> consists only
  %%                                    of explicit <carriage-return>-character-
  %%                                    tokens of catcode 12(other)>}%
  %%                                   {<Tokens to be delivered in case <argument
  %%                                    which is to be checked> does not consist
  %%                                    only of explicit <carriage-return>-
  %%                                    character-tokens of catcode 12(other)>}%
  %% Remove one leading explicit <carriage-return>-character-token of 
  %% catcode 12(other) from _verbatimized_ argument:
  %% Check whether_verbatimized_ argument has a trailing explicit 
  %% <carriage-return>-character-token of catcode 12(other):
  %% \UD@CheckWhetherTrailingCarriageReturn{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
  %%                                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case
  %%                                       <argument which is to be checked>'s
  %%                                       last token is an explicit <carriage-
  %%                                       return>-character-token of 
  %%                                       catcode 12(other)>}%
  %%                                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case
  %%                                       <argument which is to be checked>'s
  %%                                       last token is not an explicit
  %%                                       <carriage-return>-character-token of 
  %%                                       catcode 12(other)>}%
  %% Remove one trailing explicit <carriage-return>-character-token of 
  %% catcode 12(other) from _verbatimized_ argument:
  %% Remove one leading and one trailing explicit <carriage-return>-character-
  %% token of catcode 12(other) from _verbatimized_ argument if present.
  %% In the edge case of the _verbatimized_ argument consisting only of explicit
  %% <carriage-return>-character-tokens of catcode 12(other) remove only one of 
  %% them.
  %% Due to \romannumeral-expansion the result is delivered in 2 expansion-steps:
% End of code for removing one leading and one trailing explicit
% <carriage-return>-character-token of catcode 12(other) from _verbatimized_ 
% argument
%///// end of code that could go into a package / .sty-file////////////////////


\inputfilesection{FileWithSections.tex}{First Section}


\inputfilesection{FileWithSections.tex}{Second Section}


\inputfilesection{FileWithSections.tex}{Third Section}


\inputfilesection{FileWithSections.tex}{First Section}


\inputfilesection{FileWithSections.tex}{Second Section}


\inputfilesection{FileWithSections.tex}{Third Section}


