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\caption*{Table 1 - Summary Statistics}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l *{4}{d{5}d{5}d{5}d{5}} @{}}
Two-Sample T-Test & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Gender} & \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{Means} \\ 
\cmidrule(l){2-2} \cmidrule(l){3-3} \cmidrule(l){4-5}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Married Men} & \mc{Married Women} 
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Raw Difference} & \mc{T-Stat} \\ 
Earnings \scriptsize (RMB) \tnote{a} & 47743.48 & 32037.77 & 15705.71 & -10.128^{***} \\
Education \tnote{b} & 3.435897 & 3.251876 & 0.184021 & -2.9184^{***} \\
Education \scriptsize (years) & 10.151709 & 9.411576 & 0.740133 & -3.8606^{***} \\
Age & 46.20299 & 44.32583 & 1.87716 & -4.9186^{***} \\
Experience \scriptsize (years) \tnote{c} & 30.05128 &  28.91426 & 1.13702 & -2.3852^{**} \\
Work Time \scriptsize (hours) \tnote{d} & 50.90833 &  47.31458 & 3.59375 & -4.1831^{***} \\
HW Time \scriptsize (hours) \tnote{e} & 1.151755 & 2.251799 & -1.100044 & 20.068^{***} \\
Sleep Time \scriptsize (hours) \tnote{f} & 7.553220 & 7.491119 & 0.062101 & -1.1477 \\
Ability Score \tnote{g} & 17.32105 & 16.38853 & 0.93252 & -3.4604^{***} \\
Spouse Education \tnote{h} & 3.254274 & 3.411576 & -0.157302 & 2.5134^{**} \\
Spouse Education \scriptsize (years) & 9.42094 & 10.08896 & -0.66802 & 3.5079^{***} \\
Spouse Earnings \scriptsize (RMB) \tnote{i} & 31377.18 & 48106.67 & -16729.49 & 10.346^{***} \\

\emph{N} & {936} & {933} & {1869} & {1869} \\

\item[a] Total income for all jobs in 2018, in RMB (official currency of the PRC)\\
\item[b] Highest educational degree at the time of survey, on a scale of 1 to 8 (1, illiterate/semi-illiterate; 8, doctoral degree)\\
\item[c] Potential experience (in years), an index created using $\max\{Age-Education(years)-6,0\}$ \\
\item[d] Weekly work time (in hours) \\
\item[e] Daily time (in hours) spent on housework on average, an index created using: \\
$\frac{(Hours \ spent \ on \ housework \ during \ weekdays)*5 + (Hours \ spent \ on \ housework \ during \ weekends)*2}{7}$ \\ 
\item[f] Daily sleep time (in hours), an index created using: \\
$\frac{(Hours \ of \ sleep \ during \ weekdays)*5 + (Hours \ of \ sleep \ during \ weekends)*2}{7}$ \\
\item[g] An ability index score created using: $\frac{(Math \ test \ score) + (Word \ test \ score)}{2}$ \\
\item[h] Spouse's highest educational degree at the time of survey, on a scale of 1 to 8 (1, illiterate/semi-illiterate; 8, doctoral degree) \\
\item[i] Spouse's total income for all jobs in 2018, in RMB (official currency of the PRC) \\

\item ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1\%, 5\%, and 10\% critical level. 
\item The above results are based on the 2018 round of CFPS (China Family Panel Studies) survey data.
\item The data cleaning procedure includes: only keeping married people, dropping those spouses who are not financially-connected with the family, dropping spouses who are not living in this family currently, dropping people who reported ``missing values'' and negative values for their earnings, and dropping all other ``missing values'' throughout our variables. There are 37354 subjects in the original survey data. We obtain 1896 subjects in our sample, 936 married men, 933 married women, after applying all necessary filters.
\item Considering our sample includes married couples who live together, socio-geographical characteristics such as ``number of children'', ``rural vs. urban'', and ``coastal, more prosperous provinces vs. distant provinces'' will be elaborated later, as we compare different groups based on these characteristics.









