为什么“tlmgr info --list --only-installed”没有列出某些已安装的包?

为什么“tlmgr info --list --only-installed”没有列出某些已安装的包?


tlmgr info --list --only-installed

没有列出一些已安装的软件包(例如 graphicx、MnSymbol 等)?



它列出的tlmgr是包而不是 latex 包。是ctangraphicx的一部分,并且对于just as和是latex-graphicstlmgrlongtablearraylatex-tools

条目确实graphics列出了所包含的 latex 包

$ tlmgr list graphics
package:     graphics
category:    Package
shortdesc:   The LaTeX standard graphics bundle
longdesc:    This is a collection of LaTeX packages for: producing colour including graphics (eg PostScript) files rotation and scaling of text in LaTeX documents. 

It comprises the packages color, graphics, graphicx, trig, epsfig, keyval, and lscape.

installed:   Yes
revision:    61315
sizes:       src: 261k, doc: 2637k, run: 141k
relocatable: No
cat-license: lppl1.3c
cat-topics:  graphics collection
cat-contact-bugs: https://www.latex-project.org/bugs/
cat-contact-home: https://www.latex-project.org/
collection:  collection-latex
