错误:latex.ltx:10708:LaTex 错误:缺少 /begin{document} Tectonic

错误:latex.ltx:10708:LaTex 错误:缺少 /begin{document} Tectonic

我正在尝试使用 Windows 上的 Tectonic 编译 TeX 文档。当我编译文档时,它给出了某种我无法理解的 \begin{document} 错误。我已检查以确保文档路径正确,我已设置文档类,编码为 UTF-8,并且我实际上有 begin{document}...\end{document}。


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\lhead{Damon Roberts} 
%\rhead{Information Processing \\ Annotated Bibliography: Emotion \\ \today}



\section{General Notes}

    \item Marcus \citeyearpar{marcus_2000_arps} details a rich intellectual history of the ways that political psychologists have (and have not) built off the literature in psychology and neuroscience on emotion. In doing so, they highlight the pervasive view that emotions are seen quite normatively rather than functionally in the political science literature. Functional definitions of emotion are much more pervasive in non-political science applications by arguing for the ways in which emotions work in both cognitive and non-cognitive ways. It highlights the tendency for political scientists to view it as largely a cognitive process rather than aligning with the view that Marcus says is a consensus which is that emotions are not appraisals but are these pre-conscious sources of information, mediators of judgement, and are shaped by information. Read this over and over for the dissertation.
\section{Genetic predictors of emotional predispositions}
        \item Hatemi and colleagues \citeyearpar{hatemi_et-al_2013_ajps} build off of work conducted by psychologists which found that there is a genetic component to fear as a predisposition. They propose a theory which suggests that fear mediates the relationship between genetics and out-group political preferences. Using the Virginia Vital Registry dataset of related folks, they ask a 28-item battery of political attitudes and find that those who are predisposed to expressing more social fear tend to hold more negative attitudes about immigration and segregation. Out of 28 items, they find two.
\section{Heterogeneity in induction and magnitude}
        \item Bakker and colleagues \citeyearpar{bakker_et-al_2020} present a circumplex model which suggests that emotional responses to political stimuli are dependent on a number of factors. Using EMG (to measure valence of emotion) and skin conductance (to measure intensity of emotional response) in response to video clips with left or right-wing rhetoric on prominent issues they measure heart rate variability, activation of the Zygomaticus (positive emotions) and  Corrugator (negative emotions) muscle, they find that knowledge does not explain variation in arousal, incongruent rhetoric produces negative affect, congruent rhetoric does not produce positive affect (there is not much positive emotion in politics), no evidence that incongruence increases attentitiveness, and arousal and negative affect predict issue position change, independent of self-reported discrete emotions.


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Assuming \openin and \input 
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dehyph-exptl: using a TeX engine with native UTF-8 support.
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Bulgarian hyphenation patterns (options: --safe-morphology --standalone-tex, ve
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UTF-8 Welsh hyphenation patterns (hyph-cy.tex)))

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
error: latex.ltx:10708: LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.10708 \let\repeat=
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Transcript written on texput.log.
error: halted on potentially-recoverable error as specified

我不知道错误“l.10708 \let\repeat= \fi”或“latex.ltx:10708”是什么意思......


所以......我认为我的 Tectonic 安装或 conda 环境存在一些问题。

我删除了我的 conda 环境,然后创建了一个新的,用 conda-forge 重新安装了 tectonic,然后重新编译了文档,现在可以正常工作了。

感谢@DavidCarlisle 的帮助!
