

这是我第一次使用 latex,遇到了列的问题。我该如何消除 1 列和 2 列之间的间隙。请看图。[1]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/lswTk.jpg





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\fancyhf{}% ����ҳüҳ��
\fancyhead[LO]{\small\sl Shortened Title Within 45 Characters}%
\fancyhead[RE]{\small\sl J. Comput. Sci. \& Technol.}
\noindent {\small Journal of computer science and technology: Instruction for authors.

\title{Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Instruction for Authors}

\let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{{}\\[-4mm]\indent\ Regular Paper}

\noindent {\small\bf Abstract} \quad  {\small \textcolor{black}{In this paper, we present an improved Paillier Cryptosystem for a secured data transmission based on the Residue Number System (RNS). , a high level resistance to key sensitivity attacks, and an acceptable level of resilience. In terms of security, it has been discovered that the proposed system outperforms the present algorithm.}}


\noindent{\small\bf Keywords} \quad {\small Android software, Code cloning, Malware code Detection, Mobile security, Malware detection, Software reuse, Android apps re-usability.}


\baselineskip=18pt plus.2pt minus.2pt
\parskip=0pt plus.2pt minus0.2pt


The Android Operating System is used on more than 2.8 billion smartphones. Only last year, over 1.05 billion Android phones were shipped. Among mobile phone users, over 75\% use Android smartphones due to their low prices and open-source operating systems, which make up the most popular operating system




  • 步骤 1:我禁用了所有软件包,然后包含这些软件包,这样文件就可以编译了
  • 第二步:我仔细研究了这个twocolumn问题



  • \usepackage{multicol}
  • \begin{multicols}{2}{ .. your text ..}\end{multicols}
  • 在下面的代码中检查%<<<行末带有
  • 使用环境minipage可能会做同样的工作



% DISABLED most packages AND included those relevant here to compile
\usepackage{lipsum}% just to fill in more text
\usepackage{multicol}% <<<
%%\usepackage{picins} % not found



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\fancyhf{}% ����ҳüҳ��
\fancyhead[LO]{\small\sl Shortened Title Within 45 Characters}%
\fancyhead[RE]{\small\sl J. Comput. Sci. \& Technol.}

        \noindent {\small Journal of computer science and   technology: Instruction for authors.

        \title{Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Instruction for Authors}

        \let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{{}\\[-4mm]\indent\ Regular Paper}

        \noindent {\small\bf Abstract} \quad  {\small \textcolor{black}{In this paper, we present an improved Paillier Cryptosystem for a secured data transmission based on the Residue Number System (RNS). , a high level resistance to key sensitivity attacks, and an acceptable level of resilience. In terms of security, it has been discovered that the proposed system outperforms the present algorithm.}}


        \noindent{\small\bf Keywords} \quad {\small Android software, Code cloning, Malware code Detection, Mobile security, Malware detection, Software reuse, Android apps re-usability.}


\baselineskip=18pt plus.2pt minus.2pt
\parskip=0pt plus.2pt minus0.2pt

\begin{multicols}{2}% <<<

    The Android Operating System is used on more than 2.8 billion smartphones. Only last year, over 1.05 billion Android phones were shipped. Among mobile phone users, over 75\% use Android smartphones due to their low prices and open-source operating systems, which make up the most popular operating system.

    \lipsum[1]% just some dummy text

    \lipsum[2]% just some dummy text



使用来自的模板JCST 发布模板 (Latex) 自加载包以来,它没有任何变化multicol


    \noindent {\small Journal of computer science and technology: Instruction for authors.
    \title{Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Instruction for Authors}
    \let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{{}\\[-4mm]\indent\ Regular Paper}
    \noindent {\small\bf Abstract} \quad  {\small \textcolor{black}{In this paper, we present an improved Paillier Cryptosystem for a secured data transmission based on the Residue Number System (RNS). , a high level resistance to key sensitivity attacks, and an acceptable level of resilience. In terms of security, it has been discovered that the proposed system outperforms the present algorithm.}}
    \noindent{\small\bf Keywords} \quad {\small Android software, Code cloning, Malware code Detection, Mobile security, Malware detection, Software reuse, Android apps re-usability.}

    \baselineskip=18pt plus.2pt minus.2pt
    \parskip=0pt plus.2pt minus0.2pt

\begin{multicols}{2}% changed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        The Android Operating System is used on more than 2.8 billion smartphones. Only last year, over 1.05 billion Android phones were shipped. Among mobile phone users, over 75\% use Android smartphones due to their low prices and open-source operating systems, which make up the most popular operating system            




