将 \command{x}{y} 转换为 \command{x,y} 的简单方法

将 \command{x}{y} 转换为 \command{x,y} 的简单方法



(这个问题很普遍,这就是我不提供 MWE 的原因。)















“预处理器指令”\SplitArgument{1}{,}告诉 LaTeX,在第一次出现时应该检查并拆分参数,;然后这个逗号之前和之后的部分将被括在括号中。

因此,通过调用\command{x,y},LaTeX 接下来会看到






如果\command是使用 定义的“简单命令”,\newcommand并且没有可选参数,则可以使用以下想法来访问参数的数量https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/627923/4427

因此我们可以减去 1 并将所需的数字传递给\SplitArgument。这允许使用适当数量的括号组调用原始命令。



  \krebs_enhance:N #1

\cs_new_protected:Nn \krebs_enhance:N
  \NewDocumentCommand % jump over this
  {\cs_to_str:N #1 Enhanced} % form a csname
  {>{\SplitArgument{\int_eval:n { \str_count:e { \cs_argument_spec:N #1 } / 2 - 1}}{,}}m}
  { #1##1 }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_count:n { e }













  \krebs_enhance:N #1

\cs_new_protected:Nn \krebs_enhance:N
  \exp_args:Nc \NewDocumentCommand { \cs_to_str:N #1 Enhanced } { m }
    \exp_last_unbraced:Ne #1 { \clist_map_function:nN { ##1 } \__krebs_enhance_brace:n }
\cs_new:Nn \__krebs_enhance_brace:n { {#1} }











\def\command(#1,#2){first: #1, second #2.}


\def\commandX(#1,#2){first: #1, second #2.}

test: \command{x,y}



\newcommand\myc[2]{{\renewcommand\myc[1]{x -- x ##1 x --   x}\myc{#1,#2}}}




  1. 将逗号列表映射到无分隔参数列表的例程,其中添加了宏标记以处理分隔参数。
  2. \enhance{\command}定义应用映射例程的例程\commandEnhanced,从而将标记\command添加到由映射产生的未限定参数列表的前面。


\PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListTo {⟨comma list⟩}%
                                  {⟨emptiness or (message-delivering) tokens to
                                    prepend to  ⟨tokens where undelimited arguments are to be
                                    appended⟩ in case comma-list has more items
                                    than defaults are provided⟩}%
                                  {⟨tokens where undelimited arguments are to be appended⟩}%
                                    {⟨default for undelimited argument 1⟩}
                                    {⟨default for undelimited argument 2⟩}
                                    {⟨default for undelimited argument k⟩}


         ⟨emptiness or (message-delivering) tokens to prepend to the call
          of ⟨macro⟩ in case ⟨macro⟩Enhanced's
          comma-list-argument has more items than there are defaults⟩
          {⟨default for ⟨macro⟩'s 1st undelimited argument⟩}%
          {⟨default for ⟨macro⟩'s 2nd undelimited argument⟩}%
          {⟨default for ⟨macro⟩'s k-th undelimited argument⟩}%





%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%  Stuff for error-messages:

\msg_new:nnn { PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList }
             { too-many-comma-items }
             { #1Enhanced 's~argument~holds~a~comma-list~with~more~than~#2~components~
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_msg_module_type_prop { PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList } {}
\prop_gput:Nnx \g_msg_module_name_prop { PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList } {LaTeX}
\cs_new:Npn \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListToTooManyItemsError #1#2 {%
   % #1 macro token
   % #2 word or digits denoting amount of arguments
     { \msg_error:nnnn  { PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList } { too-many-comma-items } } 
        \exp_after:wN\exp_after:wN\exp_after:wN \c_backslash_str\cs_to_str:N#1
     { #2 }
% \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListToTooManyItemsError{\macro}{<amount>}
%  yields an error-message
%  \macroEnhanced's argument holds a comma list with more than <amount> components
%  although there should be at most <amount> components because the underlying
%  macro \macro processes <amount> undelimited arguments.
%  Spurious components ignored.

%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%  Map code to items of comma-list:

% \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_clist_map_tokens:nn {<comma list>} 
%                                                     {<code if item is not blank>}
%                                                     {<code if item is blank>}
% Calls  <code if item is not blank>{<item>}  for every non-blank <item> stored in the <comma list>.
% Calls  <code if item is blank>{<item>}  for every blank <item> stored in the <comma list>.

