



我的尝试如下(我使用给定的代码作为模板这里): 不是很理想我知道可以从两个方面进行改进:

  1. 这个领域相当即兴,试图达到类似的目标
  2. 我还想在平面上绘制场的图形,F(x,y)=(P(x,y),Q(x,y))就像

\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={f(\x,\y)=\x*\y-3*tan(\x+\y);}]
\def\xmax{3} \def\xmin{-3}
\def\ymax{3} \def\ymin{-3}
\def\nx{15}  \def\ny{15}

\foreach \i in {0,...,\nx}
\foreach \j in {0,...,\ny}{
\draw[gray,-stealth,shift={({\xmin+\i*\hx},{\ymin+\j*\hy})}] (0,0)--(.1,.1*\yprime);

%\draw[->] (\xmin-.5,0)--(\xmax+.5,0) node[below right] {$x$};
%\draw[->] (0,\ymin-.5)--(0,\ymax+.5) node[above left] {$y$};

\draw[red,line width = 1 pt]
    (-2,2) .. controls + (-1,0) and +(-0.5,0) ..
    (-1,-1) .. controls + (1,0) and + (-0.2,0) ..
    (1,-2) .. controls + (0.2,0) and + (2,0) ..
    (2,1) .. controls + (-2,0) and + (1,0) ..
    (-2,2) -- cycle;


输出: 在此处输入图片描述



下面是一个用 MetaPost 完成的示例(这是我学到的),但它可以轻松地转换为 tikz/asymptote/pstricks。(和\startMPpage只是\stopMPpage为了让我能够直接在文件上运行上下文,而不是图形的一部分。)

s:=1.5cm ;

% This defines the vector field
vardef u(expr x,y) = (x*x*x*x-6*x*x*y*y+y*y*y*y) enddef ;
vardef v(expr x,y) = (4*x*x*x*y-4*x*y*y*y) enddef ;

% Vector plot of the vector field
% Note that the base points of the arrows are not at the foot but at the "stomach".
path tmparr ;
for x = -4 step 0.25 until 4 :
    for y = -4 step 0.25 until 4 :
        if ((x,y) = (0,0)):
            tmparr := (origin -- unitvector (u(x,y), v(x,y))) scaled 0.2s ;
            tmparr := tmparr shifted - center tmparr ;
            drawarrow  tmparr shifted ((x,y) scaled s) withcolor 0.8white;
    endfor ;
endfor ;

% The red path
path p ; p = ((1,-2.5){up}..{dir 120}(3,2)..{dir -80}(-2,1)..(-2,-2)..cycle) scaled s ;
draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1 withcolor darkred ;

% The arrows along the path
numeric N ; N := 30 ;
pair tmpxy ;

for l = 1 upto N:
    tmpxy := point l/N along p ;
    tmparr := (origin -- unitvector (u(xpart tmpxy,ypart tmpxy), v(xpart tmpxy,ypart tmpxy))) scaled 0.3s ;
    tmparr := tmparr shifted - center tmparr ;
    fill (fullcircle scaled 0.3s) shifted tmpxy withcolor 0.9[darkblue,white];
    draw (fullcircle scaled 0.3s) shifted tmpxy withpen pencircle scaled 0.25 withcolor 0.3[darkblue,white] ;
    drawarrow tmparr shifted tmpxy withcolor darkblue ;
endfor ;

% Labeling the point
dotlabel.bot("$p$", origin) withpen pencircle scaled 3 ;





经过一些修改,以下版本可用于Troy 的精美 MetaPost 预览页面(我需要做一些小的修改,所以不完全相同):

s:=1.5cm ;

% This defines the vector field
vardef u(expr x,y) = (x*x*x*x-6*x*x*y*y+y*y*y*y) enddef ;
vardef v(expr x,y) = (4*x*x*x*y-4*x*y*y*y) enddef ;

% Vector plot of the vector field
% Note that the base points of the arrows are not at the foot but at the "stomach".
path tmparr ;
for x = -4 step 0.25 until 4 :
    for y = -4 step 0.25 until 4 :
        if ((x,y) = (0,0)):
            tmparr := (origin -- unitvector (u(x,y), v(x,y))) scaled 0.2s ;
            tmparr := tmparr shifted - center tmparr ;
            drawarrow  tmparr shifted ((x,y) scaled s) withcolor 0.8white;
    endfor ;
endfor ;

% The red path
path p ; p = ((1,-2.5){up}..{dir 120}(3,2)..{dir -80}(-2,1)..(-2,-2)..cycle) scaled s ;
draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1 withcolor red ;

% The arrows along the path
numeric N ; N := 30 ;
numeric pL ; pL := arclength(p) ;
pair tmpxy ;

for l = 1 upto N:
    tmpxy := point (arctime (l/N)*pL of p) of p ;
    tmparr := (origin -- unitvector (u(xpart tmpxy,ypart tmpxy), v(xpart tmpxy,ypart tmpxy))) scaled 0.3s ;
    tmparr := tmparr shifted - center tmparr ;
    fill (fullcircle scaled 0.3s) shifted tmpxy withcolor 0.9[blue,white];
    draw (fullcircle scaled 0.3s) shifted tmpxy withpen pencircle scaled 0.25 withcolor 0.3[blue,white] ;
    drawarrow tmparr shifted tmpxy withcolor blue ;
endfor ;




要向原始(红色)路径添加箭头,请使用decorations.markings库。我定义了一个myarrow采用位置参数的样式,因此添加myarrow=.8\draw选项中将沿曲线绘制 80% 的箭头。如果要添加多个箭头,则必须按顺序添加它们。例如,\draw[red, line width = 1 pt, myarrow=.32, myarrow=.8]将添加两个箭头,一个在位置.32,另一个在位置,.8如图所示。(不要切换顺序 - 它不起作用。)




\tikzset{perp/.pic={\path(0,0); \pgfgetlastxy{\xx}{\yy}\pgfmathsetmacro{\xxx}{\xx}\pgfmathsetmacro{\yyy}{\yy}
    myarrow/.style={decoration={markings, mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{>}}}, postaction={decorate}},


\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={f(\x,\y)=\x*\y-3*tan(\x+\y);}]
\def\xmax{3} \def\xmin{-3}
\def\ymax{3} \def\ymin{-3}
\def\nx{15}  \def\ny{15}

\foreach \i in {0,...,\nx}
\foreach \j in {0,...,\ny}{
\draw[gray,-stealth,shift={({\xmin+\i*\hx},{\ymin+\j*\hy})}] (0,0)--(.1,.1*\yprime);

%\draw[->] (\xmin-.5,0)--(\xmax+.5,0) node[below right] {$x$};
%\draw[->] (0,\ymin-.5)--(0,\ymax+.5) node[above left] {$y$};

\draw[red, line width = 1 pt, myarrow=.32, myarrow=.8]
    (-2,2) .. controls + (-1,0) and +(-0.5,0) ..
    (-1,-1)foreach \t in {0, 0.2, ..., .8} {pic [pos=\t] {perp} } .. controls + (1,0) and + (-0.2,0) ..
    (1,-2)foreach \t in {0, 0.2, ..., .8} {pic [pos=\t] {perp} } .. controls + (0.2,0) and + (2,0) ..
    (2,1)foreach \t in {0, 0.2, ..., .8} {pic [pos=\t] {perp} } .. controls + (-2,0) and + (1,0) ..
    (-2,2)foreach \t in {0, 0.2, ..., .8} {pic [pos=\t] {perp} };
