在我的非常非常长的参考书目中,我使用 字段abstract
,但只有当我将它们伪装成 时annotation
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author = {Don Adams},
gender = {sm},
title = {Socrates Mystagogos},
langid = {english},
year = 2017,
publisher = {Routledge},
location = {Abingdon, OX, AND New York},
doi = {10.4324/9781315609812},
abstract = {\autocap from the blurb \mkbibquote{For Socrates,
philosophy is not like Christian conversion from
error to truth, but rather it is like the pagan
process whereby a young man is initiated into cult
mysteries by a more experienced
man\addthinspace--\addthinspace the
mystagogos\addthinspace--\addthinspace who prepares
him and leads him to the sacred precinct. In Greek
cult religion, the mystagogos prepared the initiate
for the esoteric mysteries revealed by the
hierophant. Socrates treats traditional wisdom with
scepticism, and this makes him appear ridiculous or
dangerous in the eyes of cultural
conservatives. Nevertheless, his scepticism is not
radical: custom is not something on which we must
turn our backs if we are to pursue the
truth. Socrates assumes an epistemology and employs
a method by which he induces his companions to begin
the critical and self-critical process of
philosophical inquiry, not ignoring conventional
wisdom, but thinking through and reinterpreting it
as they make constructive progress towards the
truth. He provides conclusive and convincing
arguments in support of controversial answers to
some of the most important moral questions he
author = {Vishwa Adluri},
gender = {sm},
title = {Initiation into the Mysteries},
shorttitle = {Initiation},
langid = {english},
journaltitle = {Mouseion},
year = 2006,
issuetitle = {\mkbibparens{Ir}rationality in the Ancient World},
series = 3,
volume = 6,
number = 3,
pages = {407-423},
eprint = {http://digital.utpjournals.com/i/319761},
abstract = {\mkbibquote{\selectlanguage{french}Les dialogues de Platon soulignent la
transformation personnelle et le salut tels qu'on
les trouvait dans \mkbibquote{l'initiation aux
mystères}. Burkert, Kingsley et Riedweg, en suivant
les traces de Damascius et des Néoplatoniciens, ont
récemment démontré les aspects théologiques,
existentiels et sotériologiques chez
Platon. Celui-ci exploite à son profit non seulement
le vocabulaire et l'organisation des rites
d'initiation mais aussi leur aspect
\mkbibquote{expérience vécue}. Ainsi Socrate: après
avoir désorienté ses interlocuteurs par la
dialectique, leur révèle les \mkbibquote{mystères}
au moyen de mythes grandioses qui représentent
rapogée de l'expérience philosophique. Celle-ci
confère une assurance intrépide devant la mort et
accorde le salut en montrant l'univers du point de
vue de l'éternelle raison
\mkbibparens{\mkbibemph{nous}}. Elle lave le
philosophe de toute identité politique et
是让 Biber 将所有abstract
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author = {Don Adams},
gender = {sm},
title = {Socrates Mystagogos},
langid = {english},
year = 2017,
publisher = {Routledge},
location = {Abingdon, OX, AND New York},
doi = {10.4324/9781315609812},
abstract = {\autocap{f}rom the blurb \mkbibquote{For Socrates,
philosophy is not like Christian conversion from
error to truth, but rather it is like the pagan
process whereby a young man is initiated into cult
mysteries by a more experienced
man\addthinspace--\addthinspace the
mystagogos\addthinspace--\addthinspace who prepares
him and leads him to the sacred precinct. In Greek
cult religion, the mystagogos prepared the initiate
for the esoteric mysteries revealed by the
hierophant. Socrates treats traditional wisdom with
scepticism, and this makes him appear ridiculous or
dangerous in the eyes of cultural
conservatives. Nevertheless, his scepticism is not
radical: custom is not something on which we must
turn our backs if we are to pursue the
truth. Socrates assumes an epistemology and employs
a method by which he induces his companions to begin
the critical and self-critical process of
philosophical inquiry, not ignoring conventional
wisdom, but thinking through and reinterpreting it
as they make constructive progress towards the
truth. He provides conclusive and convincing
arguments in support of controversial answers to
some of the most important moral questions he
author = {Vishwa Adluri},
gender = {sm},
title = {Initiation into the Mysteries},
shorttitle = {Initiation},