\cs_new:Npn \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_clist_map_tokens:nnn #1#2#3
% #1 - comma list
% #2 - code if item is not blank
% #3 - code if item is blank
   \__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_clist_map_tokens_n:nw {{#2}{#3}}
   \prg_do_nothing: #1 , \s__clist_stop \clist_map_break: ,
   \prg_break_point:Nn \clist_map_break: { }
\cs_new:Npn \__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_clist_map_tokens_n:nw #1#2 ,
   \__clist_use_none_delimit_by_s_stop:w #2 \s__clist_stop
   \tl_trim_spaces_apply:oN {#2} \use_ii_i:nn
   \__clist_map_unbrace:wn , {\tl_if_empty:oTF{\use_none:nn #2 ? }{\use_ii:nn}{\use_i:nn}#1}
   \__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_clist_map_tokens_n:nw {#1} \prg_do_nothing:
\cs_new:Npn \__clist_map_unbrace:wn #1, #2 { #2 {#1} }

%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%  Map comma-list to list of undelimited arguments and prepend tokens for processing
%%  undelimited arguments and - in case there are more comma-items than defaults -
%%  prepend some error- or warning-message-tokens.
%  \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListTo{<comma-list>}
%                                   {<message-delivering tokens to prepend to #3 in case comma-list 
%                                     has more items than defaults are provided>}
%                                   {<tokens where undelimited arguments are to be appended>}
%                                   {<list of undelimited arguments denoting defaults in case 
%                                     corresponding comma-list-item is specified blank or not
%                                     enough comma-list-items are specified>}
%    E.g.,  \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListTo{A, B, C}{Problem}{\macro}{%
%              {Default for \macro's 1st arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 2nd arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 3rd arg}   
%           }%
%    yields: \macro{A}{B}{C}
%    E.g.,  \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListTo{A, , C}{Problem}{\macro}{%
%              {Default for \macro's 1st arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 2nd arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 3rd arg}   
%           }%
%    yields: \macro{A}{Default for \macro's 2nd arg}{C}
%    E.g.,  \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListTo{A}{Problem}{\macro}{%
%              {Default for \macro's 1st arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 2nd arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 3rd arg}   
%           }%
%    yields: \macro{A}{Default for \macro's 2nd arg}{Default for \macro's 3rd arg}
%    E.g.,  \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListTo{A, B, C, D}{Problem}{\macro}{%
%              {Default for \macro's 1st arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 2nd arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 3rd arg}   
%           }%
%    yields: Problem\macro{A}{B}{C}
%    E.g.,  \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListTo{A, B, , D}{Problem}{\macro}{%
%              {Default for \macro's 1st arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 2nd arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 3rd arg}   
%           }%
%    yields: Problem\macro{A}{B}{Default for \macro's 3rd arg}
%    E.g.,  \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListTo{A, {}, C}{Problem}{\macro}{%
%              {Default for \macro's 1st arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 2nd arg}   
%              {Default for \macro's 3rd arg}   
%           }%
%    yields: \macro{A}{}{C}

\cs_new:Npn \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListTo #1#2#3#4 {
  % #1 comma-list
  % #2 tokens to prepend to #3 in case comma-list has more items than defaults are provided
  % #3 tokens where undelimited arguments are to be appended
  % #4 defaults for undelimited arguments
  \exp_args:Nno \use:nn
  { \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_clist_map_tokens:nnn {#1} 
   \__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_Reserved:nn {#3}
  } { \exp:w \tl_trim_spaces_apply:nN {#4} \exp_end: }
\cs_new:Npn \__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_Reserved:nn #1#2 {
  % #1 - code that shall prepend undelimited arguments and undelimited arguments gathered so far
  % #2 - remaining defaults for undelimited argument
\cs_new:Npn \__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_grab_next_nonblank:nnwnn #1#2#3\__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_Reserved:nn #4#5 {
  % #1 - code to prepend in case comma-list has more items than defaults are provided
  % #2 - current comma-list-item
  % #3 - tokens forming the next `\clist_map_tokens:nn`-iteration
  % #4 - code that shall prepend undelimited arguments and undelimited arguments gathered so far
  % #5 - defaults
  \tl_if_empty:oTF { \use_none:nn ? #5 ? } 
                   {\clist_map_break:n{#1#4} #3 } 
                        #3 \__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_Reserved:nn {#4{#2}}
                      } {\use_i:nn {} #5}
\cs_new:Npn \__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_grab_next_blank:nnwnn #1#2#3\__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_Reserved:nn #4#5 {
  % #1 - code to prepend in case comma-list has more items than defaults are provided
  % #2 - current comma-list-item
  % #3 - tokens forming the next `\clist_map_tokens:nn`-iteration
  % #4 - code that shall prepend undelimited arguments and undelimited arguments gathered so far
  % #5 - defaults
  \tl_if_empty:oTF { \use_none:nn ? #5 ? } 
                   {\clist_map_break:n{#1#4} #3 } 
                          \exp_args:Nno \use:n
                          { #3 \__PassCommaListAsUndelimitedList_Reserved:nn }
                          { \exp:w \exp_args:Nno \use:n { \exp_end: #4} {\tl_head:w #5 {} \q_stop} } 
                      } {\use_i:nn {} #5}

