使用 pandoc 转换“tree”命令的输出时缺少字符

使用 pandoc 转换“tree”命令的输出时缺少字符

我有一个包含 Unix 命令输出的 markdown 文档tree

├── cutadapt
│   ├── 0001.PbANKA_820_S1_R1.log
│   ├── 0002.PbANKA_820_S2_R1.log
│   └── 0003.PbANKA_R1.log
├── fastqc
│   ├── PbANKA_820_S1_R1_fastqc.html
│   ├── PbANKA_820_S1_R1_fastqc.zip
etc etc...

当我使用 pandoc 转换为 pdf 时,我收到许多警告:

pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex README.md -o README.pdf

[WARNING] Missing character: There is no ├ (U+251C) in font [lmmono10-regular]:!
[WARNING] Missing character: There is no ─ (U+2500) in font [lmmono10-regular]:!
[WARNING] Missing character: There is no ─ (U+2500) in font [lmmono10-regular]:!
[WARNING] Missing character: There is no │ (U+2502) in font [lmmono10-regular]:!
[WARNING] Missing character: There is no ├ (U+251C) in font [lmmono10-regular]:!
[WARNING] Missing character: There is no ─ (U+2500) in font [lmmono10-regular]:!
...etc etc

(文档中的其他内容使用简单的即可顺利转换pandoc README.md -o README.pdf)。

我知道我需要设置适当的选项-V "mainfont:..."?但我似乎无法做到正确。我尝试使用:

fc-list ':charset=251C'

据我了解,它fc-list为我提供了一系列支持角色的列表├ (U+251C),但我应该从中选择哪一个呢?无论如何,我尝试了其中几个,但警告仍然存在:

pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex -V "mainfont:DejaVu Sans" README.md -o README.pdf

[WARNING] Missing character: There is no ├ (U+251C) in font [lmmono10-regular]:!
[WARNING] Missing character: There is no ─ (U+2500) in font [lmmono10-regular]:!
[WARNING] Missing character: There is no ─ (U+2500) in font [lmmono10-regular]:!



pandoc -v
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xelatex -v
XeTeX 3.14159265-2.6-0.99998 (TeX Live 2017/Debian)
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pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex -V "mainfont:DejaVu Sans" -V "monofont:DejaVu Sans Mono" README.md -o README.pdf

