Cs_show 未触发

Cs_show 未触发

我是 Latex3 的初学者。测试 MWE 是:

\usepackage{xparse} % loads expl3
\cs_set:Npn \my_mod:nn #1#2 {
  % store #1//#2 in \l_tmpa_int
  \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int { \int_div_truncate:nn {#1}{#2} }
  % compute (#1)-\l_tmpa_int*(#2)
  % make sure to surround operands with parentheses
  % so that when #1 is an expression (e.g. 3-2)
  % the order of arithmetic will not change
  \int_eval:n { (#1) - \l_tmpa_int * (#2) }
% define LaTeX interface
  \my_mod:nn {#1} {#2}


接下来我尝试看看\my_mod函数内部有什么,这样我就能更好地理解Latex3。 我写:

\usepackage{xparse} % loads expl3
\cs_set:Npn \my_mod:nn #1#2 {
    % store #1//#2 in \l_tmpa_int
    \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int { \int_div_truncate:nn {#1}{#2} }
    % compute (#1)-\l_tmpa_int*(#2)
    % make sure to surround operands with parentheses
    % so that when #1 is an expression (e.g. 3-2)
    % the order of arithmetic will not change
    \int_eval:n { (#1) - \l_tmpa_int * (#2) }

    \cs_show:c \my_mod
% define LaTeX interface
    \my_mod:nn {#1} {#2}





此时 TexStudio 编译失败,结果未定义控制序列。\showw{3}{7}错误。我必须提到,当我\cs_show:c用 更改函数时,出现了同样的错误\cs_show:N




还要注意,就 TeX 而言,\my_mod:nn和没有任何关系。你定义了前者,但没有定义后者,显示它会产生“未定义”的结果。\my_mod



\cs_set:Npn \my_mod:nn #1#2 {
    % store #1//#2 in \l_tmpa_int
    \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int { \int_div_truncate:nn {#1}{#2} }
    % compute (#1)-\l_tmpa_int*(#2)
    % make sure to surround operands with parentheses
    % so that when #1 is an expression (e.g. 3-2)
    % the order of arithmetic will not change
    \int_eval:n { (#1) - \l_tmpa_int * (#2) }

    \my_mod:nn {#1} {#2}







\hbox是为了避免\everyparTeX 尝试排版结果时产生虚假效果。您将看到 63 个步骤,其中我只展示了几个。

======== Welcome to the unravel package ========
    "<|" denotes the output to TeX's stomach.
    "||" denotes tokens waiting to be used.
    "|>" denotes tokens that we will act on.
    Press <enter> to continue; 'h' <enter> for help.

|> \mymod {5}{3}

[===== Step 1 =====] \mymod = \long macro:#1#2->\my_mod:nn {#1}{#2}
|> \my_mod:nn {5}{3}

[===== Step 2 =====] \my_mod:nn = \long macro:#1#2->\int_set:Nn \l_t...
|> \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int {\int_div_truncate:nn {5}{3}}\int_eval:n
|> {(5)-\l_tmpa_int *(3)}

[===== Step 3 =====] \int_set:Nn = \protected\long macro:#1#2->#1=\_...
|> \l_tmpa_int =\__int_eval:w \int_div_truncate:nn {5}{3}\__int_eval_end:
|> \int_eval:n {(5)-\l_tmpa_int *(3)}

[...steps omitted...]

[===== Step 63 =====] )
|| \tex_the:D 
|| \__int_eval:w (5)-1*(3)
|> \__int_eval_end: 

[===== Step 64 =====] \tex_the:D =>2
|> 2

[===== Step 65 =====] 2
<| 2

[===== End =====]


\cs_new:Npn \my_mod:nn #1 #2
  \int_eval:n { (#1) - \int_div_truncate:nn {#1}{#2} * (#2) }