%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%  Define \<macro>Enhanced to process a comma-list by mapping it to a list of undelimited
%%  arguments where the token <macro> is prepended and where - in case the comma-list has 
%%  more items than defaults for macro are provided - some tokens for delivering message are
%%  prepended to the token \macro
%%  Syntax:
%%    \enhance{<macro>}%
%%            {<additional error-tokens in case <macro>Enhanced's comma-list-argument
%%              has more items than there are defaults>}%
%%            {%
%%              {<default for <macro>'s 1st argument in case it is not provided via <macro>Enhanced's comma-list>}%
%%              {<default for <macro>'s 2nd argument in case it is not provided via <macro>Enhanced's comma-list>}%
%%              ...
%%              {<default for <macro>'s k-th argument in case it is not provided via <macro>Enhanced's comma-list>}%
%%            }%
\cs_new:Npn \enhance #1 #2 #3{
  % #1 macro
  % #2 tokens to prepend to macro in case comma-list has more items than defaults for macro are provided
  % #3 defaults
  \cs_new:cpn {\cs_to_str:N #1 Enhanced} ##1 {
    \PassCommaListAsUndelimitedListTo { ##1 }{ #2 }{ #1 }{ #3 }

     \textnormal{Arg 1: (#1)}\\
     \textnormal{Arg 2: (#2)}\\
     \textnormal{Arg 3: (#3)}
          {Default for \texttt{\string\macro}'s argument 1}
          {Default for \texttt{\string\macro}'s argument 2}
          {Default for \texttt{\string\macro}'s argument 3}



\noindent \verb|\macroEnhanced{A, B, C}|:\\
\macroEnhanced{A, B, C}


\noindent \verb|\macroEnhanced{A, , C}|:\\
\macroEnhanced{A, , C}


\noindent \verb|\macroEnhanced{A, , }|:\\
\macroEnhanced{A, , }


\noindent \verb|\macroEnhanced{A, {} , {}}|:\\
\macroEnhanced{A, {} , {}}


\noindent \verb|\macroEnhanced{A}|:\\


\noindent \verb|\macroEnhanced{A, B}|:\\
\macroEnhanced{A, B}


%% The following yields an error-message about \macroEnhanced's argument
%% holding a comma-list with more than three components although there
%% should be at most three components.
%% The raising of this error-message is intended/correct behavior.
%% As \macro processes only three undelimited arguments, three defaults
%% for these arguments were specified when calling \enhance for defining
%% \macroEnhanced.
%% If the comma-list that forms \macroEnhanced's argument provides more
%% than three arguments/provides more arguments than defaults were provided,
%% this is a problem where the user should be informed about by means of a
%% message.
%% The following is a test whether the message intended/needed in this case
%% is really raised.
\noindent \verb|\macroEnhanced{A, B, C, D, E}|:\\
\macroEnhanced{A, B, C, D, E}



\noindent On the console and in the log-file you also get something like:

! LaTeX Error: \macroEnhanced's argument holds a comma-list with more than
(LaTeX)        three components although there should be at most three
(LaTeX)        components because the underlying macro \macro processes
(LaTeX)        three undelimited arguments. Spurious components ignored.

Type <return> to continue.
l.305 \macroEnhanced{A, B, C, D, E}

\noindent This is the intended behavior.



