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    \title{\textbf{Chapter One: Asors}}

%   \newpage
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%   \newpage
    %[M for M: Rew]

    \chapter[AM forew]{ture Review}

    \section[AM tions]{Additive acturing}

    Addressed in this chapter is the definition and motivations of employing a process for fabrication different materials, dfgdt methods of 3D printing are provided with the focus on the FDM method. Also, composite material is dfhsfgsnually results in removing the erroneous output values.
    sfand for their continuous support of this study. The reseasdfs under, M-ERA.NET 2 Csgdfgs2019".






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    \title{\textbf{Chapter One: Asors}}

%   \newpage
%   \newpage
%   \newpage
    %[M for M: Rew]

    \chapter[AM forew]{ture Review}

    \section[AM tions]{Additive acturing}

    Addressed in this chapter is the definition and motivations of employing a process for fabrication different materials, dfgdt methods of 3D printing are provided with the focus on the FDM method. Also, composite material is dfhsfgsnually results in removing the erroneous output values.
    \newpage %<--------------- ADDED
    sfand for their continuous support of this study. The reseasdfs under, M-ERA.NET 2 Csgdfgs2019".



我使用基本的 LaTeX 编码减少了\sectionMWE 中最后一个空格后面的空间。查找\renewcommand{\section}{\@startsection

% secspaceprob.tex  SE 641420
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\usepackage[numbers,sort&compress]{natbib} % sort and compress citations

\rhead{Chpter One}

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    \title{\textbf{Chapter One: Asors}}
%   \newpage
%   \newpage
%   \newpage
    %[M for M: Rew]

    \chapter[AM forew]{ture Review}

    \section[AM tions]{Additive acturing}

    Addressed in this chapter is the definition and motivations of employing a process for fabrication different materials, dfgdt methods of 3D printing are provided with the focus on the FDM method. Also, composite material is dfhsfgsnually results in removing the erroneous output values.
%%%% change section formatting
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      {\normalfont\Large\bfseries}} % the font as normal
    sfand for their continuous support of this study. The reseasdfs under, M-ERA.NET 2 Csgdfgs2019".



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