

2 个表格和 1 张图片。图片是我想在表格中重新创建的内容

第一个表格的单词之间有奇怪的空白,我真的不知道如何消除它们。我使用了 \raggedright、\sloppy 和 \usepackage[none]{hyphenat},但结果都一样。我使用插件 excel2latex 导出了表格 2。

表格 3 是在在线表格生成器中制作的,但我认为我需要用显微镜才能看清它。我无法将其更改为正常人的尺寸。图 1 是我希望最终表格的样子。任何帮助都将不胜感激


            \textbf{Breath tool} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Primary mechanisms} & \textbf{Advantages} & \textbf{Disadvantages} & \textbf{Applications} \bigstrut\\
            Rate & ↓ and/or paced BR & ↓ relative $V_{D}$; ANS regulation & ↑ perfusion; ↓ dyspnoea; and pacing assistance & ↑ $V_{T}$ at less-compliant lung volumes, initial air hunger & Novice runners; low-intensity exercise \bigstrut[t]\\
            Deep & ↑ $V_{T}$ via diaphragmatic engagement & ↓ BR; ↑ abdominal ribcage contribution to $V_{E}$ & ↓ WOB, LOV; ↑ postural control & Difficult to cue & Biofeedback; thoracic- dominant breathers \\
            Nose & Constant or intermittent nasal breathing & ↑ NO; ↑ air humidification, warming, and filtration & ↓ airway constriction; ↑ diaphragmatic activation & Difficult at high intensities; time required for habituation & Low intensity exercise; extreme climates \\
            Active exhale & Longer, forceful exhale phase with/without phonation & ↓ expiratory flow velocity: ↑ abdominal engagement, expiratory pressure, and NO & ↓ flow limitation, LOV; ↑ perfusion; and ANS regulation & ↓ relative TI; difficult to cue & Constant for calming effects; intermittent during high intensity or at altitude \\
            Sync & Step \& breath synchronization at whole- integer ratios & Step-driven flows; rhythmic entrainment & ↓ WOB; pacing assistance; hypnotic & Difficult to learn; even ratios ↑ side stitch & Odd ratios for ↓ side stitch; ↑ breath awareness \\
            Strength & Respiratory muscle resistance training & ↑ ventilatory muscle activation, metabolic stress & ↓ WOB, dyspnoea; ↑ diaphragmatic activation & Special equipment needed; unclear protocols & Low intensity exercise; training for competition \\
            Hold & Intermittent brief end- expiratory breath holds & ↑ biochemical stress, spleen contraction & ↓ chemosensitivity; cardiovascular performance & Risk of syncope, intense air hunger unpleasant & Pre-competition; elite sport \bigstrut[b]\\
          \caption{Overview Breath Tools \cite{Harbouretal}}



\multicolumn{1}{|c}{\textbf{Breath tool}} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Description}} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Primary   mechanisms}} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Advantages}} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Disadvantages}} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Applications}} \\ \hline
Rate &
  ↓ and/or paced BR &
  ↓ relative VD; ANS regulation &
  ↑ perfusion; ↓ dyspnoea; and pacing assistance &
  ↑ VT at less-compliant lung volumes, initial air hunger &
  Novice runners; low-intensity exercise \\
Deep &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}↑ VT via diaphragmatic\\      engagement\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}↓ BR; ↑ abdominal   ribcage\\      contribution to VE\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}↓ WOB, LOV; ↑ postural\\      control\end{tabular} &
  Difficult to   cue &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Biofeedback;   thoracic-\\      dominant breathers\end{tabular} \\
Nose &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Constant or   intermittent\\      nasal breathing\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}↑ NO; ↑ air   humidification,\\      warming, and filtration\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}↓ airway constriction; ↑\\      diaphragmatic activation\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Difficult at   high intensities;\\      time required for habituation\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Low intensity   exercise;\\      extreme climates\end{tabular} \\
Active exhale &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Longer,   forceful exhale phase with/without\\      phonation\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}↓ expiratory flow velocity: ↑\\      abdominal engagement, expiratory pressure, and   NO\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}↓ flow limitation, LOV; ↑\\      perfusion; and ANS regulation\end{tabular} &
  ↓ relative TI; difficult to cue &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Constant for   calming effects; intermittent during high\\      intensity or at altitude\end{tabular} \\
Sync &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Step \&   breath synchronization at whole-\\      integer ratios\end{tabular} &
  Step-driven   flows; rhythmic entrainment &
  ↓ WOB; pacing assistance; hypnotic &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Difficult to   learn; even ratios\\      ↑ side stitch\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Odd ratios   for ↓ side stitch; ↑\\      breath awareness\end{tabular} \\
Strength &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Respiratory   muscle\\      resistance training\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}↑ ventilatory muscle\\      activation, metabolic stress\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}↓ WOB, dyspnoea; ↑\\      diaphragmatic activation\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Special   equipment needed;\\      unclear protocols\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Low intensity   exercise;\\      training for competition\end{tabular} \\
Hold &
  Intermittent   brief end- expiratory breath holds &
  ↑ biochemical stress, spleen contraction &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}↓ chemosensitivity; \\      cardiovascular performance\end{tabular} &
  Risk of   syncope, intense air hunger unpleasant &
  Pre-competition;   elite sport