langid = {english},
journaltitle = {Mouseion},
year = 2006,
issuetitle = {\mkbibparens{Ir}rationality in the Ancient World},
series = 3,
volume = 6,
number = 3,
pages = {407-423},
eprint = {http://digital.utpjournals.com/i/319761},
abstract = {\mkbibquote{\selectlanguage{french}Les dialogues de Platon soulignent la
transformation personnelle et le salut tels qu'on
les trouvait dans \mkbibquote{l'initiation aux
mystères}. Burkert, Kingsley et Riedweg, en suivant
les traces de Damascius et des Néoplatoniciens, ont
récemment démontré les aspects théologiques,
existentiels et sotériologiques chez
Platon. Celui-ci exploite à son profit non seulement
le vocabulaire et l'organisation des rites
d'initiation mais aussi leur aspect
\mkbibquote{expérience vécue}. Ainsi Socrate: après
avoir désorienté ses interlocuteurs par la
dialectique, leur révèle les \mkbibquote{mystères}
au moyen de mythes grandioses qui représentent
rapogée de l'expérience philosophique. Celle-ci
confère une assurance intrépide devant la mort et
accorde le salut en montrant l'univers du point de
vue de l'éternelle raison
\mkbibparens{\mkbibemph{nous}}. Elle lave le
philosophe de toute identité politique et
,我们就必须摆弄 bibmacro finentry
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\usepackage[style=philosophy-modern, sortlocale=auto, sorting=nyvt,%
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\DeclareFieldFormat{abstract}{\annotationfont #1}
\ifboolexpr{test {\ifannotation} or test {\ifabstract}}
author = {Don Adams},
gender = {sm},
title = {Socrates Mystagogos},
langid = {english},
year = 2017,
publisher = {Routledge},
location = {Abingdon, OX, AND New York},
doi = {10.4324/9781315609812},
abstract = {\autocap{f}rom the blurb \mkbibquote{For Socrates,
philosophy is not like Christian conversion from
error to truth, but rather it is like the pagan
process whereby a young man is initiated into cult
mysteries by a more experienced
man\addthinspace--\addthinspace the
mystagogos\addthinspace--\addthinspace who prepares
him and leads him to the sacred precinct. In Greek
cult religion, the mystagogos prepared the initiate
for the esoteric mysteries revealed by the
hierophant. Socrates treats traditional wisdom with
scepticism, and this makes him appear ridiculous or
dangerous in the eyes of cultural
conservatives. Nevertheless, his scepticism is not
radical: custom is not something on which we must
turn our backs if we are to pursue the
truth. Socrates assumes an epistemology and employs
a method by which he induces his companions to begin
the critical and self-critical process of
philosophical inquiry, not ignoring conventional
wisdom, but thinking through and reinterpreting it
as they make constructive progress towards the
truth. He provides conclusive and convincing
arguments in support of controversial answers to
some of the most important moral questions he
author = {Vishwa Adluri},
gender = {sm},
title = {Initiation into the Mysteries},
shorttitle = {Initiation},
langid = {english},
journaltitle = {Mouseion},
year = 2006,
issuetitle = {\mkbibparens{Ir}rationality in the Ancient World},
series = 3,
volume = 6,
number = 3,
pages = {407-423},
eprint = {http://digital.utpjournals.com/i/319761},
annotation = {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat.
At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.
Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.},
abstract = {\mkbibquote{\selectlanguage{french}Les dialogues de Platon soulignent la
transformation personnelle et le salut tels qu'on
les trouvait dans \mkbibquote{l'initiation aux
mystères}. Burkert, Kingsley et Riedweg, en suivant
les traces de Damascius et des Néoplatoniciens, ont
récemment démontré les aspects théologiques,
existentiels et sotériologiques chez
Platon. Celui-ci exploite à son profit non seulement
le vocabulaire et l'organisation des rites
d'initiation mais aussi leur aspect
\mkbibquote{expérience vécue}. Ainsi Socrate: après
avoir désorienté ses interlocuteurs par la
dialectique, leur révèle les \mkbibquote{mystères}
au moyen de mythes grandioses qui représentent
rapogée de l'expérience philosophique. Celle-ci
confère une assurance intrépide devant la mort et
accorde le salut en montrant l'univers du point de
vue de l'éternelle raison
\mkbibparens{\mkbibemph{nous}}. Elle lave le
philosophe de toute identité politique et