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    \caption*{Table 1 - Summary Statistics}
            @{} l
        Two-Sample T-Test & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Gender}         & \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{Means} \\ 
        \cmidrule(l){2-2} \cmidrule(l){3-3} \cmidrule(l){4-5}
                          & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Married Men}    & \mc{Married Women} 
                          & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Raw Difference} & \mc{T-Stat} \\ 
        Earnings \scriptsize (RMB) \tnote{a} &
            \multicolumn{1}{c}{\(\hspace{1em}47743.48\)} &
            \multicolumn{1}{c}{\(\hspace{1em}32037.77\)} &
            \multicolumn{1}{c}{\(\hspace{2em}15705.71\)} &
            {\(-10.128^{***}\)} \\
        Education \tnote{b}                         &  3.435897  &  3.251876 &  0.184021 & -2.9184\Tn{***} \\
        Education \scriptsize (years)               & 10.151709  &  9.411576 &  0.740133 & -3.8606\Tn{***} \\
        Age                                         & 46.20299   & 44.32583  &  1.87716  & -4.9186\Tn{***} \\
        Experience \scriptsize (years) \tnote{c}    & 30.05128   & 28.91426  &  1.13702  & -2.3852\Tn{**} \\
        Work Time \scriptsize (hours) \tnote{d}     & 50.90833   & 47.31458  &  3.59375  & -4.1831\Tn{***} \\
        HW Time \scriptsize (hours) \tnote{e}       &  1.151755  &  2.251799 & -1.100044 & 20.068\Tn{***} \\
        Sleep Time \scriptsize (hours) \tnote{f}    &  7.553220  &  7.491119 &  0.062101 & -1.1477 \\
        Ability Score \tnote{g}                     &  17.32105  &  16.38853 &  0.93252  & -3.4604\Tn{***} \\
        Spouse Education \tnote{h}                  &   3.254274 & 3.411576 & -0.157302 & 2.5134\Tn{***} \\
        Spouse Education \scriptsize (years)        &   9.42094 & 10.08896 & -0.66802 & 3.5079\Tn{***} \\
        Spouse Earnings \scriptsize (RMB) \tnote{i} &
            \multicolumn{1}{c}{\(\hspace{1em} 31377.18\)} &
            \multicolumn{1}{c}{\(\hspace{1em} 48106.67\)} &
            \multicolumn{1}{c}{\(\hspace{1em}-16729.49\)} &
            10.346\Tn{***} \\
        \emph{N} & {936} & {933} & {1869} & {1869} \\
        \item[a] Total income for all jobs in 2018, in RMB (official currency of the PRC)\\
        \item[b] Highest educational degree at the time of survey, on a scale of 1 to 8 (1, illiterate/semi-illiterate; 8, doctoral degree)\\
        \item[c] Potential experience (in years), an index created using $\max\{Age-Education(years)-6,0\}$ \\
        \item[d] Weekly work time (in hours) \\
        \item[e] Daily time (in hours) spent on housework on average, an index created using: \\
        $\frac{(Hours \ spent \ on \ housework \ during \ weekdays)*5 + (Hours \ spent \ on \ housework \ during \ weekends)*2}{7}$ \\ 
        \item[f] Daily sleep time (in hours), an index created using: \\
        $\frac{(Hours \ of \ sleep \ during \ weekdays)*5 + (Hours \ of \ sleep \ during \ weekends)*2}{7}$ \\
        \item[g] An ability index score created using: $\frac{(Math \ test \ score) + (Word \ test \ score)}{2}$ \\
        \item[h] Spouse's highest educational degree at the time of survey, on a scale of 1 to 8 (1, illiterate/semi-illiterate; 8, doctoral degree) \\
        \item[i] Spouse's total income for all jobs in 2018, in RMB (official currency of the PRC) \\
        \item ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1\%, 5\%, and 10\% critical level. 
        \item The above results are based on the 2018 round of CFPS (China Family Panel Studies) survey data.
        \item The data cleaning procedure includes: only keeping married people, dropping those spouses who are not financially-connected with the family, dropping spouses who are not living in this family currently, dropping people who reported ``missing values'' and negative values for their earnings, and dropping all other ``missing values'' throughout our variables. There are 37354 subjects in the original survey data. We obtain 1896 subjects in our sample, 936 married men, 933 married women, after applying all necessary filters.
        \item Considering our sample includes married couples who live together, socio-geographical characteristics such as ``number of children'', ``rural vs. urban'', and ``coastal, more prosperous provinces vs. distant provinces'' will be elaborated later, as we compare different groups based on these characteristics.
