给“hitbox”覆盖 tikzpicture

给“hitbox”覆盖 tikzpicture

当我开始新的一章时,我希望在页面顶部有一个漂亮的横幅。我已经使用带叠加层的 tikzpicture 制作了一个让我满意的横幅。但是我无法正确设置它的“hitbox”(边界框?)。如果我只是在 tikzpicture 之后开始书写,文本将放在顶部,因为横幅的高度大于顶部边距。



\usepackage[a4paper, margin = \margin]{geometry}


\definecolor{SnowBlue}{RGB}{230, 240, 250}

    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture, every node/.style = {scale = 2, inner sep = 0cm, outer sep = 0cm}]
        \coordinate (nw) at (current page.north west);
        \coordinate (se) at ($(current page.north east)-(0,\bannerheight)$);
        \fill[\ChapterColorA] (nw) rectangle (se);
        \node[anchor = north west] (title) at ($(nw)+(\margin, -\margin)$) {\huge\textbf{Cool Chapter}};
        \node[anchor = south west] () at (title.north west) {\large\textbf{Chapter \thechapter}};

            I \\ am \\ a \\ floating \\ table \\ that \\ 
            likes \\ to \\ hide \\ under \\ the \\ banner
        \caption{A little table. :)}


然后我想到使用\newgeometry{top = \dimexpr(\bannerheight+1ex)}which 可以很好地处理文本和表格,但这样我还必须使用\restoregeometrywhich ,因为这意味着需要手动分页。当然,这是不可取的。


编辑:我根据 Tom 的善意建议进行了更改。由于\@makechapterhead似乎只影响章节的图形部分(和一些换行惩罚),我觉得我可以简单地重新定义整个内容而不会有太大风险。无论如何,文本或浮动与横幅重叠的问题不再存在。代码和输出可以在下面找到。:)


\usepackage[a4paper, margin = \margin]{geometry}


    \fill[blue!30] (nw) rectangle (se);

        remember picture,%
        title/.style={inner sep = 0cm, outer sep = 0cm, color = \titlecolor, scale = 2}%
        \coordinate (nw) at (current page.north west);
        \coordinate[yshift=-\bannerheight] (se) at (current page.north east);
        \coordinate (c) at ($(nw)!0.5!(se)$);
        \clip (nw) rectangle (se);%
        \node[anchor=north west, title] (title) at ($(nw)+(\margin, -\margin)$) {\bfseries\Huge#1};%
        \node[anchor=south west, title] () at (title.north west) {\bfseries\Large\@chapapp\space \thechapter};%

    \chapter{Cool Chapter}
        \node[yshift=2cm] {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{test-image}};
        \fill[violet, opacity=0.3] (nw) rectangle (se);
    \chapter{Cooler Chapter}

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述


您可以修补\@makechapterhead\@makeschapterhead如果您想要星号版本,也可以修补 ,并\chapter*{}添加横幅(例如\tableofcontents)。默认情况下,浮动不会出现在章节标题页中。

\usepackage[a4paper, margin = \margin]{geometry}
\definecolor{SnowBlue}{RGB}{230, 240, 250}
\tikz[remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.north west)}]{
\fill[SnowBlue] (0,0) rectangle ([yshift=-\bannerheight]current page.north east);
\bfseries\tikz[remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.north west)}]{
\fill[SnowBlue] (0,0) rectangle ([yshift=-\bannerheight]current page.north east);

\chapter{Cool Chapter}
I \\ am \\ a \\ floating \\ table \\ that \\ 
likes \\ to \\ hide \\ under \\ the \\ banner
\caption{A little table. :)}



\usepackage[a4paper, margin = \margin]{geometry}
\definecolor{SnowBlue}{RGB}{230, 240, 250}
\tikz[remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.north west)}]{
\fill[SnowBlue] (0,0) rectangle ([yshift=-\bannerheight]current page.north east);

\chapter{Cool Chapter}
I \\ am \\ a \\ floating \\ table \\ that \\ 
likes \\ to \\ hide \\ under \\ the \\ banner
\caption{A little table. :)}
\tikz[remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.north west)}]{
\fill[yellow,opacity=0.4] (0,0) rectangle ([yshift=-\bannerheight]current page.north east);
\chapter{Cool Chapter 2}
\tikz[remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.north west)}]{
\node [opacity=0.2] at ([shift={(0.5*\paperwidth,-0.5*\bannerheight)}]0,0) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=\bannerheight]{example-image-plain}};
\chapter{Cool Chapter 3}

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述
