


% \withword\variable\do{run for each member}\inlist space-separated list\endlist
% *****************************************************************************
% Iterate through a space-separated list (at least two members are required)
% Requires: Nothing
\long\gdef\withword#1\do#2\inlist#3 #4#5\endlist{%


    List member is ``\myword''\par%
}\inlist one two three four five six\endlist


\withword 宏的结果

但是有两个问题:第一个问题是宏需要一个至少有两个成员的列表,第二个问题是我无法用one two three four five six替换\mylist


% \@withword\variable\do{run for each member}\inlist space-separated list\endlist
% *****************************************************************************
% Iterate through a space-separated list (at least two members are required)
% Requires: Nothing
\long\gdef\@withword#1\do#2\inlist#3 #4#5\endlist{%
% \witeration{\variable}{space-separated list}{run for each member}
% *****************************************************************************
% Iterate through a space-separated list
% Requires: macro `\@withword`
    \@withword{#1}\do{#3}\inlist#2{} {}\endlist%
% \forwordx\variable\in{ space-separated list }{ run for each member }
% *****************************************************************************
% Iterate through a space-separated list -- like `\forwordx`, but using a more
% compact syntax
% Requires: macros `\@withword` and `\witeration`
% \forword \variable in { space-separated list } { run for each member }
% *****************************************************************************
% Iterate through a space-separated list
% Requires: macros `\@withword`, `\witeration` and `forwordx`


\def\mylist{one two three four five six}

\forword \myword in { one two three four five six } {%
    List member is ``\myword''\par%

\forword \myword in \mylist {%
    List member is ``\myword''\par%

\forwordx\myword\in{one two three four five six}{%
    List member is ``\myword''\par%

    List member is ``\myword''\par%

\witeration{\myword}{one two three four five six}{%
    List member is ``\myword''\par%





    run for each member%
}\throughlist word1 word2 ... wordN\endlist


\forword\myvariable\in{space-separated list}{%
    run for each member%


% @withword\variable\do{ run for each member }\whilelist word1 word2 ... wordN {} {} {}
% *****************************************************************************
% Iterate through a literal space-separated list (private helper macro)
% This macro is identical to `\withword`, except that the list, instead of
% being confined within `\throughlist` and `\endlist` is confined within
% `\whilelist` and `{} {} {}` (please notice the whitespaces in `{} {} {}`).
% Like `\withword`, this macro supports only literal lists.
% Requires: nothing
\long\gdef\@withword#1\do#2\whilelist #3#4 {%
% \@stop@withword\@withword ...
% *****************************************************************************
% Prevent a following invocation of `\@withword` (private helper macro)
% Requires: nothing
\long\gdef\@stop@withword\@withword#1\do#2\whilelist #3#4 {}
% \@witeration{\variable}{space-separated list}{run for each member}
% *****************************************************************************
% Iterate through a space-separated list (private helper macro)
% This macro is identical to `\@withword`, but has a different syntax.
% Requires: macro `\@withword`
\long\gdef\@witeration#1#2#3{\@withword{#1}\do{#3}\whilelist #2 {} {} {}}
% \forword\variable\in{ space-separated list }{ run for each member }
% *****************************************************************************
% Iterate through a space-separated list, with the expansion of the  list
% argument
% Requires: macros `\@withword` and `\@witeration`
% \withword\variable\do{ run for each member }\throughlist word1 word2 ... wordN\endlist
% *****************************************************************************
% Iterate through a literal space-separated list (private helper macro)
% Requires: the `\@withword` macro
    \@withword{#1}\do{#2}\whilelist #3 {} {} {}%


\def\mylist{one two three four five six}

\forword\myword\in{one two three four five six}{%
    Item is ``\myword''\par%

    Item is ``\myword''\par%

    Item is ``\myword''\par%
}\throughlist one two three four five six\endlist


\forword 和 \withword 宏的结果



我会使用expl3。该命令\forword接受两个参数;如果您使用,\forword*第一个参数应该是包含列表的宏。第二个参数是要使用的模板,其中当前项目用 表示#1



\NewDocumentCommand{\forword}{s m +m}
    \madmurphy_forword:on { #2 } { #3 }
    \madmurphy_forword:nn { #2 } { #3 }

