Pgfplots 3D 补丁图:在补丁细化之前对面边框进行着色,而不会丢失深度缓冲区

Pgfplots 3D 补丁图:在补丁细化之前对面边框进行着色,而不会丢失深度缓冲区

我想我可能在这里有点夸大了 PGFPlots,但我想为面片图的面边框赋予纯色。但是,patch refines必须处于活动状态,否则颜色图采样不足;同时,我想为原始网格的面边框着色,而不是为细化网格着色。另外,我不想丢失深度缓冲区:我希望面“后面”的片段不可见。一张图片:


(A) shader=faceted interppatch refines=3在精致的脸上产生那些不想要的线条

(二)禁用patch refines显示正确的面边框,但现在渐变仅在顶点处进行采样,并且我们失去了蓝色。


(四)期望结果。对于这个,我使用了一个带有精炼的补丁,然后是另一个带有黑色刻面边框和白色刻面填充的补丁,然后我将两者混合在一起blend group=multiply。白色填充剪裁了刻面边框的隐藏部分(需要将其包裹在透明组中)。


我该怎么做才能获得 (d),而不必使用 atransparency group和 a blend group(或使用更传统的 PDF 功能)?

我对 TeX 的了解不足以理解 PGFPlots 的内部原理。以下是上图的 MVE:

  -1 -1 0
  1 -1 0
  0 0 0.3

  1 -1 0
  1 1 0
  0 0 0.3

  -1 -1 0
  -1 1 0
  0 0 0.3

  1 1 0
  -1 1 0
  0 0 0.3
    \begin{axis}[colormap/cool, title={(a)}]
      % Gradient is fine, but facet boundary is ugly
      \addplot3 [patch, shader=faceted interp, faceted color=black, patch refines=3] file {model.dat};

    \begin{axis}[colormap/cool, title={(b)}]
      % Facet boundary is correct, but gradient is subsampled
      \addplot3 [patch, shader=faceted interp, faceted color=black] file {model.dat};
    \begin{axis}[colormap/cool, title={(c)}]
      % Depth is lost
      \addplot3 [patch, shader=interp, patch refines=3] file {model.dat};
      \addplot3 [patch, mesh, draw=black] file {model.dat};

    \begin{axis}[colormap/cool, title={(d)}]
      % What I came up with does not print correctly. I want to blend multiply the two plots, forcing
      % the facet color to white so it does not mask the gradient underneath it
      \begin{scope}[blend group=multiply]
        % This one brings the color:
        \addplot3 [patch, shader=interp, patch refines=3] file {model.dat};
        % If I don't explicitly set the transparecy group, we can see through the model
        \begin{scope}[transparency group]
          % This one brings the border
          \addplot3 [patch, shader=faceted, faceted color=black, fill=white] file {model.dat};



-1 -1 0
1 -1 0
0 0 0.3

1 -1 0
1 1 0
0 0 0.3

1 1 0
-1 1 0
0 0 0.3

-1 1 0
-1 -1 0
0 0 0.3

\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}
\begin{axis}[axis lines=none]
\addplot3[patch, shader=faceted, faceted color=transparent!0, fill=transparent!100] file{model.dat};
\path (0,0) circle[radius=10]; %encompassing circle for alignment
\addplot3[patch, shader=interp, patch refines=3] file{model.dat};
\fill[path fading=myfading, fit fading=false] (0,0) rectangle (7,5);

带阴影侧面和线条的 3D 金字塔
