如何让 LaTeX chemnum 包与 .png 图像一起工作?

如何让 LaTeX chemnum 包与 .png 图像一起工作?

我一直在尝试(已经尝试了太长时间)让 LaTeX 自动标记 overleaf 文档中的化合物,并能够使用 \insertgraphics 命令添加 .png 图像。

我尝试从已经具有自动编号的模板开始,其中 chemdraws 在 .eps 文件中预先填充了 TMP1、TMP2 等(https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/automatically-numbering-compounds-in-chemical-schemes/kybckmsxnshs)。

不幸的是,我无法使用 .png 文件添加图形,因为我开始收到有关“无法确定 file.png 中图形的大小(没有 BoundingBox)”的错误消息。未定义的控制序列。


如果您点击链接,即可获得 hexa.eps 文件。


\title{Automatically numbering compounds in chemical schemes}

%% Uncomment these lines if you get error about "too many \new..." 
% \let\tmp\newinsert
% \let\newinsert\newbox
% \let\newinsert\tmp

% For positioning the scheme captions at the top.


%% hexa.eps has "TMP1" and "TMP2" as the markers
%% in fact EVERY .eps should start with TMP1, TMP2 etc
%% for ease of use
\replacecmpd{first:compound}  %% automatically replace TMP1
\replacecmpd{second:compound}  %% automatically replace TMP2
\caption{This is something!}

Compounds \refcmpd{first:compound} and \refcmpd{second:compound} in \ref{first:chem:scheme}. Here's a reference to in-text creation of \cmpd{RareCompound} that we can later refer to.


\replacecmpd{next:compound} %% automatically replace TMP1 BUT the autonumbering counter updates to 3!
\replacecmpd{last:compound} %% automatically replace TMP2
\caption{This is something else!}

Compounds \refcmpd{next:compound} and \refcmpd{last:compound} in \ref{second:chem:scheme}. Hey remember \cmpd{RareCompound}? \texttt{chemnum} still remembers it correctly, \emph{and} see how the compound numbering continues throughout the scheme diagrams!


%% MANUAL UPDATING THE COMPOUND COUNTER; make sure you know what you're doing!

\replacecmpd{jumped:compound} %% automatically replace TMP1 BUT the autonumbering counter updates to 9!
\replacecmpd{nextjumped:compound} %% automatically replace TMP2
\caption{This is again something else!}

Compounds \refcmpd{jumped:compound} and \refcmpd{nextjumped:compound} in \ref{third:chem:scheme}. (Yes we manually modified the compound numbering counter after \ref{second:chem:scheme}).

