如何在 Latex 中绘制图形

如何在 Latex 中绘制图形

你能帮我在 Latex 中画出这个图形吗在此处输入图片描述






        text width=6cm,
        align=left] at (0,0)
        {\textbf{Health}\\- Using modern energy reduces exposure to hazardous pollutants.\\- Avoiding drudgery such as collecting fuelwood improves health condition of, in particular, women and children.\\- Access to electricity enables vaccination and medicine storage by a refrigerator.};
        text width=6cm,
        align=left] at (8,0)
        {\textbf{Education}\\- Lighting appliances enables to study at night.\\- Utilization of modern energy results in freeing up from drudgery and creating time for study.\\- Electricity helps narrow the digital divide through Information Communication Technologies (ICTs).};
        minimum height=1.5cm,
        text width=3cm,
        inner sep=0pt,
        align=center] at (4,-4)
        text width=6cm,
        align=left] at (0,-8)
        {\textbf{Income}\\- Enterprise development through electrification creates job.\\- Mechanization in industry achieves higher productivity.\\- Small-scale energy system in rural areas generates local industry.};
        minimum width=2cm, 
        text width=6cm,
        minimum height=1cm, 
        align=left] at (8,-8)
        {\textbf{Environment}\\- Reduction in use of fuelwood pretends deforestation.\\- Use of efficient electric appliances saves energy consumption.\\- Application of renewable energy promotes climate protection.};
    \draw[->] (energy) (2.5,-3.25) -- (health.south);
    \draw[->] (energy) (5.5,-3.25) -- (education.south);
    \draw[->] (energy) (2.5,-4.75) -- (income.north);
    \draw[->] (energy) (5.5,-4.75) -- (environment.north);
