






    \caption{Comparison of performance metrics for heuristic scheduling rules}
    \begin{tabular}{l|l|l l l l l}
        \multirow{2}{*}{Inst.} & \multirow{2}{*}{Demand} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Heuristic scheduling rules} \\ \cline{3-7}
                               &  & Myopic & PPQ & DMB & AOP & EPPQ \\\hline
        \multirow{5}{*}{Normal} & \cellcolor{gray!30}1    & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{34.1 \\ $[4.6, 0, 0.2]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30} \makecell[l]{\color{blue}{11.4} \\ $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30} \makecell[l]{18.2 \\ $[2.8, 0, 0.6]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{11.5 \\ $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{11.5 \\ $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$} \\
                                & 2    & \makecell[l]{84.7 \\ $[6.6, 0, 3.4]$} & \makecell[l]{44.0 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.1]$} & \makecell[l]{44.1 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.1]$} & \makecell[l]{42.8 \\ $[2.2, 0, 1.7]$} & \makecell[l]{44.3 \\ $[2.9, 0, 3.2]$} \\
                                & \cellcolor{gray!30}3        & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{124.6 \\ $[7.5, 11.7, 0.2]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{47.3 \\ $[3.8, 6.7, 0.2]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{51.9 \\ $[4.1, 7.3, 0.2]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{11.8 \\ $[2.3, 0.6, 0.3]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{12.4 \\ $[2.4, 1.0, 0.4]$} \\
                               &  4    & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} \\
                               &  \cellcolor{gray!30}5    & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} \\\hline
        \multirow{5}{*}{High} & 1    & \makecell[l]{138.0 \\ $[6.9, 0, 2.6]$} & \makecell[l]{79.3 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.6]$} & \makecell[l]{79.7 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.7]$} & \makecell[l]{79.5 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.6]$} & \makecell[l]{79.8 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.7]$} \\
                                & \cellcolor{gray!30}2    & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{104.96 \\ $[6.8, 0, 6.0]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{61.5 \\ $[2.9, 0, 4.4]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{61.6 \\ $[3.0, 0, 4.4]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{59.9 \\ $[2.6, 0, 3.9]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{61.0 \\ $[2.9, 0, 4.5]$} \\
                                & 3        &  \makecell[l]{225.5 \\ $[8.9, 16.6, 2.2]$} & \makecell[l]{154.5 \\ $[4.9, 16.2, 2.2]$} & \makecell[l]{154.7 \\ $[4.9, 16.2, 2.2]$} & \makecell[l]{83.0 \\ $[2.9, 4.6, 2.3]$} & \makecell[l]{79.2 \\ $[3.0, 4.5, 2.1]$} \\
                                & \cellcolor{gray!30}4    & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} \\
                                &  5    & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} \\\hline
    \multicolumn{7}{l}{\makecell[l]{Performance metrics consist of the immediate cost and [wait time of scheduled patients, number of \\ referrals, number of rejections] - average values.}}




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\caption{Comparison of performance metrics for heuristic scheduling rules}

