


  • 类别的字母
  • 当前表格参考编号
  • 每行增加一个值


\caption{Description \label{label}}
    \stdref & Foo \\ 
    \stdref & Bar \\


Figure \ref{specifications-directives} shows the hierarchy to be used with the identifiers. The plain arrow means “belongs
to” and the blank arrow means “refers to”. A deliverable is based on a task. Requirements and
specifications belong to a deliverable.
  \caption{Specification Directives \label{specifications-directives}}
    \textbf{ID}       & \textbf{Directive} \\ \hline
    S\ref{specifications-directives}-\stepcounter{tablecounter}\thetablecounter & The requirements \textbf{shall} list “what” the system have to do \\ \hline
    S\ref{specifications-directives}-\stepcounter{tablecounter}\thetablecounter & Each requirement specification \textbf{shall} have a unique identifier \\ \hline
    S\ref{specifications-directives}-\stepcounter{tablecounter}\thetablecounter & Each unique identifier \textbf{shall} be considered once the final document is released \\ \hline
    S\ref{specifications-directives}-\stepcounter{tablecounter}\thetablecounter & A document is released when it is formally approved by all involved parties \\ \hline
    S\ref{specifications-directives}-\stepcounter{tablecounter}\thetablecounter & Entries are numbered with a prefix following table \ref{directives} \\ \hline
    S\ref{specifications-directives}-\stepcounter{tablecounter}\thetablecounter & Only the verbal forms listed in table \ref{verbal-forms} \textbf{can} be used in requirements/specifications \\ \hline
    S\ref{specifications-directives}-\stepcounter{tablecounter}\thetablecounter & A table \textbf{shall} contain only one prefix type entry \\ \hline
    S\ref{specifications-directives}-\stepcounter{tablecounter}\thetablecounter & A table entry \textbf{shall} not exceed one line unless for sake of readability \\ \hline
    S\ref{specifications-directives}-\stepcounter{tablecounter}\thetablecounter & Requirements and specifications \textbf{shall} always be given using a table of entries \\ \hline
    S\ref{specifications-directives}-\stepcounter{tablecounter}\thetablecounter & Additional explanation \textbf{may} be added as standard text referring the entry number \\ \hline



这里有一个解决方案,通过定义一个新的列类型(x如下所示)来实现,它以前缀标签(比如说S)作为其参数并将规范数字显示为<prefix label><table number>-<row number>

每次执行与表相关的指令时,跟踪行号的计数器(directcntr在下面的代码中命名)都会自动重置;因此,请将语句放在\caption\caption顶部表的。如果您希望前缀为S,则使用x{S}。如果您希望前缀标签为 ,则在环境的列规范列表中Y使用。x{Y}tabularx

\label指令可以使用标准 LaTeX -机制通过其花哨的行号进行交叉引用。下面的代码还提供了通过用户宏(例如)\ref启用交叉引用所需的一些代码,\cref聪明人包裹。



\counterwithin{table}{section} % optional
%% Define a new counter and bind it to the 'table' counter:

\usepackage{array}    % for '\newcolumntype' macro
\usepackage{tabularx} % for 'tabularx' env. and 'X' col. type
\usepackage{ragged2e} % for '\RaggedRight' macro

%% Now define a new column type
       \refstepcounter{directcntr}\thedirectcntr} l }

%% Optional: Load cleveref package and inform it how to create 
%%           cross-referencing call-outs to directive-type items
\newcommand{\creflastconjunction}{, and~}

\renewcommand\familydefault\sfdefault % optional
\sffamily % optional 

\setcounter{section}{2} % just for this example

\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a less-cramped look
\caption{Specification Directives\strut} 
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| x{S} | L |} % <-- note 'x{S}'
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{ID}} & \textbf{Directive} \\ 
 & The requirements \textbf{shall} list “what” the system have to do \\ \hline
 & Each requirement specification \textbf{shall} have a unique identifier \\ \hline
 & Each unique identifier \textbf{shall} be considered once the final document is released \\ \hline
 & A document is released when it is formally approved by all involved parties \\ \hline
 & Entries are numbered with a prefix following table \ref{directives} \\ \hline
 & Only the verbal forms listed in table \ref{verbal-forms} \textbf{can} be used in requirements\slash specifications \\ \hline
 & A table \textbf{shall} contain only one prefix type entry \\ \hline
 & A table entry \textbf{shall} not exceed one line unless for sake of readability \\ \hline
 & Requirements and specifications \textbf{shall} always be given using a table of entries \\ \hline
 & Additional explanation \textbf{may} be added as standard text referring the entry number \\ 

Cross-references to \cref{directive:prefix,directive:not_exceed,directive:unique}.

\caption{Yellow directives\strut} 
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| x{Y} | L |} % <-- note 'x{Y}'
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{ID}} & \textbf{Directive} \\ 
 \label{directive:y1} & \dots \\ \hline
 \label{directive:y2} & \dots \\ \hline
 \label{directive:y3} & \dots \\

Cross-references to \cref{directive:y3,directive:y2}.



以下定义了特殊环境directives,它接受一个可选参数(key=value,其中键为startmaxstart指定第一个指令索引并max定义具有最大宽度的索引),后跟两个强制参数(单字母前缀和\caption)。环境主体应该是以 结尾的指令\\。您可以\label在指令描述中使用它来创建对此指令的引用。



     max   .store = \directives@max
    ,start .store = \directives@start
\SetKeys[directives]{max = 99, start = 1}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{directives} {O{} m m}
          {\makebox[\directives@wd][l]{ID}\hskip2\tabcolsep Directive}\\

% to get the counter formatting of your example

\begin{directives}[start=2]{S}{Specification Directives\label{directives}}
  \label{directive:shall}The requirements \textbf{shall} list “what” the system
    have to do \\
  Each requirement specification \textbf{shall} have a unique identifier \\
  Each unique identifier \textbf{shall} be considered once the final document is
    released \\
  A document is released when it is formally approved by all involved parties \\
  Entries are numbered with a prefix following table \ref{directives} \\
  Only the verbal forms listed in table \ref{verbal-forms} \textbf{can} be used
    in requirements/specifications \\
  A table \textbf{shall} contain only one prefix type entry \\
  A table entry \textbf{shall} not exceed one line unless for sake of
    readability \\
  Requirements and specifications \textbf{shall} always be given using a table
    of entries \\
  Additional explanation \textbf{may} be added as standard text referring the
    entry number \\

\begin{directives}[max=9]{V}{Verbal Directives\label{verbal-forms}}
  random \\
You can even reference directive~\ref{directive:shall}!



\figurename~\ref{specifications-directives} shows the hierarchy to be used with the identifiers.
The plain arrow means ``belongs to'' and the blank arrow means ``refers to''.
A deliverable is based on a task. Requirements and specifications belong to a deliverable.
\caption{Specification Directives}
ID & Directive                                                                                                    \\
   & The requirements \textbf{shall} list “what” the system have to do                                            \\
   & Each requirement specification \textbf{shall} have a unique identifier                                       \\
   & Each unique identifier \textbf{shall} be considered once the final document is released                      \\
   & A document is released when it is formally approved by all involved parties                                  \\
   & Entries are numbered with a prefix following table \ref{directives}                                          \\
   & Only the verbal forms listed in table \ref{verbal-forms} \textbf{can} be used in requirements/specifications \\
   & A table \textbf{shall} contain only one prefix type entry                                                    \\
   & A table entry \textbf{shall} not exceed one line unless for sake of readability                              \\
   & Requirements and specifications \textbf{shall} always be given using a table of entries                      \\
   & Additional explanation \textbf{may} be added as standard text referring the entry number                     \\

