



\usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry} % for PAPER & MARGIN
\usepackage[many]{tcolorbox}        % for COLORED BOXES (tikz and xcolor included)
\usepackage{mathspec}               % for FONTS
\usepackage{setspace}               % for LINE SPACING
\usepackage{multicol}               % for MULTICOLUMNS

\setmainfont{Noto Sans}[
    Kerning = On,
    Mapping = tex-text,
    Numbers = Uppercase, 
    BoldFont = Noto Sans SemiBold
]                           % setting the font as Noto Sans
\setlength\parindent{0pt}   % killing indentation for all the text
\setstretch{1.3}            % setting line spacing to 1.3
\setlength\columnsep{0.25in} % setting length of column separator
\pagestyle{empty}           % setting pagestyle to be empty

\definecolor{main}{HTML}{5989cf}    % setting main color to be used
\definecolor{sub}{HTML}{cde4ff}     % setting sub color to be used

    sharp corners,
    colback = white,
    before skip = 0.2cm,    % add extra space before the box
    after skip = 0.5cm      % add extra space after the box
}                           % setting global options for tcolorbox

% You can copy any following box you like to your code.

    fontupper = \bf,
    boxrule = 1.5pt,
    colframe = black % frame color

{\LARGE Simple Box} % inspired by https://saruwakakun.com/html-css/reference/box
It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.
It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.

It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.





我有几个解决方案,但它们都不是“理想的”,而且每个都有缺点。首先,让我给出一个我将运行解决方案的示例(复制解决方案,然后将其粘贴到 后面的行中% Put solution in here !):

%\usepackage{multicol}               % for MULTICOLUMNS


    sharp corners,
    colback = white,
    before skip = 0.2cm,    
    after skip = 0.5cm      
}                           % setting global options for tcolorbox

    fontupper = \bf,
    boxrule = 1.5pt,
    colframe = black % frame color

{\LARGE Simple Box}

It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.

It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.


% Put solution in here !



解决方案 1:




{\LARGE Simple Box}

It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.

It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.


% Put solution in here

It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.




Package multicol Warning: May not work with the twocolumn option on input line 141.



解决方案 2:


It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.




解决方案 3:


It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.



解决方案 4:


It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.

缺点:无法控制框的最终位置。在此示例中,框最终位于第 2 页的中心。如果我们\lipsum在框后添加另一个框,框最终位于第 2 页的顶部(与解决方案 2 相同)。如果框的位置不是那么重要,我建议使用此方法。

解决方案 5:


It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.




确实如此不是帮助改善multicol环境里面就像在 MWE 中所做的那样。这只会更改文本之内框而不是框本身所在的环境。最好交换\begin{box}和的位置\begin{multicol}{1}。这会起作用吗?不,不幸的是没有。这是因为它已经在 MWE 中的双列环境 (multicol 2) 内了。