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{l|c| *{5}{X}}
    & \multirow{2}{*}{Demand} 
        & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Heuristic scheduling rules}    \\   \cline{3-7}
            &   & Myopic    & PPQ   & DMB   & AOP   & EPPQ  \\  \hline
    & 1    
        &   34.1\par $[4.6, 0, 0.2]$ 
            &   \textcolor{blue}{11.4}\par $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$
                &  18.2\par $[2.8, 0, 0.6]$
                    &   11.5\par $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$
                        &   11.5\par $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$        \\
    & 2 &   84.7\par $[6.6, 0, 3.4]$
            &   44.0\par $[2.9, 0, 2.1]$
                &   44.1\par $[2.9, 0, 2.1]$
                    &   42.8\par $[2.2, 0, 1.7]$  
                        &   44.3\par $[2.9, 0, 3.2]$         \\
    &   &   124.6\par $[7.5, 11.7, 0.2]$
            &   47.3\par $[3.8, 6.7, 0.2]$
                &   51.9\par $[4.1, 7.3, 0.2]$
                    &   11.8\par $[2.3, 0.6, 0.3]$
                        &   12.4\par $[2.4, 1.0, 0.4]$      \\
    & 4 &   ~\par $[, , ]$ 
            &   ~\par $[, , ]$
                &   ~\par $[, , ]$
                    &   ~\par $[, , ]$
                        &   ~\par $[, , ]$                  \\
    & 5 &   ~\par $[, , ]$
            &   ~\par $[, , ]$
                &   ~\par $[, , ]$  
                    &   ~\par $[, , ]$  
                        &   ~\par $[, , ]$              \\
    & 1 &   138.0\par $[6.9, 0, 2.6]$
            &   79.3\par $[2.9, 0, 2.6]$
                &   79.7\par $[2.9, 0, 2.7]$
                    &   79.5\par $[2.9, 0, 2.6]$
                        &   79.8\par $[2.9, 0, 2.7]$    \\
    & 2 &   104.96   $[6.8, 0, 6.0]$
            &   61.5     $[2.9, 0, 4.4]$
                &   61.6\par $[3.0, 0, 4.4]$
                    &   59.9\par $[2.6, 0, 3.9]$
                        &   61.0\par $[2.9, 0, 4.5]$     \\
    & 3 &   225.5\par $[8.9, 16.6, 2.2]$
            &   154.5\par $[4.9, 16.2, 2.2]$ 
                &   154.7\par $[4.9, 16.2, 2.2]$
                    &   83.0\par $[2.9, 4.6, 2.3]$
                        &   79.2\par $[3.0, 4.5, 2.1]$      \\
    & 4 &   ~\par $[, , ]$
            &   ~\par $[, , ]$
                &   ~\par $[, , ]$
                    &   ~\par $[, , ]$
                        &   ~\par $[, , ]$                   \\
    & 5 &   ~\par $[, , ]$
            &   ~\par $[, , ]$
                &   ~\par $[, , ]$
                    &   ~\par $[, , ]$
                        &   ~\par $[, , ]$                   \\
\multicolumn{7}{@{} p{\linewidth} @{}}{Performance metrics consist of the immediate cost and [wait time of scheduled patients, number of referrals, number of rejections] - average values.}



附录: 解决方案是使用tabularray包来定义表格前言中行颜色的更复杂一些的方法。因此表格主体代码更简单。除此之外,单元格内容最好垂直放置:

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\caption{Comparison of performance metrics for heuristic scheduling rules}

\begin{tblr}{row{eachtwocolor} = {bg=red!15},   % set color of your choice
             row{Z} = {bg=white},
             colspec  = {Q[l, bg=white] |c| *{5}{X[l]}},
\SetCell[r=2]{c}    Inst.
    &   \SetCell[r=2]{c}    Demand
        &   \SetCell[c=5]{c}    Heuristic scheduling rules
            &       &       &       &       &       \\
    &   & Myopic    & PPQ   & DMB   & AOP   & EPPQ  \\
\SetCell[r=5]{c}   Normal
    & 1 &   {34.1\\  $[4.6, 0, 0.2]$}
            &  { \textcolor{blue}{11.4}\\  $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$}
                &  {18.2\\  $[2.8, 0, 0.6]$}
                    &   {11.5\\  $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$}
                        &   {11.5\\  $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$}      \\
    & 2 &   {84.7\\  $[6.6, 0, 3.4]$}
            &   {44.0\\  $[2.9, 0, 2.1]$}
                &   {44.1\\  $[2.9, 0, 2.1]$}
                    &   {42.8\\  $[2.2, 0, 1.7]$}
                        &   {44.3\\  $[2.9, 0, 3.2]$}      \\
    & 3 &   {124.6\\  $[7.5, 11.7, 0.2]$}
            &   {47.3\\  $[3.8, 6.7, 0.2]$}
                &   {51.9\\  $[4.1, 7.3, 0.2]$}
                    &   {11.8\\  $[2.3, 0.6, 0.3]$}
                        &   {12.4\\  $[2.4, 1.0, 0.4]$}      \\
    & 4 &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
            &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                    &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                        &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}                 \\
    & 5 &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
            &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                    &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                        &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}              \\
\SetCell[r=5]{c}   High
    & 1 &   {138.0\\  $[6.9, 0, 2.6]$}
            &   {79.3\\  $[2.9, 0, 2.6]$}
                &   {79.7\\  $[2.9, 0, 2.7]$}
                    &   {79.5\\  $[2.9, 0, 2.6]$}
                        &   {79.8\\  $[2.9, 0, 2.7]$}    \\
    & 2 &   {104.96   $[6.8, 0, 6.0]$}
            &   {61.5     $[2.9, 0, 4.4]$}
                &   {61.6\\  $[3.0, 0, 4.4]$}
                    &   {59.9\\  $[2.6, 0, 3.9]$}
                        &   {61.0\\  $[2.9, 0, 4.5]$}     \\
    & 3 &   {225.5\\  $[8.9, 16.6, 2.2]$}
            &   {154.5\\  $[4.9, 16.2, 2.2]$}
                &   {154.7\\  $[4.9, 16.2, 2.2]$}
                    &   {83.0\\  $[2.9, 4.6, 2.3]$}
                        &   {79.2\\  $[3.0, 4.5, 2.1]$}      \\
    & 4 &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
            &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                    &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                        &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}                   \\
    & 5 &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
            &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                    &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}
                        &   {~\\  $[, , ]$}                   \\
\SetCell[c=7]{j}   Performance metrics consist of the immediate cost and
                   [wait time of scheduled patients, number of referrals, number of rejections]
                   - average values.
    &   &   &   &   &   &                                   








