在 vs 上执行 latex 代码时出错

在 vs 上执行 latex 代码时出错

我最近想在 vs 中制作一个 .tex 代码,得到以下结果:

Sorry, but latexmk was unsuccessful for the following reason: MiKTeX could not find the 'perl' script engine that is required to run 'latexmk'. Solution: Make sure that 'perl' is installed on your system. The log file contains the information needed to get MiKTeX working again: C:\UsersBayron\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\miktex\log\latexmk.log For more information, go to: https://miktex.org/kb/fix-script-engine-not-found latexmk: major issue: So far, you have not checked for MiKTeX updates.

