将 \hline 扩展到嵌套表格的整个宽度

将 \hline 扩展到嵌套表格的整个宽度

所以我想弄清楚如何将最后一列的水平线延伸到整个宽度。我正在使用嵌套表格,但似乎无法使用 \hfil 或任何类似的东西来使其工作。有没有办法让它看起来更好,或者这种方法不可能?


\textbf{Author} & \textbf{Location} & \textbf{Measurements} &  \textbf{Data $\pm$ SD (kPa) / Conclusions} \\ 

\shortstack{Holzapfel\\2004} & Iliac & 
\shortstack{Ultimate tensile \\ stress \& stretch of \\ Fibrous Cap } & 
\begin{tabular}{c|@{}c@{}} Circumferential & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\sigma}_{ult}$ & $254.8\pm 79.8$\\ \hline $\bar{\lambda}_{ult}$ & $1.18\pm 0.1$ \\ \end{tabular} \\ \hline Axial & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\sigma}_{ult}$ & $468.6\pm 100.1$\\ \hline $\bar{\lambda}_{ult}$ & $1.135\pm0.071$\\ \end{tabular} \\ \end{tabular} \\

\shortstack{Maher\\2009} & Carotid & 
\shortstack{C\\values} & 
\begin{tabular}{c|@{}c@{}} Calcified & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $c_{10}$ & $1.144\pm10.6$\\ \hline $c_{20}$ & $1.392\pm31.33$ \\ \end{tabular} \\ \hline Mixed Plaque & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $c_{10}$ & $7.53\pm16.16$\\ \hline $c_{20}$ & $20.63\pm49.85$\\ \end{tabular} \\ \end{tabular} \\

\shortstack{Lawlor\\2011} & Carotid & 
\shortstack{Fracture stress \& stretch \\ (direction?)} & 

Hard & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $c_{10}$ & $302.1$\\ \hline $c_{20}$ & $-228$ \\ \end{tabular} \\ \hline 
Mixed & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $c_{10}$ & $23.5$\\ \hline $c_{20}$ & $126$\\ \end{tabular}  \\ \hline
Tensile Fracture & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\sigma}_{ult}$ & $366.6 \pm 220.5$\\ \hline $\bar{\epsilon}_{ult}$ & $0.49 \pm 0.088$ \\ \end{tabular} \\ 
\end{tabular} \\ 

\shortstack{Teng\\2014} & Carotid & 
\shortstack{Elastic Moduli \\ vs. stretch} & 
\begin{tabular}{c|@{}c@{}} compression & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\sigma}_{ult}$ & value\\ \hline c20 & value \\ \end{tabular} \\ \hline tension & \begin{tabular}{c|c} c10 & value\\ \hline c20 & value\\ \end{tabular} \\ \end{tabular} \\

\shortstack{Jankowska\\2015} & Coronary & 
\shortstack{Tensile Fracture Stretch \\ Longitudinal Direction} & 
\shortstack{see graph of \\ disease progression} \\

\shortstack{Davis\\2016} & Carotid & 
\shortstack{Fracture \\ of FC} & 
\shortstack{larger fracture seen with\\ a lower collagen \%} \\

\shortstack{Leng\\2018} & Carotid & 
\shortstack{Visco-elastic \\ Anisotropic Model} & 
\begin{tabular}{c|@{}c@{}} Fibrous Cap & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\mu}$ & $0.82\pm0.3$\\ \hline $\bar{k}_1$ & $1952.62\pm1735.29$ \\ \end{tabular} \\ \hline Diseased Media & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\mu}$ & $0.27\pm0.45$\\ \hline $\bar{k}_1$ & $3194\pm1812.20$\\ \end{tabular} \\ \end{tabular} \\

