使用下面的最小工作示例,我已经能够用 tikzpicture 制作此图像:
使用绘制 y=x^2 和 y=x可以通过一种略显拙劣的解决方案来实现这一点,即首先填充两个椭圆之间的区域,然后填充圆与填充椭圆所创建的垂直线之间的剩余区域。这感觉不是“最佳实践”。有没有更巧妙的方法来做到这一点?
%draw the circle
\draw (0,0) circle(1);
\draw[fill] (0,1) circle [radius =0.05];
\draw[fill] (0,-1) circle [radius =0.05];
\draw plot[domain=pi:2*pi] ({cos(\x r)},{.2*sin(\x r)});
\draw[dashed] plot[domain=0:pi] ({cos(\x r)},{.2*sin(\x r)});
%draw the upper ellipse
\draw plot[domain=pi:2*pi] ({0.864*cos(\x r)},{.2*sin(\x r)+.5});
\draw[dashed] plot[domain=0:pi] ({0.864*cos(\x r)},{.2*sin(\x r)+.5});
%draw the lower ellipse
\draw plot[domain=pi:2*pi] ({0.864*cos(\x r)},{.2*sin(\x r)-.5});
\draw[dashed] plot[domain=0:pi] ({0.864*cos(\x r)},{.2*sin(\x r)-.5});
\draw (0,0) circle[radius=2];
\fill[blue,opacity=0.2] (0,1) ellipse[x radius=1.72,y radius=0.4];
\clip (0,0) circle[radius=2];
\fill [blue,opacity=0.6] (-1.72,1) arc[start angle = -180, end angle = 0,x radius=1.72,y radius=0.4] -- (2,1) |- (1.72,-1) arc[start angle = 0, end angle = -180,x radius=1.72,y radius=0.4] -- (-2,-1) |- cycle;
% Upper ellipse
\draw (-1.72,1) arc[start angle = -180, end angle = 0,x radius=1.72,y radius=0.4];
\draw[dashed] (-1.72,1) arc[start angle = 180, end angle = 0,x radius=1.72,y radius=0.4];
% Middle ellipse
\draw (-2,0) arc[start angle = -180, end angle = 0,x radius=2,y radius=0.5];
\draw[dashed] (-2,0) arc[start angle = 180, end angle = 0,x radius=2,y radius=0.5];
% Lower ellipse
\draw (-1.72,-1) arc[start angle = -180, end angle = 0,x radius=1.72,y radius=0.4];
\draw[dashed] (-1.72,-1) arc[start angle = 180, end angle = 0,x radius=1.72,y radius=0.4];
% Dots
\filldraw (0,2) circle [radius =0.05]
(0,-2) circle [radius =0.05];