% \usepackage{amsmath}
% \usepackage{showframe}
\lhead{~\\56 Problem Practice Worksheet}
\rhead{Name: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \\}
\lfoot{Number Correct: ~ \Large $\dfrac{~}{56}$}
% To change the Difficulty, enter a number.
% Problems will be generated randomly with
% this as a maximum (i.e. 99 will give all
% two-digit numbers). Default is for First
%and Second number to be single digit (i.e.
%maximum of 9).
\foreach \i in {1,...,#1}{%
\opadd[carryadd=false, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\white]{\AddOnea} {\AddTwoa} \hfill \opadd[carryadd=false, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\white] {\AddOneb}{\AddTwob} \hfill \opadd[carryadd=false, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\white]{\AddOnec}{\AddTwoc} \hfill \opadd[carryadd=false, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\white]{\AddOned}{\AddTwod} \hfill \opadd[carryadd=false, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\white]{\AddOnee}{\AddTwoe} \hfill \opadd[carryadd=false, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\white]{\AddOnef}{\AddTwof} \hfill \opadd[carryadd=false, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\white]{\AddOneg}{\AddTwog} \hfill \opadd[carryadd=false, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\white]{\AddOneh}{\AddTwoh} \hspace*{\fill}\\
但涉及 DIDMAS 的总数
11 - 2 \times 5 &=\\
11 - 10 &= 1
(3 + 2) \times (9 - 4) &=\\
5 \times 5 &= 25