\shortstack{Kobielarz\\2020} & \shortstack{Abdominal \\ Aorta} & 
\shortstack{Elastic Moduli \\ axial (circ not incl.)} & 
Fibrotic \hfil & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\sigma_m$ & $6566$\\ \hline $E$ & $1640$ \\ \end{tabular} \\ \hline 
Lipid \hfil & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\sigma_m$ & $510$\\ \hline $E$ & $126$\\ \end{tabular}  \\ \hline
Calcified \hfil & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\sigma_m$ & NF?\\ \hline $E$ & $6670$ \\ \end{tabular} \\ 
\end{tabular} \\

\shortstack{Paritala\\2020} & Carotid & 
\shortstack{Fracture \\ cauchy} & 
\begin{tabular}{c|@{}c@{}} Uncalcified & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\lambda}$ & $1.57\pm0.15$\\ \hline $\bar{\sigma}_{Cauchy}$ & $322.48\pm528.98$ \\ \end{tabular} \\ \hline Calcification & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\lambda}$ & $1.79\pm1.5$\\ \hline $\bar{\sigma}_{Cauchy}$ & $888.75\pm1724.13$\\ \end{tabular} \\ \end{tabular} \\

%\shortstack{Sanders\\2020} & Carotid & 
%\shortstack{stiffness \\ c1} & 
%\begin{tabular}{c|@{}c@{}} compression & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\sigma}_{ult}$ & value\\ \hline c20 & value \\ \end{tabular} \\ \hline tension & \begin{tabular}{c|c} c10 & value\\ \hline c20 & value\\ \end{tabular} \\ \end{tabular} \\

\shortstack{Lisický\\2021} & Carotid & 
\shortstack{fracture stress \& strain \\ of fibrous caps from \\ males \& females} & 
\begin{tabular}{c|@{}c@{}} Female & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\sigma}_{\text{calcified}}$ & value\\ \hline $\bar{\sigma}_{\text{uncalcified}}$ & value \\ \end{tabular} \\ \hline Male & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\sigma}_{\text{calcified}}$ & value\\ \hline $\bar{\sigma}_{\text{uncalcified}}$ & value\\ \end{tabular} \\ \end{tabular} \\

\caption{uniaxial results. stretches are dimensionless. it is the stresses which take kPa.}





\InnerRowSep 作为 \cmidrule




\caption{uniaxial results. stretches are dimensionless. it is the stresses which take kPa.}

\textbf{Author} &
\textbf{Location} &
\textbf{Measurements} &
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{Data $\pm$ SD (kPa) / Conclusions}} \\

\TS{Holzapfel\\ 2004} &
  Iliac &
  \TS{Ultimate tensile stress\\ \& stretch of Fibrous\\ Cap} &
  Circumferential & $\bar{\sigma}_{ult}$ & $254.8\pm 79.8$\\*
  &&&             & $\bar{\lambda}_{ult}$ & $1.18\pm 0.1$ \\*
  &&& Axial & $\bar{\sigma}_{ult}$ & $468.6\pm 100.1$\\*
  &&&       & $\bar{\lambda}_{ult}$ & $1.135\pm0.071$\\

\TS{Maher\\ 2009} &
  Carotid &
  C values &
  Calcified & $c_{10}$ & $1.144\pm10.6$\\*
  &&&         & $c_{20}$ & $1.392\pm31.33$ \\*
  &&& Mixed Plaque & $c_{10}$ & $7.53\pm16.16$\\*
  &&&             & $c_{20}$ & $20.63\pm49.85$\\

\TS{Lawlor\\ 2011} &
  Carotid &
  \TS{Fracture stress \&\\ stretch (direction?)} &
  Hard & $c_{10}$ & $302.1$\\*
  &&&  & $c_{20}$ & $-228$ \\*
  &&& Mixed & $c_{10}$ & $23.5$\\*
  &&&       & $c_{20}$ & $126$\\*
  &&& Tensile Fracture & $\bar{\sigma}_{ult}$ & $366.6 \pm 220.5$\\*
  &&&                  & $\bar{\epsilon}_{ult}$ & $0.49 \pm 0.088$ \\

