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Afify, A. Z., and Mohamed, O. A. (2020). A new three-parameter
exponential distribution with variable shapes for the hazard rate:
Estimation and applications. \textit {Mathematics,} \textbf{8}(1),
Afify, A. Z., Gemeay, A. M., and Ibrahim, N. A. (2020). The heavy-
tailed exponential distribution: risk measures, estimation, and
application to actuarial data. \textit {Mathematics,} \textbf{8}(8),
Afify, A. Z., Suzuki, A. K., Zhang, C., and Nassar, M. (2021). On
three-parameter exponential distribution: properties, Bayesian and
non-Bayesian estimation based on complete and censored samples.
\textit{Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation,}
\textbf{50}(11), 3799-3819.
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Afify, A. Z., and Mohamed, O. A. (2020). A new three-parameter
exponential distribution with variable shapes for the hazard rate:
Estimation and applications. \textit {Mathematics,} \textbf{8}(1),
Afify, A. Z., Gemeay, A. M., and Ibrahim, N. A. (2020). The heavy-
tailed exponential distribution: risk measures, estimation, and
application to actuarial data. \textit {Mathematics,} \textbf{8}(8),
Afify, A. Z., Suzuki, A. K., Zhang, C., and Nassar, M. (2021). On
three-parameter exponential distribution: properties, Bayesian and
non-Bayesian estimation based on complete and censored samples.
\textit{Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation,}
\textbf{50}(11), 3799-3819.