

adjustbox无论我用或 I 将表格缩小到多小,即使我使用 ,表格总是会显示在下一页的下一节中\begin{table}[!ht]。如何才能将表格和部分保留在同一页中?

\usepackage[document,margin=2.5cm, top = 0.5cm]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably

\title{CSE Dataset Information}
\author{ }



\section*{Dataset Information}
% Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
% \usepackage{lscape}
N      & TaskType                  & N\_Class & K  & P  & max\_cardinality & mean\_cardinality & sum\_cardinality \\ \hline
48790  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 9  & 6  & 41               & 11.22             & 101              \\
32769  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 10 & 0  & 7518             & 1562.8            & 15628            \\
39926  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 5  & 4  & 22381            & 13495.6           & 67478            \\
10108  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 71 & 0  & 129              & 8.3               & 589              \\
72983  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 13 & 20 & 1063             & 167.46            & 2177             \\
8124   & Binary Classification     & 2        & 22 & 0  & 12               & 5.36              & 118              \\
891    & Binary Classification     & 2        & 6  & 5  & 838              & 278.83            & 1673             \\
73354  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 6  & 0  & 4362             & 1432.33           & 8594             \\
1728   & Multiclass Classification & 4        & 7  & 0  & 4                & 3.57              & 25               \\
12960  & Multiclass Classification & 5        & 9  & 0  & 5                & 3.56              & 32               \\
736    & Multiclass Classification & 5        & 6  & 14 & 27               & 13.67             & 82               \\
4331   & Multiclass Classification & 4        & 3  & 5  & 14               & 8.33              & 25               \\
20640  & Regression                & 0        & 1  & 9  & 5                & 5                 & 5                \\
163065 & Regression                & 0        & 5  & 2  & 3201             & 1127              & 5635             \\
2930   & Regression                & 0        & 46 & 35 & 28               & 6.91              & 318              \\
18249  & Regression                & 0        & 2  & 12 & 54               & 28                & 56              
\caption{Description of Datasets}





]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably


\title{CSE Dataset Information}
\author{ }



\section*{Dataset Information}

\multicolumn{1}{@{}c}{N} &
TaskType &
{N\_Class} &
{K} &
{P} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{cardinality} \\
&&&&& max & {mean} & sum \\
 48790 & Binary Classification     & 2 &  9 &  6 &    41 &    11.22 &   101 \\
 32769 & Binary Classification     & 2 & 10 &  0 &  7518 &  1562.8  & 15628 \\
 39926 & Binary Classification     & 2 &  5 &  4 & 22381 & 13495.6  & 67478 \\
 10108 & Binary Classification     & 2 & 71 &  0 &   129 &     8.3  &   589 \\
 72983 & Binary Classification     & 2 & 13 & 20 &  1063 &   167.46 &  2177 \\
  8124 & Binary Classification     & 2 & 22 &  0 &    12 &     5.36 &   118 \\
   891 & Binary Classification     & 2 &  6 &  5 &   838 &   278.83 &  1673 \\
 73354 & Binary Classification     & 2 &  6 &  0 &  4362 &  1432.33 &  8594 \\
  1728 & Multiclass Classification & 4 &  7 &  0 &     4 &     3.57 &    25 \\
 12960 & Multiclass Classification & 5 &  9 &  0 &     5 &     3.56 &    32 \\
   736 & Multiclass Classification & 5 &  6 & 14 &    27 &    13.67 &    82 \\
  4331 & Multiclass Classification & 4 &  3 &  5 &    14 &     8.33 &    25 \\
 20640 & Regression                & 0 &  1 &  9 &     5 &     5    &     5 \\
163065 & Regression                & 0 &  5 &  2 &  3201 &  1127    &  5635 \\
  2930 & Regression                & 0 & 46 & 35 &    28 &     6.91 &   318 \\
 18249 & Regression                & 0 &  2 & 12 &    54 &    28    &    56 \\







%%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % that's the default nowadays
\usepackage[margin=2.5cm, top=0.5cm]{geometry} % set as needed
\usepackage{booktabs} % for well-spaced horizontal rules
\usepackage[group-digits=false]{siunitx} % for 'S' column type


