\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}{\textbullet}
\frametitle{What do we want to compute?}
bigcircle/.style={ % style for the circles
text width=2.8cm, %1.6cm % diameter
align=center, % center align
line width=2mm, % thickness of border
draw, % draw the border
circle, % shape
font=\sffamily%\footnotesize % font of the year
desc/.style 2 args={ % style for the list nodes
text width=3.2cm, % means the node will be kind of like a 4cm wide minipage, and if the
font=\sffamily\small\RaggedRight, % set the font in the list
label={[#1,yshift=-1.5ex,font=\sffamily]above:#2} % add the title as a label
desc/.style 2 args={ % style for the list nodes
text width=3.2cm, % means the node will be kind of like a 4cm wide minipage, and if the
font=\sffamily\small\RaggedRight, % set the font in the list
label={[#1,yshift=-1.5ex,font=\sffamily]above:#2} % add the title as a label
node distance=10mm and 3mm % vertical and horizontal separation of nodes, when positioned with e.g. above=of othernode
\node [desc={olive}{Poisson problem}] (list1) {
\node [bigcircle,olive, below=0.1cm of list1] (circ1) {
\small \textcolor{black}{
-\Delta u = f,\quad&\text{in}\;\Omega,\\
您的 MWE 上下文未知。您只在此示例中使用此圆圈,还是其样式定义应该更加灵活,即:每次使用时都可以局部调整其大小?
bigcircle/.style args = {#1/#2/#3}{% circle style
circle, % shape
text width=#1, % for locally determined diameter
draw=#2, % draw the border
line width=2mm, % thickness of border
align=center, % for center align of text
font=#3 % used font
\node [bigcircle=2.4cm/olive/\small,
below=0.1cm of list1
] (circ1)
-\Delta u = f,\quad &\text{in}\;\Omega,\\
+\text{b.c.},\quad &\text{on}\;\Gamma.