

John WatrouS 对量子计算给出了精彩的注释:



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  1. 为了操纵\contentline材料的组成方式, tocloft使用了包装。
  2. 为了匹配页面布局,geometry使用了该包。
  3. 使用该软件包 (139 页)QC-notes.pdf包含了包含讲座完整笔记的原始 pdf ( )。pdfpages
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  5. 最后,添加了封面和从作者网站摘录的最终许可说明。


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% to cover page
\title{\bfseries Quantum Computation \\ \bigskip \normalsize Lecture notes}
\date{\vfill Latest update: April 11, 2006}
\author{John Watrous \\ Professor (on leave), Institute for Quantum Computing\\ 
    and Cheriton School of Computer Science\\   
    University of Waterloo}



\maketitle % cover page
\noindent{\bfseries{\huge Contents}\hfill Page  \vspace*{3ex}\par }

    % build the ToC
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 1:}Overview of quantum information}{1}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 2:}Overview of quantum information (continued)}{6}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 3:}Superdense coding; quantum circuits, and partial measurements}{14}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 4:}Quantum Teleportation; Deutsch's Algorithm}{22}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 5:}A simple searching algorithm; the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm}{28}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 6:}Simon's algorithm}{34}{}    
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 7:}Arithmetic/number--theoretic problems; reversible computation}{39}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 8:}Phase estimation}{48}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 9:}Phase estimation (continued); the quantum Fourier transform }{55}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 10:}Order finding}{61}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 11:}Order finding (continued); reducing factoring to order finding}{66}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 12:}Grover's Algorithm}{70}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 13:}Grover’s Algorithm (continued)}{76}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 14:}Quantum information revisited}{81}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 15:}Quantum information revisited (continued)}{88}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 16:}Quantum error correction}{94}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 17:}General quantum errors; CSS codes}{102}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 18:}Quantum Key Distribution}{109}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 19:}Impossibility of Quantum Bit Commitment}{115}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 20:}Bell inequalities and nonlocality}{120}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 21:}Quantum communication complexity}{126}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {Lecture 22:}Quantum communication complexity}{133}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {About}}{140}{}

% addign the bookmarks <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\bookmark[page=3]{Lecture 1: Overview of quantum information}
\bookmark[page=8]{Lecture 2: Overview of quantum information (continued)}
\bookmark[page=16]{Lecture 3: Superdense coding; quantum circuits, and partial measurements}
\bookmark[page=24]{Lecture 4: Quantum Teleportation; Deutsch's Algorithm}
\bookmark[page=30]{Lecture 5: A simple searching algorithm; the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm}
\bookmark[page=36]{Lecture 6: Simon's algorithm}
\bookmark[page=41]{Lecture 7: Arithmetic/number-theoretic problems; reversible computation}
\bookmark[page=50]{Lecture 8: Phase estimation}
\bookmark[page=57]{Lecture 9: Phase estimation (continued); the quantum Fourier transform}
\bookmark[page=63]{Lecture 10: Order finding }
\bookmark[page=68]{Lecture 11: Order finding (continued); reducing factoring to order finding }
\bookmark[page=72]{Lecture 12: Grover's Algorithm }
\bookmark[page=78]{Lecture 13: Grover’s Algorithm (continued)}
\bookmark[page=83]{Lecture 14: Quantum information revisited}
\bookmark[page=90]{Lecture 15: Quantum information revisited (continued)}
\bookmark[page=96]{Lecture 16: Quantum error correction}
\bookmark[page=104]{Lecture 17: General quantum errors; CSS codes}
\bookmark[page=111]{Lecture 18: Quantum Key Distribution}
\bookmark[page=117]{Lecture 19: Impossibility of Quantum Bit Commitment}
\bookmark[page=122]{Lecture 20: Bell inequalities and nonlocality}
\bookmark[page=128]{Lecture 21: Quantum communication complexity}
\bookmark[page=135]{Lecture 22: Quantum communication complexity }



\chapter*{About} % license page
\parindent 0pt
\sffamily \Large
These lecture notes may be used and distributed freely, for individual study or by course instructors. They may not be sold.

These are ancient lecture notes for an introductory undergraduate course on quantum computing taught at the University of Calgary in Spring 2006. They are not being maintained.

Latest update: April 11, 2006 \bigskip

\copyright2006 John Watrous 




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% to cover page
\title{\bfseries Quantum Computation \\ \bigskip \normalsize Lecture notes}
\date{\vfill Latest update: April 11,2006}
\author{John Watrous \\ Professor (on leave),Institute for Quantum Computing\\  
    and Cheriton School of Computer Science\\   
    University of Waterloo}

\usepackage[plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels,bookmarksopen]{hyperref} % bookmarks and links in ToC

\maketitle % cover page     

 %add pdf and build the ToC     
1,chapter,0,Overview of quantum information,Lec:1,
6,chapter,0,Overview of quantum information (continued),Lec:2,
14,chapter,0,Superdense coding; quantum circuits; and partial measurements,Lec:3,
22,chapter,0,Quantum Teleportation; Deutsch's Algorithm,Lec:4,
28,chapter,0,A simple searching algorithm; the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm,Lec:5,
36,chapter,0,Simon's algorithm,Lec:6,
39,chapter,0,Arithmetic/number--theoretic problems; reversible computation,Lec:7,
48,chapter,0,Phase estimation,Lec:8,
55,chapter,0,Phase estimation (continued) ; the quantum Fourier transform,Lec:9,
61,chapter,0,Order finding,Lec:10,
66,chapter,0,Order finding (continued) ;  reducing factoring to order finding,Lec:11,
70,chapter,0,Grover's Algorithm,Lec:12,
76,chapter,0,Grover’s Algorithm (continued),Lec:13,
81,chapter,0,Quantum information revisited,Lec:14,
88,chapter,0,Quantum information revisited (continued),Lec:15,
94,chapter,0,Quantum error correction,Lec:16,
102,chapter,0,General quantum errors; CSS codes,Lec:17,
109,chapter,0,Quantum Key Distribution,Lec:18,
115,chapter,0,Impossibility of Quantum Bit Commitment,Lec:19,
120,chapter,0,Bell inequalities and nonlocality,Lec:20,
126,chapter,0,Quantum communication complexity,Lec:21,
133,chapter,0,Quantum communication complexity,Lec:22
\chapter*{About} % license page
\parindent 0pt
\sffamily \Large
These lecture notes may be used and distributed freely,for individual study or by course instructors. They may not be sold.

These are ancient lecture notes for an introductory undergraduate course on quantum computing taught at the University of Calgary in Spring 2006. They are not being maintained.

Latest update: April 11,2006 \bigskip

\copyright2006 John Watrous 