    \caption{Comparison of performance metrics for heuristic scheduling rules}
    \begin{NiceTabular}{l|l|l l l l l}[colortbl-like]
        \Block{2-1}{Inst.} & \multirow{2}{*}{Demand} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Heuristic scheduling rules} \\ \cline{3-7}
                               &  & Myopic & PPQ & DMB & AOP & EPPQ \\\hline
        \Block{5-1}{Normal} & \cellcolor{gray!30}1    & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{34.1 \\ $[4.6, 0, 0.2]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30} \makecell[l]{\color{blue}{11.4} \\ $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30} \makecell[l]{18.2 \\ $[2.8, 0, 0.6]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{11.5 \\ $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{11.5 \\ $[2.1, 0, 0.4]$} \\
                                & 2    & \makecell[l]{84.7 \\ $[6.6, 0, 3.4]$} & \makecell[l]{44.0 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.1]$} & \makecell[l]{44.1 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.1]$} & \makecell[l]{42.8 \\ $[2.2, 0, 1.7]$} & \makecell[l]{44.3 \\ $[2.9, 0, 3.2]$} \\
                                & \cellcolor{gray!30}3        & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{124.6 \\ $[7.5, 11.7, 0.2]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{47.3 \\ $[3.8, 6.7, 0.2]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{51.9 \\ $[4.1, 7.3, 0.2]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{11.8 \\ $[2.3, 0.6, 0.3]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{12.4 \\ $[2.4, 1.0, 0.4]$} \\
                               &  4    & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} \\
                               &  \cellcolor{gray!30}5    & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} \\\hline
        \Block{5-1}{High} & 1    & \makecell[l]{138.0 \\ $[6.9, 0, 2.6]$} & \makecell[l]{79.3 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.6]$} & \makecell[l]{79.7 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.7]$} & \makecell[l]{79.5 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.6]$} & \makecell[l]{79.8 \\ $[2.9, 0, 2.7]$} \\
                                & \cellcolor{gray!30}2    & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{104.96 \\ $[6.8, 0, 6.0]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{61.5 \\ $[2.9, 0, 4.4]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{61.6 \\ $[3.0, 0, 4.4]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{59.9 \\ $[2.6, 0, 3.9]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{61.0 \\ $[2.9, 0, 4.5]$} \\
                                & 3        &  \makecell[l]{225.5 \\ $[8.9, 16.6, 2.2]$} & \makecell[l]{154.5 \\ $[4.9, 16.2, 2.2]$} & \makecell[l]{154.7 \\ $[4.9, 16.2, 2.2]$} & \makecell[l]{83.0 \\ $[2.9, 4.6, 2.3]$} & \makecell[l]{79.2 \\ $[3.0, 4.5, 2.1]$} \\
                                & \cellcolor{gray!30}4    & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \cellcolor{gray!30}\makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} \\
                                &  5    & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} & \makecell[l]{ \\ $[, , ]$} \\\hline
    \multicolumn{7}{l}{\makecell[l]{Performance metrics consist of the immediate cost and [wait time of scheduled patients, number of \\ referrals, number of rejections] - average values.}}


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