


例如,我有一个TwoColumn环境,其中我想包含 4.5pt 的垂直偏移:

    ... Content ...

无需维护固定尺寸列表,只需几个参数即可生成精确的垂直间距。我编写了一个命令,它使用参数来计算感兴趣的尺寸。调用以下命令通过它自己根据控制台输出正确计算了 4.5pt 尺寸:


但是,当使用这个新命令作为的参数时\vspace,它会引发一个错误:缺失数字,视为零TwoColumn. 与我的环境类似。




% Heading to top staff line c3/f3 clef
%    No divisio minima, no Mi note, no descenders in ChantBoxCentered

% Heading to top staff line c4 clef
%    No divisio minima, no descenders in ChantBoxCentered

% Delta between ChantBoxCentered (English) and TwoColumn (Latin) environments

% Delta between twoLine and sameLine (absolute difference)


% GetTopMarginAdjust
%    Argument #1: (str) language (la or en)
%    Argument #2: (str) clef (c3 or c4)
%    Argument #3: (str) lineOption (sameLine or twoLine)
    % Set basic environment: Get the language and clef
        % ChantBoxCentered (English)
            % c3 clef
            % c4 clef
        % TwoColumn (Latin)
            % c3 clef
            \renewcommand{\tempValueLanguageAndClef}{\dimexpr \vspaceAbsCThreeCB-\vspaceDeltaEnv\relax}
            % c4 clef
            \renewcommand{\tempValueLanguageAndClef}{\dimexpr \vspaceAbsCFourCB-\vspaceDeltaEnv\relax}
    % Set delta needed for the line option
    \typeout{dim: \the\dimexpr \tempValueLanguageAndClef+\tempValueLineOption\relax; Options: #1, #2, #3}
    \the\dimexpr \tempValueLanguageAndClef+\tempValueLineOption\relax



% Doesn't work

% Doesn't work







% Heading to top staff line c3/f3 clef
%    No divisio minima, no Mi note, no descenders in ChantBoxCentered

% Heading to top staff line c4 clef
%    No divisio minima, no descenders in ChantBoxCentered

% Delta between ChantBoxCentered (English) and TwoColumn (Latin) environments

% Delta between twoLine and sameLine (absolute difference)

\msg_new:nnn { fong } { unknown-language } { Unknown~ language~ `#1'. }
\msg_new:nnn { fong } { unknown-clef } { Unknown~ clef~ `#1'. }
\msg_new:nnn { fong } { unknown-lineoption } { Unknown~ lineoption~ `#1'. }
\cs_new:Npn \fong_topmargin_adjust:nnn #1#2#3
        \str_case:nnF {#2}
            { c3 } { \vspaceAbsCThreeCB }
            { c4 } { \vspaceAbsCFourCB }
            \msg_expandable_error:nnn { fong } { unknown-clef } {#2}
            \vspaceAbsCThreeCB % fallback value
        \str_case:nnF {#1}
            { en } { }
            { la } { - \vspaceDeltaEnv }
          { \msg_expandable_error:nnn { fong } { unknown-language } {#1} }
        \str_case:nnF {#3}
            { sameLine } { }
            { twoLine  } { + \vspaceDeltaLineOption }
          { \msg_expandable_error:nnn { fong } { unknown-lineoption } {#3} }
\cs_new_eq:NN \GetTopMarginAdjust \fong_topmargin_adjust:nnn



% Works

% Works




欢迎来到 TeX.SE。\vpsace需要一些东西扩展到⟨glue⟩,但是你的\GetTopMarginAdjust宏不可扩展。

解决这个问题的一种方法是让这个宏将其结果存储在 dimen 或 skip 寄存器中(后者是 LaTeX 使用的寄存器\newlength;与 dimen 寄存器相反,skip 寄存器有收缩和拉伸组件);然后该寄存器可以在的参数中使用它\vspace


% Heading to top staff line c3/f3 clef
%    No divisio minima, no Mi note, no descenders in ChantBoxCentered

% Heading to top staff line c4 clef
%    No divisio minima, no descenders in ChantBoxCentered

% Delta between ChantBoxCentered (English) and TwoColumn (Latin) environments

% Delta between twoLine and sameLine (absolute difference)


\newdimen\topMarginAdjustResult % where \topMarginAdjust stores its result

% \topMarginAdjust
%    Argument #1: (str) language (la or en)
%    Argument #2: (str) clef (c3 or c4)
%    Argument #3: (str) lineOption (sameLine or twoLine)
    % Set basic environment: Get the language and clef
        % ChantBoxCentered (English)
            % c3 clef
            % c4 clef
        % TwoColumn (Latin)
            % c3 clef
                \the\dimexpr \vspaceAbsCThreeCB-\vspaceDeltaEnv\relax}%
            % c4 clef
              \the\dimexpr \vspaceAbsCFourCB-\vspaceDeltaEnv\relax}%
    % Set delta needed for the line option
    % This because \topMarginAdjustResult is a dimen register; if it were a
    % macro, you would use \edef and \the\dimexpr ... \relax inside.
      \dimexpr \tempValueLanguageAndClef+\tempValueLineOption\relax






\typeout{\the\tempOffset} % 4.5pt





% Heading to top staff line c3/f3 clef
%    No divisio minima, no Mi note, no descenders in ChantBoxCentered

% Heading to top staff line c4 clef
%    No divisio minima, no descenders in ChantBoxCentered

% Delta between ChantBoxCentered (English) and TwoColumn (Latin) environments

% Delta between twoLine and sameLine (absolute difference)


\newcommand{\topMarginAdjustResult}{}% where \topMarginAdjust stores its result

% \topMarginAdjust
%    Argument #1: (str) language (la or en)
%    Argument #2: (str) clef (c3 or c4)
%    Argument #3: (str) lineOption (sameLine or twoLine)
    % Set basic environment: Get the language and clef
        % ChantBoxCentered (English)
            % c3 clef
            % c4 clef
        % TwoColumn (Latin)
            % c3 clef
                \the\dimexpr \vspaceAbsCThreeCB-\vspaceDeltaEnv\relax}%
            % c4 clef
              \the\dimexpr \vspaceAbsCFourCB-\vspaceDeltaEnv\relax}%
    % Set delta needed for the line option
      \the\dimexpr \tempValueLanguageAndClef+\tempValueLineOption\relax





% TeX way:
\tempOffset=\topMarginAdjustResult\relax % don't remove the \relax

% LaTeX way:
% \newlength{\tempOffset}%
% \topMarginAdjust{la}{c3}{sameLine}%
% \setlength{\tempOffset}{\topMarginAdjustResult}%

\typeout{\the\tempOffset} % 4.5pt


