有没有办法使用 cleveref 和 hyperref 支持选择性地覆盖标准定理标签?

有没有办法使用 cleveref 和 hyperref 支持选择性地覆盖标准定理标签?


  • 具有多种不同“类型”定理的文档,例如“定理”、“引理”、“命题”等。这些是amsthm使用环境kttheoremktlemmaktprop等以通常的 ( ) 方式定义的。
  • 在文档本身(不是附录)中,假设第 5 章包含两个定理:一个带标签的命题pugsrcute和一个带标签的定理pugsrsmart。在编写文档时,它们分别被称为命题 5.1 和定理 5.2。
  • 的证明pugsrcute恰好很长,并且涉及一个支持引理和一个支持命题。因此,pugsrcute 支持定理放在附录中。
  • 在附录中,理想情况下我希望能够插入以下内容:
    并使内部的定理环境supportfor各方面表现正常除了那个该定理没有使用标准编号方案,而是以“引理 5.1(a)”和“命题 5.1(b)”的形式出现,其中 5.1 是标签编号pugsrsmart,“a”和“b”是按字母顺序排列的前两个字母。
  • \crefpugsrsmall也会smalldogsrcute同样扩展为遵循此替代编号方案的值,并带有适当的超链接。因此,\cref{pugsrsmall}将扩展为“引理 5.1(a)”,其中“5.1(a)”带有超链接,而\cref{smalldogsrcute}将扩展为“命题 5.1(b)”,其中“5.1(b)”带有超链接。





    hyperfootnotes = false,
    linkcolor      = blue,
    citecolor      = blue]{hyperref}

% environments for theorems and lemmas
\NewDocumentCommand{\ktnewtheorem}{ommm}{  % \ktnewtheorem[usecounter]{type}{Long}{short}
        {\newtheorem {#2} {#3} [section]}
        {\newtheorem {#2} [#1] {#3}}

    \crefname {#2} {#4} {\MakeLowercase{#3}}
    \Crefname {#2} {#4} {#3}

\ktnewtheorem            {kttheorem} {Theorem}     {Theorem}
\ktnewtheorem[kttheorem] {ktlemma}   {Lemma}       {Lemma}
\ktnewtheorem[kttheorem] {ktprop}    {Proposition} {Prop.}
\ktnewtheorem[kttheorem] {ktcor}     {Corollary}   {Cor.}

% ktrestate (restate theorem/proposition/lemma/etc.) environment
\newenvironment {ktrestate} [2] [0pt]

% placeholder \supportfor{label}; magic should happen here!
\newenvironment {supportfor} [1]


The following \namecrefs{pugsrcute} was first proved by Leonhard Euler in 1760.

    Let $c_{\mathrm{pug}}$ be the cuteness factor of a pug.
    Then $c_{\mathrm{pug}} \geq 8\pi^{-1}$ a.s.
    See \cref{pugproofs} for proof.

\noindent Euler hit another home run in 1762.

    Let $P$ be a pug. Then $P$ is as least as intelligent as an Artin representation
    of degree $2$.
    The result follows logically from the fact that abelian L-functions are
    meromorphic for non-trivial characters, and $P$ looks kind of like an L-function
    if you squint really hard.


First, we prove some supporting results.

    \begin{ktlemma} % Currently "Lemma 6.1"; Should be "Lemma 5.1(a)"
        Pugs are small.
        Just look at them.

    \begin{ktprop} % Currently "Proposition 6.2"; Should be "Proposition 5.1(b)"
        Small dogs are cute.
        The result follows from Fermat's celebrated treatise ``On the Adorableness of
        Dogs and Other Small Mammals''.

% The following \cref currently expands to "Lemma 6.1 and Prop 6.2". NO!
% Should expand to "Lemma 5.1(a) and Prop. 5.1(b)"!
\noindent Now, we use \cref{pugsrsmall,smalldogsrcute} in the proof of \cref{pugsrcute}.

    Let $c_{\mathrm{pug}}$ be the cuteness factor of a pug.
    Then $c_{\mathrm{pug}} \geq 8\pi^{-1}$ a.s.
    % The following \cref's expand to "Lemma 6.1" and "Prop 6.2". NO!
    % Should expand to "Lemma 5.1(a)" and "Prop 5.1(b)".
    The result follows from \cref{pugsrsmall}, mixed with \cref{smalldogsrcute},
    baked at $350^\circ$ for $25$ minutes, and seasoned to taste.





    hyperfootnotes = false,
    linkcolor      = blue,
    citecolor      = blue]{hyperref}

% environments for theorems and lemmas
\NewDocumentCommand{\ktnewtheorem}{ommm}{  % \ktnewtheorem[usecounter]{type}{Long}{short}
        {\newtheorem {#2} {#3} [section]}
        {\newtheorem {#2} [#1] {#3}}

    \crefname {#2} {#4} {\MakeLowercase{#3}}
    \Crefname {#2} {#4} {#3}
    %% ADDED
    \expandafter\def\csname #2Long\endcsname{#3}
    \expandafter\def\csname #2long\endcsname{\MakeLowercase{#3}}
    \expandafter\def\csname #2short\endcsname{#4}
    %% END ADDED