  • 一些针对 LaTeX 新手的背景知识
  • 使 JCST 模板编译
  • 用一些演示内容填充它,包括盲文和文本
  • 最后的建议


LaTeX 新手背景

正如您所写,这是您第一次使用 LaTeX。刚开始使用 LaTeX 时可能会感到困惑。从面向布局的程序(如微软WordAdobe Acrobat画框制作师或者抄写员一种是经过预先训练的,可以同时处理内容(说什么)和布局(在哪里放置什么)。

LaTeX 则不同:只要你说出你的想法(文本),它就会把东西“整齐地”放在它能找到的空间里。这是最初的想法。现在,作者喜欢时不时地影响布局。这就是为什么环境(如图片)会为 LaTeX 提供一些布局建议。专用软件包甚至更进一步。

作为一种策略,尝试在 JCST 的模板世界中工作。依靠“这就是他们希望它在印刷品中看起来的样子”。

如果你还没有这样做,我建议你找一些关于 LaTeX 介绍的书,或者浏览一下并在里面搜索关于 LaTeX 的维基教科书。您可以在此网站上找到更多关于介绍材料的提示。

查找包裹总是一个好主意加拿大运输安全局 并阅读其手动的

使 JCST 模板编译

因此,要回答你的问题差距算法我的第一步是从您提供的链接下载 JCST 模板并进行编译。它的前言部分与您最初发布的代码也略有不同。编译时出现了一些小问题。


picins(1991) 似乎已经过时了。例如,它将用于在末尾包含作者照片。我将其排除在外。此外,包picinpar不起作用(\hsize 错误)。因此,除非您计划在内容中包含更多图像,否则您可能可以将其留给 JCST 发布。

软件包algorithmalgoritmic似乎不再存在于 CTAN 上。虽然我的发行版控制台正在尝试安装它们,但我决定使用algorithm2e它们提供的选项。强烈建议在手册中检查其使用和选项。




您将看到,我从 JCST 模板中删除了内容(仅删除了那些部分)。我使用了\section{}\subsection{}来为该演示内容提供基本结构。

对于“1 简介”,我只放置了一些\lipsum语句并插入了一个算法,从手动的

  • 第一个带有选项 [H] 的版本(放在这里(如果可能))
  • 第二个版本没有选项,即让它浮动(当你改变内容时它会移动)


  • 命名是自由的;我决定使用alg:N,其中 N 是一个数字;名字可能更好,例如alg:someHint
  • LaTeX 会自行处理编号,这就是为什么使用alg:N可能会随着时间的推移而变得令人困惑,并且alg:Name可能更好
  • 你不必遵循这个方案,但它可以帮助你避免错误;当你的内容增长时,tab:anOverview参见例如等fig:aNiceCurve

要引用这些标签,请\ref{}在运行文本中使用。有关示例的详细信息,请参阅“2 详细信息”,包括印刷版和代码版。例如,您稍后可以将表格引用为\ref{tab:anOverview},而 LaTeX 会在编译期间将其替换为表格的正确编号。

请注意,LaTeX 需要两次编译运行才能放置正确的值(第一次运行:编译,第二次运行:替换找到的内容)。


  • p. 2 “偶然”浮动算法是你放置它的地方;它可能会四处移动
  • LaTeX 放置算法很好地平衡了两个(未完成的)列,当你编辑更多内容时,这种情况会发生变化


  • 更长的算法
  • “分页符”
  • a-col、2-col 跨度
  • \;何时在伪代码行中使用
  • ETC。


复制我的代码并将我的内容替换为您的(% ~~~ MS-SPO:这里开始您的内容~~~~~~~~~~)。不要在意其他部分,让内容暂时自由流动。编辑过程中会出现间隙。一旦快完成,请专注于内容并进行“位置”调整。

%,picins,% MS-SPO: outdated (from 1991)
%\usepackage{picinpar} % MS-SPO: doesn't solve the problems with author-images at the end
%\usepackage[noend]{algorithm}% MS-SPO: not on CTAN, though your distributions console might install it
%\usepackage[noend]{algorithmic}% MS-SPO: same
\usepackage[lined,algonl,boxed]{algorithm2e} % MS-SPO: prefer this one, can be found on CTAN
\usepackage{lipsum}% MS-SPO: just to enter some blindtext
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\end{flushleft}\vspace{1mm} }
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{\normalfont\normalsize\protect\baselineskip=12pt plus.2pt minus.2pt\sl}}
\def\proofname{{\indent \it Proof.}}

