我是 Latex 世界的新手。我看到另一篇帖子描述了我想要实现的目标,但我需要更改一小点。我谈论的帖子是这篇:当不同页面引用相同参考文献时,将“Ibid.”字符串替换为字符串“Ivi”
我不需要用 ID 替换相同作者的代码。我需要更改什么才能仅将 ibid 和 ivi 分开?
假设你想要的东西和你的链接答案,但如果没有作者 ID 替换,您可以直接删除该代码。
% All adapted from: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/561009
\usepackage{xpatch} % <- this can be moved to your preamble; refer to its documentation or search for details, if you like
% The below defines the requisite bibliography strings.
% (It goes somewhere before \begin{document}, after loading your packages.)
idem = {\autocap{i}d},
ibidemloccit = {\mkbibemph{\autocap{i}bid\adddot}},
ibidemnoloccit = {\mkbibemph{\autocap{i}vi}},
% The below performs the actual patch, to segregate ibid vs. ivi .