\seq_new:N \l__madmurphy_forword_seq
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \seq_set_split:Nnn { Nnx }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \madmurphy_forword:nn
  \seq_set_split:Nnx \l__madmurphy_forword_seq { ~ } { \tl_trim_spaces:n { #1 } }
  \cs_set:Nn \__madmurphy_forword_item:n { #2 }
  \seq_map_function:NN \l__madmurphy_forword_seq \__madmurphy_forword_item:n

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \madmurphy_forword:nn { o }



\forword{ one two three four five six }{List member is ``#1''\par}

\newcommand{\mylist}{AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE}

\forword*\mylist{Item is #1\par}






\NewDocumentCommand{\forword}{m +m}
  \bool_lazy_and:nnTF { \tl_if_single_p:n { #1 } } { \token_if_cs_p:N #1 }
    \madmurphy_forword:on { #1 } { #2 }
    \madmurphy_forword:nn { #1 } { #2 }

\seq_new:N \l__madmurphy_forword_seq
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \seq_set_split:Nnn { Nnx }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \madmurphy_forword:nn
  \seq_set_split:Nnx \l__madmurphy_forword_seq { ~ } { \tl_trim_spaces:n { #1 } }
  \cs_set:Nn \__madmurphy_forword_item:n { #2 }
  \seq_map_function:NN \l__madmurphy_forword_seq \__madmurphy_forword_item:n

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \madmurphy_forword:nn { o }



\forword{ one two three four five six }{List member is ``#1''\par}

\newcommand{\mylist}{AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE}

\forword\mylist{Item is #1\par}



下面定义了一个完全可扩展的循环,\slistloop用于迭代空格分隔列表的元素。该宏恰好以两步扩展并将其结果留在 内\unexpanded,因此不会在或\edef上下文中进一步扩展\expanded

要扩展列表的第一个标记一次(例如,循环遍历变量的内容),您可以使用\slistloopO。要完全扩展列表,您可以使用\slistloopE(在 内部扩展\expanded,而不是在 中扩展\edef,这大致相同,只是您不必将#标记加倍)。


此外,还提供了一个不可扩展的循环\slistinline,您可以在其中定义应该用于每个元素的代码作为第一个参数(请参阅使用 的列表元素#1)。为此,还添加了O和变体。E


\slistloop{ }
\long\def\slistloop@#1#2 % <- leave this space
    % use the following `\if...\fi` block if empty elements should be ignored

    \global\advance\slistinline@depth by\@ne
    \long\expandafter\def\csname slistinline@\the\slistinline@depth\endcsname
    \expandafter\slistloop\csname slistinline@\the\slistinline@depth\endcsname
      \csname slistinline@\the\slistinline@depth\endcsname\@undefined
    \global\advance\slistinline@depth by\m@ne


\newcommand*\mylist{one two three four five six}

\slistinline{List member is ``#1''\par}{one two three four five six}





如果重点是在两个扩展步骤内仅通过扩展来获取一组标记,而无需加倍哈希值,没有任何(分隔)标记序列(除\outer-tokens 外)被禁止出现在参数中,即使在表格环境中,不使用 eTeX 扩展或类似机制本身,我也可以提供一个缓慢而繁琐的例程

                    {⟨space-separated list⟩}


⟨prepend-tokens⟩{⟨list item 1⟩}⟨append-tokens⟩%
⟨prepend-tokens⟩{⟨list item 2⟩}⟨append-tokens⟩%
⟨prepend-tokens⟩{⟨last list item⟩}⟨append-tokens⟩%


