


\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{report}

\usepackage{amsfonts, graphicx, verbatim, mathtools,amssymb, amsthm, mathrsfs,amsmath}
\noindent\begin{tblr}{colspec = {| Q[c,$] X[l] |
                                   Q[c,$] X[l] |},
                       row{1} = {mode=text},
                     row{2-Y} = {belowsep+=2pt}
Parameter & Description & Parameter & Description\\
b     & Influx rate of the popu\-la\-tion 
            & \sigma  & Progression rate from the asymptomatic compartment to the symptomatic compartment  \\
\mu & Natural death rate 
            & \gamma_A       & Non-treatment recovery rate of asymptomatic individuals \\
\beta_A & Transmission rate of the asymptomatic compartment 
            & \gamma_I       & Non-treatment recovery rate of symptomatic individuals      \\
\beta_I & Transmission rate of the symptomatic compartment 
            & \eta & Treatment rate of symptomatic individuals      \\
\nu       & Vaccination rate of newborns
            & \xi     & Immunity loss rate     \\
\rho       & Vaccination rate of susceptibles 
            & \alpha       & Disease induced death rate                    \\

\caption{Description of paramters}

我怎样才能将表格中的字体大小减小到 11 号,同时在其他地方“保持”字体大小为 12 号?


只需添加cells = {font=\fontsize{9}{11}到表格的参数中:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{report}

\usepackage{amsfonts, graphicx, verbatim, mathtools,amssymb, amsthm, mathrsfs,amsmath}
\noindent\begin{tblr}{colspec = {| Q[c,$] X[l] |
                                   Q[c,$] X[l] |},
                       row{1} = {mode=text},
                     row{2-Y} = {belowsep+=2pt},
                     cells = {font=\fontsize{9}{11}}
Parameter & Description & Parameter & Description\\
b     & Influx rate of the popu\-la\-tion 
            & \sigma  & Progression rate from the asymptomatic compartment to the symptomatic compartment  \\
\mu & Natural death rate 
            & \gamma_A       & Non-treatment recovery rate of asymptomatic individuals \\
\beta_A & Transmission rate of the asymptomatic compartment 
            & \gamma_I       & Non-treatment recovery rate of symptomatic individuals      \\
\beta_I & Transmission rate of the symptomatic compartment 
            & \eta & Treatment rate of symptomatic individuals      \\
\nu       & Vaccination rate of newborns
            & \xi     & Immunity loss rate     \\
\rho       & Vaccination rate of susceptibles 
            & \alpha       & Disease induced death rate                    \\

\caption{Description of paramters}



您还可以使用 \tiny 命令,参见下面的最小示例:





\section{Section I}
    \tiny % tiny font size
      Column 1   & Column 2 \\
      Column 3   & Column 4\\

