

使用哪个命令来添加行分隔线,如最底部的图像(示例)所示?我使用的是 \hline ,但如果有多行,它会剪切列名。我已添加我的代码进度。谢谢


\begin{adjustbox}{width=1 \textwidth}
\begin{tabular}{   *{16}{c | } } 

 \multirow{2}{*} {Instance} & \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\multirow{2}{*} {Single Level Linear Formulation} }
            & \multicolumn{8}{c }{Scatter Search}                    \\
  &  &  &    & &  &    \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Best}   & \multicolumn{5}{c|}{Average}   \\ 
     &  LeaderObj LB &   LeaderObj UB & Follower Obj & \%GAP  & CPU(s)  
    & Best OFL &   \%GAP LB & \%GAP UB  &  Average OFL  & Average OFF &  \%GAP UB & \%GAP LB &  CPU(s)     
test 90k20ta1 & 1935 & 2094 & 1169 & 8.22 & time       
test 90k20ta2 & 1968 & 2091 & 1173.6 & 6.25 & time       




在以下示例中,列类型(即软件包提供的列类型C的居中版本)是 13 个数据列的默认类型。每当使用列类型(基于上一段中提到的列类型)时,请务必将相应的标题单元格“包装”在包装器中。请注意以下代码中的和作为此类“包装”的示例。XtabularxTS\mC\mC{Follower Obj}\mC{\%GAP}


\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class

\usepackage[a4paper,margin=2.5cm]{geometry} % set page parameters appropriately
\usepackage{rotating, % for 'sidewaystable' environment
            booktabs, % for well-spaced horizontal rules
            tabularx, % for 'tabularx' environment
            ragged2e, % for '\Centering' macro
            siunitx}  % for 'S' columntype (and 'table-format' option)
\newcolumntype{T}[1]{S[table-format=#1]} % align on (explicit or implicit) decimal marker

\newcommand\mC[1]{\multicolumn{1}{@{}C@{}}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro
\hyphenation{leader-obj} % permit hyphenation between 'leader' and 'obj'


\setlength\tabcolsep{2pt} % default value: 6pt

\caption{A table with 14 columns\strut} % choose real caption as needed

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ @{} % occupy full width (height) of text block
    l      % left alignment, no line breaking allowed
    CC     % use 'C' col. type for first two data columns
    T{4.1} % 4 integer digits, 1 decimal digit
    T{2.2} % 2 integer digits, 2 decimal digits
    *{11}{C} % remaining columns (respecify as needed)
    @{} } 

Instance & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Single Level Linear Formulation}
         & \multicolumn{8}{c}{Scatter Search} \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-6} \cmidrule(l){7-14} 
& & & & & & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Best} & 
            \multicolumn{5}{c}{Average}   \\ 
\cmidrule(lr){7-9} \cmidrule(l){10-14}
& LeaderObj LB & LeaderObj UB & \mC{Follower Obj} & \mC{\%GAP} & CPU(s) 
& Best OFL & \%GAP LB & \%GAP UB 
& Average OFL & Average OFF & \%GAP UB & \%GAP LB & CPU(s) \\ 
test 90k20ta1 & 1935 & 2094 & 1169   &  8.22 & time & \dots   
test 90k20ta2 & 1968 & 2091 & 1173.6 & 17.24 & time & \dots    


