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%Checkout https://texblog.org/2014/05/19/coloring-multi-row-tables-in-latex/
% and https://www.baeldung.com/cs/latex-tables-vertical-horizontal
    \caption[Comparison of all model predictions for of genetic circuit failures, and the most ``robust" circuit choice for each model simulation.]{Comparison of all model predictions for of genetic circuit failures, and the most ``robust" circuit choice for each model simulation. \textbf{D}: default parameter values; \textbf{C}: characterized parameter values; \textbf{O}: original design; \textbf{T}: two-inverter design; \textbf{N}: no-logic-hazard design (or logic-hazard free design).}
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Default Model}} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{Cello Model}}\\
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{D} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{D} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{C} \\
        \cmidrule(rl){3-5} \cmidrule(rl){6-8} \cmidrule(rl){9-11}
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Circuit Failures}}&   O   &   T   & N &   O   &   T   &   N   &   O   &   T   &   N   \\
        & $(0,1,0) \rightarrow (1,1,1)$ & & \cellcolor{red} & & & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime} & & \cellcolor{red} & \\ 
        & $(0,1,0) \rightarrow (1,0,0)$ & & & \cellcolor{lime} & & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime} & & & \cellcolor{lime} \\
        & $(1,1,1) \rightarrow (1,0,0)$ & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime} & & & \cellcolor{lime} & & \cellcolor{red} & \\      
        & $(1,1,1) \rightarrow (0,1,0)$ & & \cellcolor{lime} & & & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & & & \\
        & $(1,0,0) \rightarrow (0,1,0)$ & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime} & & & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime}\\
        \multirow{-6}{*}{0-Function Hazards}& $(1,0,0) \rightarrow (1,1,1)$ & & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime} & &\cellcolor{red} & & & \cellcolor{red} & \\
        & $(0,1,1) \rightarrow (1,0,1)$ & & \cellcolor{lime} & & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime} & & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime}\\
        & $(0,0,0) \rightarrow (0,1,1)$ & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime} & & \\
        & $(0,0,0) \rightarrow (1,0,1)$ & & \cellcolor{lime} & & & \cellcolor{lime} & & & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red}\\
        & $(1,0,1) \rightarrow (0,1,1)$ & & & & & \cellcolor{red}& \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} &  \\      
        & $(0,1,1) \rightarrow (0,0,0)$ & & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red}  & & \cellcolor{lime} & & \cellcolor{red}\\
        \multirow{-6}{*}{1-Function Hazards}& $(1,0,1) \rightarrow (0,0,0)$ & & \cellcolor{red} & & & \cellcolor{red}& \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & \\
        & $(0,0,0)$ & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime} & & \cellcolor{red}\\
        & $(0,0,1)$ & & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{lime} & & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime}\\
        & $(0,1,0)$ & & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime} & & & \cellcolor{lime} & & \cellcolor{red} &\cellcolor{lime} \\
        & $(0,1,1)$ & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & \\     
        & $(1,0,0)$ & & & \cellcolor{lime} & & & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{lime} & & \\
        & $(1,0,1)$ & & \cellcolor{red} & & & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{red} & & \cellcolor{lime}\\
        & $(1,1,0)$ & & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & & & & \cellcolor{red} & \\
        \multirow{-8}{*}{Wrong Steady-State}& $(1,1,1)$ & & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime} & & \cellcolor{red} & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{lime} & \cellcolor{red} & \\
    \small This table compares each models' predictions for best and worst performance for each transition. A red color means that the circuit performed worse than the median, and green color means that the circuit performed better than the median, for that input molecule concentration or transition. 


正如@JasperHabicht 在评论中指出的那样,第 5 列宽度过大的原因是第 3 至第 5 列的标题“太宽”,即字符串“Default Model”的宽度远远超过了三个单独列的总自然宽度。标题字符串的超宽必须反映在一个或多个底层列的实际宽度中。您(重新)发现的是,LaTeX 将超宽分配给宽标题下方的列组中的最后一列。




\newcolumntype{?}[1]{!{\color{white}\vrule width #1}}

\newcommand\red{\cellcolor{red}} % handy shortcut macros

\caption[Comparison of all model predictions of genetic circuit failures, and the most ``robust'' circuit choice for each model simulation.]{Comparison of all model predictions of genetic circuit failures, and the most ``robust'' circuit choice for each model simulation. }

\textbf{D}: default parameter values; \textbf{C}: characterized parameter values; \textbf{O}: original design; \textbf{T}: two-inverter design; \textbf{N}: no-logic-hazard design (or logic-hazard free design).
\setlength\tabcolsep{4.5pt} % default: 6pt
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} cc ccc ?{3pt} ccc ?{3pt} ccc }
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{Circuit Failures} & 
\multicolumn{9}{c@{}}{Models} \\
\cmidrule(r){1-2} \cmidrule(l){3-11}
& & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Default} & \multicolumn{6}{c@{}}{Cello}\\
\cmidrule(lr){3-5} \cmidrule{6-11}
& & \multicolumn{3}{c}{D} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{D} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{C} \\
\cmidrule(lr){3-5} \cmidrule(r){6-8} \cmidrule{9-11}
& &  O & T & N &   O & T & N &   O & T & N \\

0-Function Hazards
 & $(0,1,0){\to}(1,1,1)$ & & \red & & & \red & \lime & & \red & \\ 
 & $(0,1,0){\to}(1,0,0)$ & & & \lime & & \red & \lime & & & \lime \\
 & $(1,1,1){\to}(1,0,0)$ & \red & & \lime & & & \lime & & \red & \\      
 & $(1,1,1){\to}(0,1,0)$ & & \lime & & & \lime & \red & & & \\
 & $(1,0,0){\to}(0,1,0)$ & \red & \lime & & & \lime & \red & \red & & \lime\\
 & $(1,0,0){\to}(1,1,1)$ & & \red & \lime & &\red & & & \red & \\

1-Function Hazards
& $(0,1,1){\to}(1,0,1)$ & & \lime & & \red & \lime & & \red & & \lime\\
& $(0,0,0){\to}(0,1,1)$ & \lime & \red & & \lime & \red & & \lime & & \\
& $(0,0,0){\to}(1,0,1)$ & & \lime & & & \lime & & & \lime & \red\\
& $(1,0,1){\to}(0,1,1)$ & & & & & \red& \lime & \lime & \red &  \\      
& $(0,1,1){\to}(0,0,0)$ & & \red & & \lime & \red  & & \lime & & \red\\
& $(1,0,1){\to}(0,0,0)$ & & \red & & & \red& \lime & \lime & \red & \\

Wrong Steady State
& $(0,0,0)$ & \lime & \red & & \lime & \red & & \lime & & \red\\
& $(0,0,1)$ & & \red & \lime & \lime & & \red & & \red & \lime\\
& $(0,1,0)$ & & \red & \lime & & & \lime & & \red &\lime \\
& $(0,1,1)$ & \lime & \red & & \lime & \red & & \lime & \red & \\     
& $(1,0,0)$ & & & \lime & & & \lime & \lime & & \\
& $(1,0,1)$ & & \red & & & \red & & \red & & \lime\\
& $(1,1,0)$ & & \red & \lime & \red & & & & \red & \\
& $(1,1,1)$ & & \red & \lime & & \red & \lime & \lime & \red & \\

This table compares each models' predictions for best and worst performance for each transition. A red color means that the circuit performed worse than the median, and green color means that the circuit performed better than the median, for that input molecule concentration or transition. \par
