




\usepackage[labelfont=bf, labelsep=newline, justification=centering, textfont=it]{caption}
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, siunitx}
\usepackage{amsmath,ragged2e} % <-- new


\sisetup{group-separator={,}, table-format=1.3, table-space-text-post=***, 
table-number-alignment =center}
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro




\caption{Descriptions of variables\label{A1}}
Health&Test of a really long description which should itself span many rows, in fact occupying much space, hopefully, causing it to span a couple of normal rows. Test of a really long description which should itself span many rows, in fact occupying much space, hopefully, causing it to span a couple of normal rows&\mc{0.8049}&\mc{0.3928}\\
Age&Test of a really long description which should itself span many rows, in fact occupying much space, hopefully, causing it to span a couple of normal rows&\mc{49.16}&\mc{15.82}\\




\usepackage[labelfont=bf, labelsep=newline, justification=centering, textfont=it]{caption}
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, siunitx}
\usepackage{amsmath,ragged2e} % <-- new


\sisetup{group-separator={,}, table-format=1.3, table-space-text-post=***, 
table-number-alignment =center}
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro




\caption{Descriptions of variables\label{A1}}
\multicolumn{1}{@{}l}{Variables}&\mc{Description}&\mc{Mean}&\mc{SD}\\ % @{} here
Health&Test of a really long description which should itself span many rows, in fact occupying much space, hopefully, causing it to span a couple of normal rows. Test of a really long description which should itself span many rows, in fact occupying much space, hopefully, causing it to span a couple of normal rows&\mc{0.8049}&\mc{0.3928}\\
Age&Test of a really long description which should itself span many rows, in fact occupying much space, hopefully, causing it to span a couple of normal rows&\mc{49.16}&\mc{15.82}\\