Teng 2014 &
  Carotid &
  \TS{Elastic Moduli vs.\\ stretch} &
  compression & $\bar{\sigma}_{ult}$ & value\\*
  &&&         & c20 & value \\*
  &&& tension & c10 & value\\*
  &&&         & c20 & value\\

\tshortstack{Jankowska\\ 2015} &
  Coronary &
  \tshortstack{Tensile Fracture Stretch\\ Longitudinal Direction} &
  \multicolumn{3}{l}{see graph of disease progression} \\

Davis 2016 &
  Carotid &
  Fracture of FC &
  \multicolumn{3}{l}{larger fracture seen with a lower collagen \%} \\

Leng 2018 &
  Carotid &
  \TS{Visco-elastic\\ Anisotropic Model} &
  Fibrous Cap & $\bar{\mu}$ & $0.82\pm0.3$\\*
  &&&         & $\bar{k}_1$ & $1952.62\pm1735.29$ \\*
  &&& Diseased Media & $\bar{\mu}$ & $0.27\pm0.45$\\*
  &&&                & $\bar{k}_1$ & $3194\pm1812.20$\\

\TS{Kobielarz\\ 2020} &
  \TS{Abdominal\\ Aorta} &
  \TS{Elastic Moduli\\ axial (circ not incl.)} &
  Fibrotic & $\sigma_m$ & $6566$\\*
  &&&        & $E$ & $1640$ \\*
  &&& Lipid & $\sigma_m$ & $510$\\*
  &&&       & $E$ & $126$\\*
  &&& Calcified  & $\sigma_m$ & NF?\\*
  &&&            & $E$ & $6670$ \\

\TS{Paritala\\ 2020} &
  Carotid &
  Fracture cauchy &
  Uncalcified & $\bar{\lambda}$ & $1.57\pm0.15$\\*
  &&&         & $\bar{\sigma}_{Cauchy}$ & $322.48\pm528.98$ \\*
  &&& Calcification & $\bar{\lambda}$ & $1.79\pm1.5$\\*
  &&&               & $\bar{\sigma}_{Cauchy}$ & $888.75\pm1724.13$\\

%\shortstack{Sanders\\2020} & Carotid &
%\shortstack{stiffness \\ c1} &
%\begin{tabular}{c|@{}c@{}} compression & \begin{tabular}{c|c} $\bar{\sigma}_{ult}$ & value\\ \hline c20 & value \\ \end{tabular} \\ \hline tension & \begin{tabular}{c|c} c10 & value\\ \hline c20 & value\\ \end{tabular} \\ \end{tabular} \\

\TS{Lisický\\ 2021} &
  Carotid &
  \TS{fracture stress \& strain\\ of fibrous caps from\\ males \& females} &
  Female & $\bar{\sigma}_{\text{calcified}}$ & value\\*
  &&&    & $\bar{\sigma}_{\text{uncalcified}}$ & value \\*
  &&& Male & $\bar{\sigma}_{\text{calcified}}$ & value\\*
  &&&      & $\bar{\sigma}_{\text{uncalcified}}$ & value\\


  • a 的基线\shortstack是底行的基线。但是,阅读顺序是从上到下。为了在顶行获得对齐,我\tshortstack通过tabular带有可选参数的环境定义了 a [t]

  • 在新的表格设计中,前三列的多行条目将全部占用整个表格行的垂直空间。因此,我定义了\TSuse \tshortstack,但将深度设置为零。因此,TeX 认为只有一行(类似于 package multirow)。缺点是用户必须确保在其顶行下方有足够的空间容纳多行单元格。

  • 我已将第四列左对齐,以使表格布局更加清晰。

  • 表格中最后一列的数据允许删除列之间的空格({...l@{}c@{}c})。

  • \RowSep\InnerRowSep只是方便实验的宏(\midrule\addlinespace)。恕我直言,\RowSep\midrule使主要行更清晰。如上\InnerRowSep所示\cmidrule,如下\addlinespace所示。后者可能看起来更令人愉悦一些。

\InnerRowSep 作为 \addlinespace