%% Paraphernalia:
%%    \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@Exchange, \UD@PassFirstToSecond,
%%    \UD@stopromannumeral, \UD@CheckWhetherNull, \UD@CheckWhetherBlank, 
%%    \UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArg,  \UD@removespace, 
\@ifdefinable\UD@removespace{\UD@Exchange{ }{\def\UD@removespace}{}}%
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Check whether argument is blank (empty or only spaces):
%% -- Take advantage of the fact that TeX discards space tokens when
%%    "fetching" _un_delimited arguments: --
%% \UD@CheckWhetherBlank{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                        argument which is to be checked is blank>}%
%%                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                        which is to be checked is not blank>}%
%% In the following "space" denotes an explicit space token, i.e., 
%% an explicit character token of category 10(space) and character code 32.
%% Check whether brace-balanced argument starts with a space-token
%% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingExplicitSpace{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case <argument
%%                                       which is to be checked> does have a
%%                                       leading explicit space-token>}%
%%                                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case <argument
%%                                       which is to be checked> does not have a
%%                                       a leading explicit space-token>}%
    % Let's nest things into \UD@firstoftwo{...}{} to make sure they are nested in braces
    % and thus do not disturb when the test is carried out within \halign/\valign:
      \string{\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingExplicitSpaceB.#1 }{}%
  \long\def\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingExplicitSpaceB#1 {%
%% Extract first inner space-delimited argument:
%%   \UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArg{A B C D E} yields  {A}
%%   \UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArg{{AB} C D E} yields  {{AB}}
%%   \UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArg{ A B C D E} yields  {}
%%   \UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArg{AB C D E} yields  {AB}
%%   \UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArg{{AB}} yields  {{AB}}
%%   \UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArg{} yields  {}
%% Due to \romannumeral-expansion the result is delivered after two 
%% expansion-steps/after "hitting" \UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArg with \expandafter
%% twice.
%% Use frozen-\relax as delimiter for speeding things up.
%% I chose frozen-\relax because David Carlisle pointed out in
%% <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/578877>
%% that frozen-\relax cannot be (re)defined in terms of \outer and cannot be
%% affected by \uppercase/\lowercase.
%% \UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArg's argument may contain frozen-\relax:
%% The only effect is that internally more iterations are needed for
%% obtaining the result.
\@ifdefinable\UD@gobbletoSpace{\long\def\UD@gobbletoSpace#1 {}}%
\@ifdefinable\UD@keeptoSpace{\long\def\UD@keeptoSpace#1 {#1}}%
%% \long\def\UD@RemoveFromSpaceTillFrozenrelax#1 #2<frozen relax>{{#1} } 
  {\long\def\UD@RemoveFromSpaceTillFrozenrelax#1 #2}{{#1} }%
%% \newcommand\UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArg[1]{%
%%   \romannumeral\UD@ExtractFirstSpaceArgLoop{{{}}#1 <frozen relax>}%
%% }
    \expandafter\expandafter\ifnum0=0\fi}{\UD@stopromannumeral{{}}#1 }%
%% Remove all leading spaces from argument:
%% Remove all trailing spaces from argument:
  \romannumeral\UD@TrimAllTrailingspacesLoop{#1 }{}{}%
   % #1 remaining list of space-delimited arguments
   % #2 Separator
   % #3 result gathered so far
       \expandafter\UD@TrimAllTrailingspacesLoop\expandafter{\UD@gobbletoSpace#1}{ }%
%%  \UD@iterateSpaceList{<prepend-tokens>}%
%%                      {<append-tokens>}%
%%                      {<separate-tokens>}%
%%                      {<space-separated list>}%
%%  Each item of the <space-separated list> is nested in curly braces before prepending
%%  <prepend-tokens> and appending <append-tokens><separate-tokens> to it.
%%  With the last item <separate-tokens> is not appended.
%%  The resulting set of tokens is delivered by triggering two expansion-steps on
%%  \UD@iterateSpaceList.
%%  Empty items are ignored.
%%  If the <space-separated list> is blank, i.e., is empty or consists of explicit
%%  space-tokens only, \UD@iterateSpaceList delivers emptiness.
%%  If the <space-separated list> contains leading and/or trailing spaces, these are
%%  discarded and not taken for indicators for empty items.
%%  You can nest items in curly braces - an outermost level of curly surrounding
%%  braces - if present - is stripped off, thus an outermost level of surrounding
%%  curly braces can serve the purpose of "hiding" spaces in case a list-item
%%  itself is to contain space tokens. An empty brace-group can be used for 
%%  having a list item which is empty.
%%  The mechanism delivers the result by triggering two expansion-steps on \UD@iterateSpaceList.
%%  Actually the mechanism is more cumbersome than needed:
%%  First all leading spaces are removed from the <space-separated list> via \UD@TrimAllLeadingspaces.
%%  Then all trailing spaces are removed from the <space-separated list> via \UD@TrimAllTrailingspaces.
%%  Then the routine \UD@iterateSpacelistloop is started for iterating on a list of space-separated
%%  arguments, whose sub-routine  \UD@iterateSpacelistloopEmptyItemFork handles the case of a list
%%  item being empty, being wrapped in curly braces entirely, being several tokens not all wrapped
%%  in curly brace. By modifying \UD@iterateSpacelistloopEmptyItemFork you can change, e.g., the
%%  behavior with empty items in the middle of the list, but be aware that you can get empty 
%%  list-items only via consecutive explicit space-tokens while getting consecutive explicit
%%  space-tokens is tricky.
  % #1 - Remaining space-separated list
  % #2 - prepend-tokens
  % #3 - append-tokens
  % #4 - separate-tokens
  % #5 - separator to prepend in this iteration
  % #6 - resulting tokens gathered so far
  \expandafter\UD@CheckWhetherNull\expandafter{\UD@gobbletoSpace#1 }{%
    % The remaining space-separated list does not have space-tokens, so iterating is done 
    % and, if not empty, the remaining space-separated list itself forms an item
    % The remaining space-separated list does have space-tokens, so continue iterating
    % after extracting the first item/the first space-delimited argument and appending
    % that to the resulting tokens gathered so far.
  % #1 - list item in this iteration
  % #2 - resulting tokens gathered so far
  % #3 - separator to prepend in this iteration
  % #4 - prepend-tokens
  % #5 - append-tokens
  \UD@CheckWhetherNull{#1}{% <- The list item is empty
      % The list item either is a single token or is wrapped in a everything-surrounding brace-group
      % The list item is several tokens not all in the same brace-group


