如何定义嵌套缩进“上下文”的 LaTeX 简写

如何定义嵌套缩进“上下文”的 LaTeX 简写

我正在寻找一种方便的方式来编写可嵌套的“上下文”,其范围通过缩进显示。每个上下文由一系列“语句”(即行)和/或(深 1 级)“子”上下文组成。


我们将其称为上下文 0。
  我们将其称为上下文 1。
  好的,回到上下文 1。
    。但上下文级别每次最多可以改变 1。

正如我所想,上述内容的 LaTeX 源代码看起来应该是这样的:

This statement is in the "outermost" context. \\
Let's call this context 0.
This statement is in the next context. \\
Let's call it context 1. \\
Statements are expected to be short.
Behold: an even deeper context.
OK, back to context 1. \\
The number of statements in each context is arbitrary.
So is the number of subcontexts in a context. \\
But context level can change by at most 1 at a time.
OK, let's finish this example...
We're almost done. \\




编辑:请参见这篇 math.stackexchange.com 帖子,尤其是其例子部分,以说明我所想到的应用程序。(事实证明,该帖子包含一些 MathJax 的自定义扩展,作者使用它来编码其显示,但当我在常规 LaTeX 文件中使用它时,该代码对我不起作用。)



\usepackage{showframe} % just to show the text box


    \leftmargin=\ifnum\value{contextdepth}=1 0pt\else\contextindent\fi
    \topsep=0pt \partopsep=0pt \parsep=0pt


This statement is in the "outermost" context. \\
Let's call this context 0.
This statement is in the next context. \\
Let's call it context 1. \\
Statements are expected to be short.
Behold: an even deeper context.
OK, back to context 1. \\
The number of statements in each context is arbitrary.
So is the number of subcontexts in a context. \\
But context level can change by at most 1 at a time.
OK, let's finish this example...
We're almost done. \\


设置\contextindent为您喜欢的值。我添加了计数器,以便区分我们处于“级别 0”的情况,这样就不会有左边距。




\newdimen\icontext \icontext=15pt

\def\context{\par \bgroup\advance\leftskip by\icontext
             \rightskip=0pt plus 1fil\relax \obeylines
             \everypar{\hangindent=2\icontext \hangafter=1 }}

\hsize=10cm % for testing long lines

This statement is in the "outermost" context.\\
Let's call this context 0.
   This statement is in the next context.
   Let's call it context 1.
   Statements are expected to be short.
      Behold: an even deeper context.
   OK, back to context 1.
   The number of statements in each context is arbitrary.
      So is the number of subcontexts in a context.
      But context level can change by at most 1 at a time. This line is very long long lon
   OK, let's finish this example...
We're almost done.\\


     This statement is in the "outermost" context.  
     Let's call this context 0.
        This statement is in the next context.
        Let's call it context 1.
        Statements are expected to be short. 
             Behold: an even deeper context. 
        OK, back to context 1. 
        The number of statements in each context is arbitrary.
            So is the number of subcontexts in a context. 
            But context level can change by at most 1 at a time.  
        OK, let's finish this example...
 We're almost done. 

或者 ...

\begin{itemize} \parskip0pt
\item[]  This statement is in the "outermost" context. 
\item[]  Let's call this context 0.
    \item[]  This statement is in the next context.
    \item[]  Let's call it context 1.
    \item[]  Statements are expected to be short. 
        \item[]  Behold: an even deeper context.
    \item[] OK, back to context 1.   
    \item[] The number of statements in each context is arbitrary.
        \item[] So is the number of subcontexts in a context. 
        \item[] But context level can change by at most 1 at a time.  
        \item[] OK, let's finish this example...
\item[]  We're almost done. \par  There!

您可以在此处使用空白行 (par) 来分隔项目的段落,而不是在同一个上下文中使用多个项目如果您想要一个数字上下文,只需将每个{itemze}by {enumerate} 和\item[]by进行简单的更改\item

请注意,标准itemizeenumerate环境可以嵌套仅具有 4 个级别,但您可以将一种类型嵌套在另一种类型上,以具有超过四个级别。


\ex. This statement is in the "outermost" context. \\ 
     Let's call this context 0.
    \a. This statement is in the next context.\\  
        Let's call it context 1. \\ 
        Statements are expected to be short. 
        \a.Behold: an even deeper context. \z. 
    \b. OK, back to context 1. \\
        The number of statements in each context is arbitrary.
        \a. So is the number of subcontexts in a context. \\
            But context level can change by at most 1 at a time.  \z.
        OK, let's finish this example...
\ex. We're almost done. \\ There!

请注意,linguex 列表的级别数量是有限的,并且空行 ( \par) 在这里也有特殊含义(结束级别或停止列表),因此您必须使用\\来中断列表中的项目。除了简单但奇怪的语法之外,另一个区别是,默认情况下,返回主文本后不会重置第一级计数器,因此您可以继续使用相同的列表,只需再次开始\ex.