\fancyhf{}% 清空页眉页脚
\fancyhead[LO]{\small\sl First Author {\it et al.}: Shortened Title Within 45 Characters}%
\fancyhead[RE]{\small\sl J. Comput. Sci. \& Technol., January 2018,
Vol., No.}

% ~~~ MS-SPO: here starts content, kind of standardized ~~~
\noindent {\small First Author, Second Author, Third
Author {\it et al.} Journal of computer science and technology: Instruction for authors.
JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY \ 33(1): \thepage--\pageref{last-page}
\ January 2018. DOI 10.1007/s11390-015-0000-0}

\title{Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Instruction for Authors}

\author{First Author[\textcolor{blue}{First-Name Surname}]$^{1,2,*}$ (Chinese Name, if available), Second Author$^{1}$ (Chinese Name, if available), and Third Author$^{2}$ (Chinese Name, if available)}

\address{1}{Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China}
\address{2}{[\textcolor{blue}{Affiliation, City Postcode, Country}]}


\noindent E-mail: ***@*********; ***@********* [\textcolor{blue}{Please list the emails of all the authors in order. The domain names of the e-mails should correspond to the authors' affiliations, and any free personal e-mail, e.g., qq.com, 126.com, 163.com, gmail.com, hotmail.com, is not permitted}]\\[-1mm]

\noindent Received July 15, 2018 [\textcolor{blue}{Month Day, Year}]; accepted October 14, 2018 [\textcolor{blue}{Month Day, Year}].\\[1mm]

\let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{{}\\[-4mm]\indent\ Regular Paper\\[.5mm]
%\indent\quad Special Section of CAD/Graphcis 2017\\[.5mm]
%\indent\quad  A preliminary version of the paper was published in SMP 2014.\\[.5mm]
\indent\ by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.~******** and ********, the National High Technology Research and Development 863 Program of China under Grant No.~********, the National Basic Research 973 Program of China under Grant No.~********, and the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China under Grant No.~*******. \\[.5mm]
\indent\ $^*$Corresponding Author
\\[1.2mm]\indent\ %$^{\footnotesize\textcircled{\tiny1}}$https://jcst.ict.ac.cn/EN/column/column107.shtml, May 2020.% not needed
\\[.5mm]\indent\ \copyright Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2021}

\noindent {\small\bf Abstract} \quad  {\small \textcolor{blue}{Please provide an abstract of 100 to 250 words. The abstract should clearly state the nature and significance of the paper. It must not include undefined abbreviations, mathematical expressions or bibliographic references.}}


\noindent{\small\bf Keywords} \quad {\small keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword,
keyword [\textcolor{blue}{Keywords should closely reflect the topic and should optically
characterize the paper. Please use about 3$\sim $5 keywords or phrases in
alphabetical order separated by commas.}]}


\baselineskip=15.8pt plus.2pt minus.2pt
\parskip=0pt plus.2pt minus0.2pt
% ~~~ MS-SPO: here starts YOUR content ~~~~~~~~~~


\begin{algorithm}[H]% MS-SPO: copied from manual
    \KwData{this text}
    \KwResult{how to write algorithm with \LaTeX2e }
    \While{not at end of this document}{
        read current\;
        go to next section\;
    current section becomes this one\;
        go back to the beginning of current section\;
    \caption{\label{alg:1}How to write algorithms, option [H] = here}% MS-SPO: put label, if you want to reference it from text


\begin{algorithm}[H]% MS-SPO: copied from manual
    \KwData{this text}
    \KwResult{how to write algorithm with \LaTeX2e }
    \While{not at end of this document}{
        read current\;
        go to next section\;
    current section becomes this one\;
        go back to the beginning of current section\;
    \caption{\label{alg:2}How to write algorithms, no option = float}



Here ist how you can reference Algorithms \ref{alg:1} and \ref{alg:2} in running text. \ref{alg:1} is tried to put HERE, while \ref{alg:2} will appear where \LaTeX{} finds enough space, so you may find it being shifted around as your content varies from editing.

\subsection{Some details}

\subsection{Even more details}


% ~~~ MS-SPO: here ends YOUR content ~~~~~~~~~~