% \makeatletter is still in effect


Let's define a macro from the result of iteration:


    % Let's abuse \romannumeral for triggering 2 expansion steps on \UD@iterateSpaceList
    % before being terminated via \UD@stopromannumeral in a way where \romannumeral does nothing:
  \UD@iterateSpaceList{\Foo{Arg1}}{{Arg3}}{Between}{  one two { t h r e e } four five six }%

\texttt{\string\test: \meaning\test}


Let's use iteration for creating a table:


\UD@iterateSpaceList{\textbf}{}{&}{  one two { t h r e e } }\\
\UD@iterateSpaceList{\textbf}{}{&}{  four five six }\\
}{}{\\\hline}{  {seven eight nine} {ten eleven twelve} {thirteen fourteen fifteen } }%


Let's use iteration for stringifying some tokens and displaying their meanings:


% Can't use \texttt here as that due to its defining of scratch-macros would break the test with {#}
  ``{\tt \string#1}'' $\rightarrow$ {\tt \meaning#1}%
\UD@iterateSpaceList{\par\noindent\printmeaning}{}{}{ {\fi} {\else} {#} {\if}  {\def}  { }  }








  • 代码基于处理参数的宏来工作。如果整个宏参数都被花括号包围,那么 TeX 通常会在从标记流中获取该参数时去掉最外面的一对花括号。对于分隔参数,如果不希望去掉花括号,可以使用一些技巧来防止去掉花括号。花括号本身通常不是排版元素,因此对于 pdf 文件文本的外观,排版时内容是否仍嵌套在花括号中通常没有区别。但在数学模式排​​版中,花括号的包围可能会有所不同。当将参数作为其他宏的参数传递时,是否存在包围花括号也会产生影响。



    \forword\myword in {{{one1}{one2}} {two}}{After gobbling the first component you have: \expandafter\gobble\myword\\}`  


    After gobbling the first component you have: \expandafter\gobble\myword\\


    After gobbling the first component you have: \gobble{one1}{one2}\\


    After gobbling the first component you have: {one2}\\


    After gobbling the first component you have: \expandafter\gobble\myword\\


    After gobbling the first component you have: \gobble{{one1}{one2}}\\


    After gobbling the first component you have: \\


    当要提供通用机制以递归方式获取分隔参数列表中的单个项时,我倾向于避免在收集项的级别剥离花括号,而将其留给那些在抓取单个项之后要对其进行处理的机制。(处理未分隔的参数列表时,如果存在最外层的花括号,则无法避免剥离该花括号。)如果您希望检测整个参数是否可能被花括号包围,则可以应用一个宏来吞噬参数并查看是否会产生空值。如果是这种情况,您可以安全地应用一个宏,该宏只会吐出其参数,以安全地删除一层周围的花括号(如果存在)。 (实际上,这只是确定一个参数是单个标记/嵌套在同一对匹配的花括号之间的标记集合,还是多个标记的集合,其中并非所有标记都嵌套在同一对匹配的花括号之间。)这样,您可以使用周围的花括号来“隐藏”可能被错误地识别为参数分隔符的东西,例如,以空格分隔的参数本身包含空格。


