biblatex 的参考书目问题

biblatex 的参考书目问题

我是 Latex 初学者,目前正在尝试配置我的参考书目。有几个问题:

  • 它排序为 nty 但我已经指定了 nyt
  • 作者姓名排序错误:应该是家庭,因为
  • 其他作者仅打印姓名首字母
  • 对于互联网资源,不显示访问日期

附件是我当前的书目呈现方式的图片: 当前书目


这是一个 mwe:


\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}    %style 
\usepackage[english]{babel}     %language

%%BIBLIOGRAPHY with BibLaTex & Citavi 
\usepackage[    autocite=superscript,
    firstinits=true, %Make given names as initials

\begin{document}  %Startet Doc - NICHT LÖSCHEN!  
\let\cite\autocite    %CITATION: Set cite = autocite

ESA's exploration programs sponsors projects to explore the Lunar environment with one focus on future Human habitation. 
These lava tubes are of special interest as shelter for long-term Human settlements, a concept that has gained traction in the recent renewed efforts of putting Humans on the Moon\cites{ESA.Scouting, Tombrowski.2018, Ximenes.2012}. 
As part of ESA's SysNova\cite{SysNova} initiative, the Skylight \cites{Skylight.2020, Skylight.2021} concept study in 2020 laid the foundation for the CoRob-X autonomous robotic exploration of Lunar lava tubes through skylights\cites{Corobx.2021, ESA.plans}. 
It explores the solutions to access and exploration of a Lunar skylight with micro-rovers on a tether system. 
The lowered rover is attached to a docking and recharging station, which holds the attachment to the tether system. The rover undocks and explores the cave, returns and then sends its data via the docking station\cite{Skylight.2020}. 
\\Under the CoRob-X mission the existing systems SherpaTT and Coyote III will be enhanced and matured for this mission. 
These Robotic Exploratio Units (REUs) will eventually be tasked with the underground exploration of Lunar skylights\citep{Corobx.2021}. 



以下是相应的 .bib 文件:

 author = {CoRob-X},
 year = {26/10/2021},
 title = {COROB-X: Cooperative Robots for Extreme Environments},
 url = {},
 urldate = {26/10/2021}

 author = {{DFKI GmbH}},
 year = {2021},
 title = {Robotersystem: Coyote III},
 url = {},
 address = {Bremen},
 urldate = {18/12/2021}

 abstract = {In a first step towards uncovering the Moon's subterranean secrets, in 2019 we asked for your ideas to detect, map and explore lunar caves. Five ideas were selected to be studied in more detail, each addressing different phases of a potential mission.},
 author = {ESA},
 year = {2021},
 title = {ESA plans mission to explore lunar caves},
 url = {},
 urldate = {18/12/2021}

 author = {ESA},
 year = {2021},
 title = {Scouting and mapping lava tubes from the Moon's surface: Lunar Lava Tube Scouting Mission},
 url = {},
 urldate = {18/12/2021},
 isbn = {{\&}t=1365s},
 editor = {YouTube}

 author = {ESA},
 year = {2021},
 title = {Skylight: A tethered micro-rover for safe semi-autonomous exploration of lava tubes},
 url = {},
 urldate = {18/12/2021}

 author = {ESA},
 title = {SysNova: What is SysNova?},
 url = {},
 urldate = {18/12/2021}

 author = {Tombrowski, Lucas,Mardon, Austin},
 year = {2018},
 title = {Lunar lava tubes: a potential option for future human habitation on the lunar surface},
 pages = {B3.1-68-18},
 volume = {42},
 journal = {42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly},
 file = {}

 author = {Ximenes, Samuel W.,Elliott, J. O.,Bannova, O.},
 title = {Defining a Mission Architecture and Technologies for Lunar Lava Tube Reconnaissance},
 pages = {344--354},
 publisher = {{American Society of Civil Engineers}},
 isbn = {9780784412190},
 editor = {Zacny, Kris,Malla, Ramesh B.,Binienda, Wieslaw},
 booktitle = {Earth and Space 2012},
 year = {04172012},
 address = {Reston, VA},
 doi = {10.1061/9780784412190.038},
 file = {}



  • 它实际上是按 nyt 而不是 nty 排序的。请注意,ESA sys nova 没有年份,因此排在第一位。然后是所有其他年份相同的:2021。然后按标题对它们进行排序,因为它们的年份都相同。nyt 确实如此不是按 urldate 排序。
  • 这个问题. 简短版本:\DeclareNameAlias{author}{last-first}在序言中使用。
  • 这是因为您错误地分隔了作者。您必须使用“and”来分隔多个作者:John Doe and Jane Doe。您在格式中提供作者并不重要,GivenName FamilyName因为 LaTeX 会纠正这个问题。
  • 由于您提供的日期格式错误,因此未显示日期。日期格式为YYYY-MM-DD。请注意,数字之间用 和 分隔-,而不是/


  1. 您必须使用giveninits而不是firstinits
  2. ESA.Scouting 的 ISBN 是一个网址。
  3. Ximenes.2012 年份设置为 04172012
  4. Corobx.2021 的年份是日期且无效。您可以将字段更改为date=year=2021
  5. 我建议改为backend=bibtexbackend=biber摆脱natbib=true(我使用 biblatex 并且没有使用此选项)。