我的主要建议是使用横向模式显示表格。在下面的代码中,这是通过 (a) 加载包rotating和 (b) 使用包的sidewaystable环境来实现的。

我还建议您采用一个tabularx环境,将其宽度设置为\textwidth,并使用列类型的修改版本X- 其中修改包括暂停完全对齐 - 对于五个数据列。


%%\usepackage{bscam} % huh?

% new:
\hyphenation{dys-pnoea dia-phrag-matic}


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l LLLLL @{}}
Breath tool & Description & Primary mechanisms & 
Advantages  & Disadvantages & Applications \\
Rate & $\downarrow$~and/or paced BR 
     & $\downarrow$~relative $V_{D}$; ANS regulation 
     & $\uparrow$~perfusion; $\downarrow$~dyspnoea; and pacing assistance 
     & $\uparrow$~$V_{T}$ at less\mydash compliant lung volumes, initial air hunger 
     & Novice runners; low\mydash intensity exercise \\
Deep & $\uparrow$~$V_{T}$ via diaphragmatic engagement 
     & $\downarrow$~BR; $\uparrow$~abdominal ribcage contribution to $V_{E}$ 
     & $\downarrow$~WOB, LOV; $\uparrow$~postural control 
     & Difficult to cue 
     & Biofeedback; thoracic\mydash dominant breathers \\
Nose & Constant or intermittent nasal breathing 
     & $\uparrow$~NO; $\uparrow$~air humidification, warming, and filtration 
     & $\downarrow$~airway constriction; $\uparrow$~diaphragmatic activation 
     & Difficult at high intensities; time required for habituation 
     & Low intensity exercise; extreme climates \\
Active exhale 
     & Longer, forceful exhale phase with\slash without phonation 
     & $\downarrow$~expiratory flow velocity: $\uparrow$~abdominal engagement, expiratory pressure, and NO 
     & $\downarrow$~flow limitation, LOV; $\uparrow$~perfusion; and ANS regulation 
     & $\downarrow$~relative TI; difficult to cue 
     & Constant for calming effects; intermittent during high intensity or at altitude \\
     & Step \& breath synchronization at whole\mydash integer ratios 
     & Step\mydash driven flows; rhythmic entrainment 
     & $\downarrow$~WOB; pacing assistance; hypnotic 
     & Difficult to learn; even ratios $\uparrow$~side stitch 
     & Odd ratios for $\downarrow$~side stitch; $\uparrow$~breath awareness \\
     & Respiratory muscle resistance training 
     & $\uparrow$~ventilatory muscle activation, metabolic stress 
     & $\downarrow$~WOB, dyspnoea; $\uparrow$~diaphragmatic activation 
     & Special equipment needed; unclear protocols 
     & Low intensity exercise; training for competition \\
Hold & Intermittent brief end\mydash expiratory breath holds 
     & $\uparrow$~biochemical stress, spleen contraction 
     & $\downarrow$~chemosensitivity; cardiovascular performance 
     & Risk of syncope, intense air hunger unpleasant 
     & Pre\mydash competition; elite sport\\

\caption{Overview Breath Tools \cite{Harbouretal}}


按照 Mico 在他的精彩回答 (+1) 中的建议使用tabularray包、\small字体大小和旋转表格:


