我想在 LaTeX、overleaf 中制作类似的表格(见下图)。我阅读了在 overleaf 中创建表格的文档,但它似乎无法制作相同的表格...有什么想法我该怎么做吗?
\definecolor{lavender}{rgb}{0.9, 0.9, 0.98}
\DeclareSIUnit\angstrom{\text {Å}}
\usepackage[style=numeric, sorting=none]{biblatex}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\usepackage{graphicx} %package to manage images
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\graphicspath{ {./figs/} }
\caption{Parameters for protein solvation calculations using APBSmem}
Parameter & Value \\
Calculation type & Protein solvation \\
Grid Dimensions & $\qtyproduct{289 x 289 x 257}{\angstrom}$ \\
Coarse Grid Lengths & $\qtyproduct{202.889 x 202.915 x 185.759}{\angstrom}$ \\
Fine Grid Lengths & $\qtyproduct{139.347 x 139.362 x 129.27}{\angstrom}$ \\
Counter-Ions & 1.0, 0.154, 1.65 \\
& -1.0, 0.154, 1.67 \\
Protein Dielectric & 2.0 \\
Solvent Dielectric & 80.0 \\
Membrane Dielectric & 8.0 \\
Headgroup Dielectric & 80.0 \\
Boundary Conditions & Focus \\
Solvent probe radius (srad) & 1.4 \\
Surface sphere density (sdens) & 10 \\
Temperature & 298.15 \\
Z-position of membrane bottom & -23.9 \\
Membrane thickness & 47.8 \\
Headgroup thickness & -- \\
Upper exclusion radius & 0 \\
Lower exclusion radius & 0 \\
下面是生成的表格,我想做些改变:1)将表 1 的标题设为粗体,但使用 \textbf 并不是一件容易的事情,因为它会使标题加倍……
在左侧添加一条相同粗细的线(如图 1 所示)
这是我尝试使用tabularray 包,我推荐用于任何复杂的表格。
由于它是 longtblr,因此它应该可以很好地跨越多个页面(而不会与页脚重叠)。它甚至会重复标题行。请参阅包装文档了解更多信息。
(我删除了所有与问题无关的内容。但是,请注意,您在当前文档中加载了两次 xcolor。不要这样做。)
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}% sans serif font
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% increase table counter for caption inside row; add label
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@{\kern0pt}% small whitespace after that line
Q[l,colsep=0pt,rightsep=4em]% first column, left aligned,
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hline{Z} = {1}{1}{leftpos=-0.2}% small gap on left
% the first cell is the caption cell, spans two olumns
\SetCell[c=2]{c}\textbf{Table \thetable.} Parameters for protein solvation calculations using APBSmem. & \\
& \\ % empty row
Parameter & Value \\ % header row
Calculation type & Protein solvation \\
Grid Dimensions & 289 $\times$ 289 $\times$ 257 \\
Coarse Grid Lengths & 202.889 $\times$ 202.915 $\times$ 185.759 \\
Fine Grid Lengths & 139.347 $\times$ 139.362 $\times$ 129.27 \\
Counter-Ions & 1.0, 0.154, 1.65 \\
& $-$1.0, 0.154, 1.67 \\
Protein Dielectric & 2.0 \\
Solvent Dielectric & 80.0 \\
Membrane Dielectric & 8.0 \\
Headgroup Dielectric & 80.0 \\
Boundary Conditions & Focus \\
Solvent probe radius (srad) & 1.4 \\
Surface sphere density (sdens) & 10 \\
Temperature & 298.15 \\
Z-position of membrane bottom & $-$23.9 \\
Membrane thickness & 47.8 \\
Headgroup thickness & -- \\
Upper exclusion radius & 0 \\
Lower exclusion radius & 0
% undo extra increase to table counter
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}% sans serif font
% increase table counter for caption inside row; add label
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@{\kern0pt}% small whitespace after that line
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% has some extra space and text in it is bold
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% a little extra vertical space
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% use, e.g., black!40!white for gray
hline{2} = {2pt}, % 2 point horizontal line above row 2
hline{2} = {1}{1}{leftpos=-0.2}, % a little gap on the left of that line
hline{3} = {1pt}, % thinner line above row 3
hline{3} = {1}{1}{leftpos=-0.2}, % also has a small gap on left
hline{4} = {0.7pt},% even thinner line above row 4
hline{4} = {1}{1}{leftpos=-0.2},% also has a small gap on left
hline{Z} = {1.5pt},% medium line at bottom of table
hline{Z} = {1}{1}{leftpos=-0.2}% small gap on left
% the first cell is the caption cell, spans two olumns
\SetCell[c=2]{c}\textbf{Table \thetable.} Parameters for protein solvation calculations using APBSmem. & \\
& \\ % empty row
Parameter & Value \\ % header row
Calculation type & Protein solvation \\
Grid Dimensions & 289 $\times$ 289 $\times$ 257 \\
Coarse Grid Lengths & 202.889 $\times$ 202.915 $\times$ 185.759 \\
Fine Grid Lengths & 139.347 $\times$ 139.362 $\times$ 129.27 \\
Counter-Ions & 1.0, 0.154, 1.65 \\
& $-$1.0, 0.154, 1.67 \\
Protein Dielectric & 2.0 \\
Solvent Dielectric & 80.0 \\
Membrane Dielectric & 8.0 \\
Headgroup Dielectric & 80.0 \\
Boundary Conditions & Focus \\
Solvent probe radius (srad) & 1.4 \\
Surface sphere density (sdens) & 10 \\
Temperature & 298.15 \\
Z-position of membrane bottom & $-$23.9 \\
Membrane thickness & 47.8 \\
Headgroup thickness & -- \\
Upper exclusion radius & 0 \\
Lower exclusion radius & 0