    %% Check whether argument's first token is an explicit character of category 1:
    %% .............................................................................
    %% \UD@CheckWhetherBrace{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
    %%                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
    %%                        which is to be checked has a leading
    %%                        explicit catcode-1-character-token>}%
    %%                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
    %%                        which is to be checked does not have a
    %%                        leading explicit catcode-1-character-token>}%
  • 第二个示例的 -delimited 参数变体\@withword\do控制序列标记,在整个迭代过程中充当临时宏,每次迭代都会重新定义,其中定义文本来自当前正在处理的列表项。如果该项目本身将提供哈希值,则需要考虑这一点,因为在这种情况下哈希值需要加倍。例如,要生成文本“#1:Element1. #2:Element2.”您需要执行以下操作:

    \forword\myword in {\string##1:Element1 \string##2:Element2}{\myword. }%


  • 由于(重新)定义了临时宏(\variable在 的注释中\@withword),该机制在仅发生宏扩展但不执行赋值的情况下不起作用。这种情况通俗地称为“纯扩展上下文”。例如,在 之间有标记,您\csname..\endcsname就有这样的纯扩展上下文。在这里,在 和\csname之间的标记的扩展\endcsname会产生不可扩展的标记,例如\def,这些标记不能成为控制序列标记名称的组成部分,从而导致一些错误消息。例如,-definition 的定义文本\edef形成了这样的上下文。在这里,您可能不会立即收到错误消息,但\def在扩展 -definition 的定义文本时出现的不可扩展的 -tokens\edef可能最终会成为宏的定义文本的标记,而不是被执行。例如,\write\immediate\write形成这样的上下文:要写入的可扩展标记会被扩展,但是如果扩展产生了诸如之类的不可扩展标记\def,则这些标记将不会被执行,而是会根据 TeX 的写入标记规则将其写入文件/屏幕。


  • \halign迭代/递归在与-environments一起使用时经常会出现问题tabular:每个表格单元都形成自己的局部范围。因此,如果在每次迭代中都定义了一个临时宏,并且\inlist-delimited-argument 的代码(它构成了每次迭代中要执行的代码,并且该临时宏可用于表示当前列表项)也用于&创建另一个表格单元,那么临时宏的定义将在 之后消失&。这意味着在作为 -delimited-argument 提供的代码中,\inlist临时宏只能在第一个 之前用于表示当前列表项&


  • 另一个问题是对空虚的处理:

    • 如果嵌套在 之间的列表本身\inlist...\endlist为空,该怎么办? 什么都不做吗? 还是进行一次迭代,从而使要处理的单词为空?
    • 如果列表本身有一个前导空格标记该怎么办?什么都不做吗?这是否应该被视为第一个单词为空,以便进行一次迭代,从而使要处理的单词为空?
    • 如果列表本身有一个尾随空格标记,该怎么办?什么都不做吗?这是否应该被视为最后一个为空的单词,以便进行一次迭代,从而使要处理的单词为空?
    • 如果列表本身仅由空格标记组成,该怎么办?什么都不做吗?这应该被理解为两个空词被一个空格隔开吗?
    • 你可以将连续的空格标记放入列表中间。例如,
         \forword \myword in {#1one#1#1two#1three#1#1four#1five#1six#1}%
      \spaceinsert{ }{List member is `\myword''\par}

    如果代码为空,您提供的代码将不执行任何操作。我不知道您是否喜欢这样一种编程风格,即保持简单、可读且易于维护,但代价是可能无法处理所有边缘情况?您是否有兴趣让代码对用户友好,这样就可以处理相当奇怪的用户输入,但代价是使其更加复杂。我私下为我写东西时更喜欢 further,因为我知道它的局限性

  • 您提供的代码使用了分隔参数。因此,通常参数本身不应包含相应的分隔标记序列(除非通过嵌套在一对匹配的花括号之间而“隐藏”,而花括号在适当的时候需要处理这些花括号的剥离),否则这些序列可能会错误地匹配分隔符。


  • 另一个问题是:你的循环/递归/迭代的终止条件可以有多草率?