\section*{Dataset Information}


\begin{tabular}{@{} T{6} l c T{2} T{2} T{5} T{5.2} T{5} @{}}
{$N$} & Task Type & $N$\_Class & {$K$} & {$P$} & \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Cardinality} \\
&&&&& {max} & {mean} & {sum} \\ 
48790  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 9  & 6  & 41               & 11.22             & 101              \\
32769  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 10 & 0  & 7518             & 1562.8            & 15628            \\
39926  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 5  & 4  & 22381            & 13495.6           & 67478            \\
10108  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 71 & 0  & 129              & 8.3               & 589              \\ 
72983  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 13 & 20 & 1063             & 167.46            & 2177             \\
8124   & Binary Classification     & 2        & 22 & 0  & 12               & 5.36              & 118              \\
891    & Binary Classification     & 2        & 6  & 5  & 838              & 278.83            & 1673             \\
73354  & Binary Classification     & 2        & 6  & 0  & 4362             & 1432.33           & 8594             \\ 
1728   & Multiclass Classification & 4        & 7  & 0  & 4                & 3.57              & 25               \\
12960  & Multiclass Classification & 5        & 9  & 0  & 5                & 3.56              & 32               \\
736    & Multiclass Classification & 5        & 6  & 14 & 27               & 13.67             & 82               \\
4331   & Multiclass Classification & 4        & 3  & 5  & 14               & 8.33              & 25               \\ 
20640  & Regression                & 0        & 1  & 9  & 5                & 5                 & 5                \\
163065 & Regression                & 0        & 5  & 2  & 3201             & 1127              & 5635             \\
2930   & Regression                & 0        & 46 & 35 & 28               & 6.91              & 318              \\
18249  & Regression                & 0        & 2  & 12 & 54               & 28                & 56               \\
\caption{Description of Datasets}



\rotatebox{90}{<definition of tabular>}如果我想垂直保留该表,我会使用它。

但是宽度可以减小。例如,我删除了多余的单词基数并将其移至表格底部的注释中。数字也可以通过 进行格式化siunitx。将所有内容放在一起时,表格在页面内水平放置。参见示例。


\usepackage[margin=2.5cm,top=0.5cm]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably
\usepackage{booktabs}                         % Predefined rules
\usepackage{siunitx}                          % Extended number alignments

\newcommand\st[1]{#1\rlap{\textsuperscript{*}}}   % For annotation
\newcommand\sst[1]{#1\rlap{\textsuperscript{**}}}   % For annotation

\title{CSE Dataset Information}
\author{ }


\section*{Dataset Information}
% Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
    \caption{Description of Datasets}\label{tab:my-table}
            @{\hspace{6pt}} @{\extracolsep{\fill}}
            S[table-format=6, table-number-alignment=right]
        {N} &
        {\st{Task Type}} &
        {N\_Class} &
        {K} &
        {P} &
        {\sst{Max}} &
        {\sst{Mean}} &
        {\sst{Sum}} \\
        48790  & Binary      & 2        & 9  & 6  & 41               & 11.22             & 101              \\
        32769  & Binary       & 2        & 10 & 0  & 7518             & 1562.8            & 15628            \\
        39926  & Binary       & 2        & 5  & 4  & 22381            & 13495.6           & 67478            \\
        10108  & Binary       & 2        & 71 & 0  & 129              & 8.3               & 589              \\
        72983  & Binary       & 2        & 13 & 20 & 1063             & 167.46            & 2177             \\
        8124   & Binary       & 2        & 22 & 0  & 12               & 5.36              & 118              \\
        891    & Binary       & 2        & 6  & 5  & 838              & 278.83            & 1673             \\
        73354  & Binary       & 2        & 6  & 0  & 4362             & 1432.33           & 8594             \\
        1728   & Multiclass   & 4        & 7  & 0  & 4                & 3.57              & 25               \\
        12960  & Multiclass   & 5        & 9  & 0  & 5                & 3.56              & 32               \\
        736    & Multiclass   & 5        & 6  & 14 & 27               & 13.67             & 82               \\
        4331   & Multiclass   & 4        & 3  & 5  & 14               & 8.33              & 25               \\
        20640  & Regression   & 0        & 1  & 9  & 5                & 5                 & 5                \\
        163065 & Regression   & 0        & 5  & 2  & 3201             & 1127              & 5635             \\
        2930   & Regression   & 0        & 46 & 35 & 28               & 6.91              & 318              \\
        18249  & Regression   & 0        & 2  & 12 & 54               & 28                & 56 \\
            \hspace{6pt}\textsuperscript{*} Classification,
            \hspace{6pt}\textsuperscript{**} Cardinarity}


