我正在尝试为每个部分设置一个单独的计数器(就像在第二个答案中所做的那样如何读取每个部分的计数器值),但我想在部分标题中打印计数器的最终值(就像使用 totcount 包所做的那样)。
\section{First section}
\incrementCounter{2}%We increment the section counter
%section counter has value 3
\section{Second section}
%section counter has value 1
1 First section 3
2 Second section 1
注释该调用或以其他方式使用标题受 约束的类\MakeUppercase
,则需要最新的 LaTeX 内核,例如LaTeX2e <2022-06-01> patch level 1
(这是 的\l_text_case_exclude_arg_tl
% \usepackage{lipsum} % for the dummy text
\addtocounter{\ocalex@ctrname}{\numexpr (#2) - 1\relax}%
%(\csuse{the\ocalex@ctrname})% uncomment to show the current counter value
% Redefinition: automatically append “\nobreakspace \mytotal{foo}” to
% numbered \section titles.
\RenewDocumentCommand \section { s O{#3} m }
% No automatic addition for unnumbered sections
{ \ocalex@orig@section* {#3} }
[ { #2\nobreakspace \mytotal{foo} } ]
{ #3\nobreakspace \mytotal{foo} }
% This is for \pagestyle{headings} and requires a recent LaTeX format
\tl_if_in:NnF \l_text_case_exclude_arg_tl { \total }
{ \tl_put_right:Nn \l_text_case_exclude_arg_tl { \total } }
% As many such counters as you want. 'foo' is used in \incrementCounter and in
% the above redefinition of \section, in order to comply with the document
% markup from the question.
% \pagestyle{headings} % this works
\tableofcontents % this also works
% That would have been a reasonable syntax, but the question doesn't want it.
% \section{First section~\mytotal{foo}}
\section{First section}
% \lipsum[1-10] % uncomment to test with \pagestyle{headings}
\section{Second section}
% \lipsum[1-3] % uncomment to test with \pagestyle{headings}