    \long\gdef\@withword#1\do#2\inlist#3 #4#5\endlist{%

    停止递归的条件是\@withword第 4 个参数为空。

    \@withword\ThisListItem\do{In this iteration the item is: \ThisListItem}\inlist Item1 {}Item2 Item3 Item4 {}\endlist



  • 当您混合使用定界和不定界参数时,您可能需要对括号剥离特别挑剔 - 让我们看看:

    \@withword\ThisListItem\do{In this iteration the item is: \ThisListItem}\inlist Item1 {Item}2 Item3 Item4 {}\endlist


  • 宏定义中一个几乎众所周知的陷阱是将宏参数的占位符(#1#2、... #9)放在\if..\else..\fi表达式中的情况。如果在宏调用中,参数包含不平衡的\else\fi,那么您将得到意外的行为,因为来自宏定义的 -token 与来自宏参数的或-token\if匹配,而不是与来自宏定义的或匹配。情况可能变得非常复杂,也是因为-matching 与组嵌套无关。通常,您可以通过执行以下操作轻松规避类似的陷阱\else\fi\else\fi\if..\else..\fi

    \if.. \expandafter\firstoftwo\else\expandafter\secondoftwo\fi
    {<tokens in case condition is true>}%
    {<tokens in case condition is false>}%


    \if.. %
      <tokens in case condition is true>%
      <tokens in case condition is false>%

    进一步的方法还解决了另一个问题:处理整个\if..\else..\fi-表达式,并在处理所选分支的标记之前删除未选定分支的标记。\fi如果在分叉分支中重复调用另一个迭代,则可以防止 的累积,这可能会导致内存问题。


    \@withword\ThisListItem\do{This is the token {\tt\expandafter\string\ThisListItem}}\inlist{\LaTeX} {\fi} {}\endlist

    在第一次迭代中#4\fi。它被插入到后面\inlist并错误地匹配事物 - 您会得到:

      \if\relax\detokenize{\LaTeX}\relax\else\def\ThisListItem{\LaTeX}This is the token {\tt\expandafter\string\ThisListItem}\fi%
      \if\relax\detokenize{\fi}\relax\else\@withword{\ThisListItem}\do{This is the token {\tt\expandafter\string\ThisListItem}}\inlist\fi<space token>{}%<-this \fi is a problem now.
  • 在我看来,一个非常重要的方面是:
    重点是排版结果,即您在查看 pdf 文件时可以看到的内容吗?
    假设您有一个名称列表“Joe William Jack Averell”。
    应用递归方法让 TeX 将短语“Hello, Joe!”、 “Hello, William!”、 “Hello, Jack!”、 “Hello, Averell!”放入 pdf 文件中是一项与获取一组标记不同的任务Hello, Joe! Hello, William! Hello, Jack! Hello, Averell!。后者通常涉及一个宏参数,其中累积了运行基于递归的例程的结果。


    % Paraphernalia I often use:%%%%%%%%%%%%
    \long\def\@withword#1\do#2\inlist{\@@withword{#1}{#2}{{}}}% In the following {{}} is prepended before grabbing delimited argument.
                                                              % This prevents brace-removal.
                                                              % But the prepended thing needs to be removed after grabbing the delimited argment.
                                                              % Two levels of braces because one might be stripped off in case the item is empty,
                                                              % and \gobble shall work anyway.
    \long\def\@@withword#1#2#3\endlist{\@withwordloop{#1}{#2}#3 \endlist}%
    \long\def\@withwordloop#1#2#3 #4\endlist{%
      % Check if the {{}}-prepended item is empty:
          % Check if the {{}}-prepended item might be surrounded by curly braces:
    \@withword\ThisItem\do{\par\noindent In this iteration the item is: ``{\tt\detokenize\expandafter{\ThisItem}}''}\inlist One {Two} {Three Three} {} {four \endlist} five\fi five \endlist


