

我对 Latex 还比较陌生,因此请求有人协助提供绘制三个图形的代码(见附图):

以下是 MWE:

\tikzset{main node/.style={circle,fill=blue!20,draw,minimum size=1cm,inner sep=0pt},}

\node[main node] (i) {$i$};
\node[main node] (j) [below left = 2.3cm and 1.5cm of i]  {$j$};
\node[main node] (k) [below right = 2.3cm and 1.5cm of i] {$k$};

%(i) edge node {} (j)
(j) edge node {} (k)
\node[main node] (k) {$k$};
\node[main node] (j) [below left = 2.3cm and 1.5cm of k]  {$j$};
\node[main node] (i) [below right = 2.3cm and 1.5cm of k] {$i$};

(j) edge node {} (i)

\node[main node] (j) {$j$};
\node[main node] (i) [below left = 2.3cm and 1.5cm of j]  {$i$};
\node[main node] (k) [below right = 2.3cm and 1.5cm of j] {$k$};

(i) edge node {} (k)



编辑: 像这样?


使用subcaption包和交叉点坐标进行线路驱动(% <---在代码中用 标记)。使用quotes现在添加了边标签$x_i$$y_i$



                quotes}             % <--- added
\tikzset{node distance = 13mm and 11mm,
           C/.style = {circle,draw, fill=blue!20,
                       minimum size=1cm, inner sep=0pt},
         dot/.style = {circle, fill=black, inner sep=2pt,
                       node contents={} },,
         every edge quotes/.style = {auto, font=\small} % <--- added

\node (j) [C, label=$j$] {};
\node [dot];
\node (i) [C, below right = of j, label=below:$i$] {};
\node (k) [C, above right = of i, label=$k$] {};
\draw[thick]    (i |- j) to ["$y_i$"] (i)               % <--- changed
                (j.center) to [pos=0.6, "$x_i$"] (k);   % <--- changed
\node (j) [C, label=$j$] {};
\node [dot];
\node (i) [C, below right = of j, label=below:$i$] {};
\node (k) [C, above right = of i, label=$k$] {};
\draw[thick]    (i |- j) to ["$y_i$"] (i)               % <--- changed
                (j.center) to [pos=0.6, "$x_i$"] (k);   % <--- changed
\node (j) [C, label=$j$] {};
\node [dot];
\node (i) [C, below right = of j, label=below:$i$] {};
\node (k) [C, above right = of i, label=$k$] {};
\draw[thick]    (i |- j) to ["$y_i$"] (i)               % <--- changed
                (j.center) to [pos=0.6, "$x_i$"] (k);   % <--- changed

\caption{Three graphs}