\hyphenation{dys-pnoea dia-phrag-matic}


\begin{tblr}{colsep = 3pt, 
             colspec= {@{} X[0.4,l] *{5}{X[l]} @{}},
             row{1} = {font=\bfseries, c, m},
             rowsep = 3pt
Breath tool & Description & Primary mechanisms &
Advantages  & Disadvantages & Applications \\
Rate & $\downarrow$~and/or paced BR
     & $\downarrow$~relative $V_{D}$; ANS regulation
     & $\uparrow$~perfusion; $\downarrow$~dyspnoea; and pacing assistance
     & $\uparrow$~$V_{T}$ at less compliant lung volumes, initial air hunger
     & Novice runners; low intensity exercise \\
Deep & $\uparrow$~$V_{T}$ via diaphragmatic engagement
     & $\downarrow$~BR; $\uparrow$~abdominal ribcage contribution to $V_{E}$
     & $\downarrow$~WOB, LOV; $\uparrow$~postural control
     & Difficult to cue
     & Biofeedback; thoracic dominant breathers \\
Nose & Constant or intermittent nasal breathing
     & $\uparrow$~NO; $\uparrow$~air humidification, warming, and filtration
     & $\downarrow$~airway constriction; $\uparrow$~diaphragmatic activation
     & Difficult at high intensities; time required for habituation
     & Low intensity exercise; extreme climates \\
Active exhale
     & Longer, forceful exhale phase with\slash without phonation
     & $\downarrow$~expiratory flow velocity: $\uparrow$~abdominal engagement, expiratory pressure, and NO
     & $\downarrow$~flow limitation, LOV; $\uparrow$~perfusion; and ANS regulation
     & $\downarrow$~relative TI; difficult to cue
     & Constant for calming effects; intermittent during high intensity or at altitude \\
     & Step \& breath synchronization at whole integer ratios
     & Step driven flows; rhythmic entrainment
     & $\downarrow$~WOB; pacing assistance; hypnotic
     & Difficult to learn; even ratios $\uparrow$~side stitch
     & Odd ratios for $\downarrow$~side stitch; $\uparrow$~breath awareness \\
     & Respiratory muscle resistance training
     & $\uparrow$~ventilatory muscle activation, metabolic stress
     & $\downarrow$~WOB, dyspnoea; $\uparrow$~diaphragmatic activation
     & Special equipment needed; unclear protocols
     & Low intensity exercise; training for competition \\
Hold & Intermittent brief end expiratory breath holds
     & $\uparrow$~biochemical stress, spleen contraction
     & $\downarrow$~chemosensitivity; cardiovascular performance
     & Risk of syncope, intense air hunger unpleasant
     & Pre competition; elite sport\\

\caption{Overview Breath Tools \cite{Harbouretal}}




  1. 我引入了包babel,它负责处理指定语言中的连字符。booktab建议将此包用于书籍。

  2. 为了缩小您的问题范围,我禁用了所有(或大多数)不需要在表中显示问题的软件包。

  3. 虽然您的屏幕截图中显示了向上和向下箭头,但我在编译中看不到它们。相反,有一些额外的空白。缺少的是使用 Latex 预定义的\textuparrow\textdownarrow。为简单起见,我引入了两个新命令\tup\tdn,我在您的表格条目中使用了它们。

  4. 我不是表格方面的专家,这部分肯定可以做得更好。但是,我手动缩小了表格的宽度,不得不保留命令\bigstrut,并注释掉(即删除)\centering\resizebox。 // 我还减少了行数以便更好地概览。(事实上,bigstrut 问题隐藏在大量内容中;因此逐步彻底删除和小规模重新插入铺平了道路(新内容失败意味着:麻烦制造者来了))

  5. 因为babel正在进行连字符处理,所以我故意删除了许多(如果不是全部)连字符。

我建议查阅一些关于 Latex 的介绍,以了解更多关于“好看”的方法TexLatex填充空格的方法。在某种程度上,你可以通过惩罚机制来影响它,但基本思想从一开始就是“写文本,让 Tex 进行放置”……这种方法很多时候都很好用,但并非总是如此。

我还建议仔细查看表格,不仅是 Latex 附带的传统表格,还有 ctan:https://www.ctan.org/topic/table


\usepackage[english]{babel}% takes care of language specific hyphenation
\usepackage{booktabs}% recommended for books

% --- diabling packages, which aren't neede for this problem ---
    %\usepackage{bscam} % missing // what is is?
    %\usepackage{longtable}% used correctly below?
    %\usepackage{todonotes}% needed for the table?
    %\usepackage{placeins}% needed for the table?
    %\usepackage{sectsty}% relevant to change fonts of sections

% --- abbreviations -------
\newcommand\tup{\textuparrow{}}% arrow up
\newcommand\tdn{\textdownarrow{}}% arrow down


\tup{} \tdn{}

 %        \centering
%          \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{%
 %           \begin{tabular}{p{6em}p{9em}p{11em}p{10em}p{9em}p{11em}}
 %            \begin{tabular}{llllll}
            \textbf{Breath tool} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Primary mechanisms} & \textbf{Advantages} & \textbf{Disadvantages} & \textbf{Applications} \\%\bigstrut\\% <<< bigstruct seems to be wrong here
% replacing the copied arrow by Latex-definitions
           Deep & \tup{} $V_{T}$ via diaphragmatic engagement & \tdn{} BR; \tup{} abdominal ribcage contribution to $V_{E}$ & \tdn{} WOB, LOV; \tup{} postural control & Difficult to cue & Biofeedback; thoracic-dominant breathers \\
            Hold & Intermittent brief end-expiratory breath holds & \tup{} biochemical stress, spleen contraction & \tdn{} chemosensitivity; cardiovascular performance & Risk of syncope, intense air hunger unpleasant & Precompetition; elite sport\\% \bigstrut[b]\\
%        }
          \caption{Overview Breath Tools \cite{Harbouretal}}% this citation points to nowhere