\ktnewtheorem            {kttheorem} {Theorem}     {Theorem}
\ktnewtheorem[kttheorem] {ktlemma}   {Lemma}       {Lemma}
\ktnewtheorem[kttheorem] {ktprop}    {Proposition} {Prop.}
\ktnewtheorem[kttheorem] {ktcor}     {Corollary}   {Cor.}

% ktrestate (restate theorem/proposition/lemma/etc.) environment
\newenvironment {ktrestate} [2] [0pt]

% placeholder \supportfor{label}; magic should happen here!
\newenvironment {supportfor} [1]

% Problems:
%  - Uses \begin{ktsuppthm}{theoremenv}{label}{extension} rather than the desired
%       \begin{supportfor}{label}
%          \begin{theoremenv}
%    syntax.
%  - Requires all supplemental theorems to be declared in advance (i.e. in document
%    preamble).
%  - Requires proof definitions to specify their extension rather than assigning
%    them automatically.
%  - Requires writing to the .aux file, and is generally hackish.
%  - Version below only supports supplemental theorems for ONE theorem. Support for
%    more would be even messier.


\newcommand* {\ktdefsuppthm} [1] {
    \expandafter\gdef\csname ktsuppthmext#1\endcsname{?}
    \expandafter\gdef\csname ktsuppthmshort#1\endcsname{?}
    \expandafter\gdef\csname ktsuppthmlong#1\endcsname{?}
    \expandafter\gdef\csname ktsuppthmLong#1\endcsname{?}
    \crefname {ktsuppthm#1} {\csname ktsuppthmshort#1\endcsname} {\csname ktsuppthmlong#1\endcsname}
    \Crefname {ktsuppthm#1} {\csname ktsuppthmshort#1\endcsname} {\csname ktsuppthmLong#1\endcsname}
    \creflabelformat {ktsuppthm#1} {\hyperlink
        {L\csname ktsuppthmext#1\endcsname.#1}
        {\labelcref*{\csname ktsuppthmext#1\endcsname}(#1)}}

    \expandafter\newcommand \csname supplabel#1\endcsname [2] {%  \supplabel<x> {type} {label}
        \raisebox{12pt}{\hypertarget {L##2.#1} {}}%
        \csxdefaux{ktsuppthmshort#1}{\csname ##1short\endcsname}%
        \csxdefaux{ktsuppthmlong#1}{\csname ##1long\endcsname}%
        \csxdefaux{ktsuppthmLong#1}{\csname ##1Long\endcsname}%
        \expandafter\gdef\csname ktsuppthmext#1\endcsname{##2}%
        \expandafter\gdef\csname ktsuppthmshort#1\endcsname{\csname ##1short\endcsname}%
        \expandafter\gdef\csname ktsuppthmlong#1\endcsname{\csname ##1long\endcsname}%
        \expandafter\gdef\csname ktsuppthmLong#1\endcsname{\csname ##1Long\endcsname}%


\newenvironment {ktsuppthm} [4] [0pt]  % ktsuppthm [leadvspc]{type}{label}{ext}
        \vspace{#1}\noindent\csname supplabel#4\endcsname{#2}{#3}%
        \textbf{\csname #2Long\endcsname~\labelcref*{#3}(#4).}\hspace{5pt}\begingroup\em%


The following \namecrefs{pugsrcute} was first proved by Leonhard Euler in 1760.

    Let $c_{\mathrm{pug}}$ be the cuteness factor of a pug.
    Then $c_{\mathrm{pug}} \geq 8\pi^{-1}$ a.s.
    See \cref{pugproofs} for proof.

\noindent Euler hit another home run in 1762.

    Let $P$ be a pug. Then $P$ is as least as intelligent as an Artin representation
    of degree $2$.
    The result follows logically from the fact that abelian L-functions are
    meromorphic for non-trivial characters, and $P$ looks kind of like an L-function
    if you squint really hard.


First, we prove some supporting results.

    \begin{ktsuppthm}{ktlemma}{pugsrcute}{a}% should be: \begin{ktlemma}
        % This implementation automatically makes the label pugsrcute.a.
        Pugs are small.
        Just look at them.

    \begin{ktsuppthm}{ktprop}{pugsrcute}{b}% should be: \begin{ktprop}
        % This implementation automatically makes the label pugsrcute.b.
        Small dogs are cute.
        The result follows from Fermat's celebrated treatise ``On the Adorableness of
        Dogs and Other Small Mammals''.

% Should expand to "Lemma 5.1(a) and Prop. 5.1(b)".
\noindent Now, we use \cref{pugsrcute.a,pugsrcute.b} in the proof of \cref{pugsrcute}.

    Let $c_{\mathrm{pug}}$ be the cuteness factor of a pug.
    Then $c_{\mathrm{pug}} \geq 8\pi^{-1}$ a.s.
    % Should expand to "Lemma 5.1(a)" and "Prop 5.1(b)".
    The result follows from \cref{pugsrcute.a}, mixed with \cref{pugsrcute.b},
    baked at $350^\circ$ for $25$ minutes, and seasoned to taste.




\newenvironment {supportfor} [1]
