我是 Latex 新手,对如何仅根据特定列的单元格值为表格中的单元格着色的概念感到困惑。我正在创建一个 Latex 模板,该模板将用于内部审计报告,其中将包含一系列部分和相关的调查结果表,我想仅根据可能的 4 个预定义值(例如已实施、未实施、未评估)为最后一列着色...
\section{Dog House }
Summary that describes the state of the dog house.
Control No & Control Description & Finding \\
43 & The cat sat on the hat & Implemented \\
76 & The dog ate my cupcake & Not Implemented \\
645 & The rate is a cat & Not Assessed \\
\section{Cats House}
Control No & Control Description & Finding \\
43 & The cat sat on the hat & Implemented \\
76 & The dog ate my cupcake & Not Implemented \\
645 & The rate is a cat & Not Assessed \\
\NewDocumentCommand { \HighLightCell } { m }
\str_case:nnF { #1 }
{ Implemented } { \cellcolor{red!20}Implemented }
{ Not~Implemented } { \cellcolor{blue!20}Not~Implemented }
{ Not~Assessed } { \cellcolor{magenta!20}Not~Assessed }
{ #1 }
\section{Dog House }
Summary that describes the state of the dog house.
Control No & Control Description & Finding \\
43 & The cat sat on the hat & Implemented \\
76 & The dog ate my cupcake & Not Implemented \\
645 & The rate is a cat & Not Assessed \\
\ifstrequal{#1}{Not Implemented}{\textcolor{red}{#1}}{%
\ifstrequal{#1}{Not Assessed}{\textcolor{black!40!green}{#1}}{%
Summary that describes the state of the dog house.
\section{Dog House }
colspec = {lll},
cell{2-Z}{3} = {cmd=\setcolor},
Control No & Control Description & Finding \\
23 & The cat sat on the hat & Assessed \\
43 & The cat sat on the hat & Implemented \\
76 & The dog ate my cupcake & Not Implemented \\
645 & The rate is a cat & Not Assessed \\