% Masters/Doctoral Thesis
% LaTeX Template
% Version 2.5 (27/8/17)
% This template was downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Version 2.x major modifications by:
% Vel ([email protected])
% This template is based on a template by:
% Steve Gunn (http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/srg/softwaretools/document/templates/)
% Sunil Patel (http://www.sunilpatel.co.uk/thesis-template/)
% Template license:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
12pt, % The default document font size, options: 10pt, 11pt, 12pt
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%consistentlayout, % Uncomment to change the layout of the declaration, abstract and acknowledgements pages to match the default layout
]{MastersDoctoralThesis} % The class file specifying the document structure
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\usepackage[backend=bibtex,style=authoryear,natbib=true]{biblatex} % Use the bibtex backend with the authoryear citation style (which resembles APA)
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% for UPS
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\thesistitle{\'{E}tude des composantes noires de l'Univers\\ avec la mission
Euclid} % Your thesis title, this is used in the title and abstract,
% print it elsewhere with \ttitle
\title{\'{E}tude des composantes noires de l'Univers\\ avec la mission
Euclid} % Your thesis title, this is used in the title and abstract,
% print it elsewhere with \ttitle
\defencedate{20 septembre 2018}
\lab{Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Plan\'{e}tologie (UMR 5277)}
\makesomeone{boss}{1}{Prof. Alain \textsc{hard}}{}{Directeur de thèse}
\makesomeone{boss}{2}{Dr. Brahim \textsc{ine}}{}{Co-directeur de thèse}
\makesomeone{referee}{1}{Dr. Sophie \textsc{Hill\'{e}}}{}{Rapporteuse}
\makesomeone{referee}{2}{Prof. Martin \textsc{nz}}{}{Rapporteur}
\makesomeone{judge}{1}{\small Prof. A. \textsc{ard}}{\small Professeur des universités}{\small UPS/IRAP (France)}
\makesomeone{judge}{7}{\small Dr. B. \textsc{ine}}{\small Ma\^{i}tre de conférences}{\small UPS/IRAP (France)}
\makesomeone{judge}{2}{\small Dr. A. \textsc{let}}{\small Directeur de recherche}{\small IPNL (France)}
\makesomeone{judge}{6}{\small Prof. M. \textsc{nz}}{\small Professeur associ\'{e}}{\small UNIGE (Suisse)}
\makesomeone{judge}{5}{\small Dr. T. \textsc{ing}}{\small{\it Reader}}{\small MSSL/UCL (Royaume-Uni)}
\makesomeone{judge}{4}{\small Dr. S. \textsc{ill\'{e}}}{\small Directeur de recherche}{\small LAL (France)}
\makesomeone{judge}{3}{\small Dr. P. \textsc{ba}}{\small {\it Cient\'{i}fico titular}}{\small ICE, IEEC-CSIC (Espagne)}
%\makesomeone{judge}{8}{\small Dr. Y. \textsc{ier}}{\small Astronome}{\small IAP/IRFU (France)}
%\supervisor{Dr. James \textsc{Smith}} % Your supervisor's name, this is used in the title page, print it elsewhere with \supname
%\examiner{} % Your examiner's name, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \examname
%\degree{Doctor of Philosophy} % Your degree name, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \degreename
\author{Pierre \textsc{Dupont}} % Your name, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \authorname
%\addresses{} % Your address, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \addressname
%\subject{Biological Sciences} % Your subject area, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \subjectname
%\keywords{} % Keywords for your thesis, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \keywordnames
\university{\href{http://www.univ-tlse3.fr}{Universit\'{e} Toulouse 3
Paul Sabatier}} % Your university's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \univname
%\department{\href{http://department.university.com}{Department or School Name}} % Your department's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \deptname
%\group{\href{http://researchgroup.university.com}{Research Group Name}} % Your research group's name and URL, this is used in the title page, print it elsewhere with \groupname
%\faculty{\href{http://faculty.university.com}{Faculty Name}} % Your faculty's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \facname
\hypersetup{pdftitle=\ttitle} % Set the PDF's title to your title
\hypersetup{pdfauthor=\authorname} % Set the PDF's author to your name
%\hypersetup{pdfkeywords=\keywordnames} % Set the PDF's keywords to your keywords
bla bla bla
我无法让旧名字消失(即使“ $ grep -ri oldname ”也没有找到任何东西)
姓氏不是大写的:我尝试了很多方法,但找不到办法。上面的 pastebin 文件中应为:“Antoine DUPONT”(Antoine 为名),DUPOND 为姓氏。
问题是 的第 744 行tlsflyleaf.sty
是\author{Nom du doctorant}
,但 way\author
是在 中定义的MasterDoctoralThesis.cls
,它只能使用一次(因为它用 定义\authorname
很难说谁应该为这场冲突“负责”;这是 的一个非典型定义\author
,但一个包中包含对 的调用也很奇怪\author
:它是一个包裹它不是一个文档类,但它在开始附近使用它…… \ProvidesClass
我猜想该包和文档类实际上并不是设计为一起使用的 — — 或者如果是这样,那么实现得就很差。
\author{Pierre \textsc{Dupont}}
在您自己的 .tex 文件中:
\renewcommand{\authorname}{Pierre \textsc{Dupont}}
\renewcommand{\@author}{Pierre \textsc{Dupont}}
这将执行与 相同的操作\author
for \authorname