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\multicolumn{1}{l|}{\textbf{Variable}}                    & \textbf{Definition}                                                                                                                                                                                                                 \\ 
\textbf{Dependent Variables}                              &                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     \\ 
Stunting                                                  & {[}(weight/height) standard deviation]*100; Z-score below -2                                                                                                                                                                        \\ 
ARI                                                       & had cough last 2 weeks/short or rapid breath/discomfortable chest                                                                                                                                                                   \\ 
\textbf{Independent Variables}                            &                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     \\ 
Cooking location                                          & 0= if outdoor and 1= if indoor                                                                                                                                                                                                      \\ 
Fuel type                                                 & 0= non-smoke producing/clean fuel(lpg, natural gas, biogas, coal, and charcoal) , 1=smoke producing/solid fuel(kerosene, wood, straw, shrubs, grass, animal dung)                                                                   \\ 
Smoke exposure risk (SER)                                 & high SER (if smoke-producing cooking fuels = 1 and indoor cooking = 1), moderate SER (if smoke-producing cooking fuels = 1 and outdoor cooking = 0), and low SER (if non-smoke-producing cooking fuels = 0 and indoor cooking = 1)  \\ 
Child's age (in Months)                                   & 0= if "0-12", 1= if "13-24", 3=if "25-36", 4= if "37-48", 5= if "48-below 60"                                                                                                                                                       \\ 
Male Child                                                & 1= if yes, 0=if no                                                                                                                                                                                                                  \\ 
Child's Birth Order                                       &                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     \\ 
Child Size during birth                                   & 0=if very large, 1=larger than average, 2=average, 3=smaller than average, 5=very small                                                                                                                                             \\ 
Wealth index                                              & ( 0= if poorest, 1= if poorer, 2=if middle, 3= if richer, 4=if richest                                                                                                                                                              \\ 
Mother's age at the time of her first delivery (in years) & 0= if "below 21", 1= if "21-30", 3=if "31-40", 4= if "41-48"                                                                                                                                                                        \\ 
Mother's education                                        & 0= "no education", 1="primary dropout", 2="primary completed, 3="secondary dropout", 4="secondary", 5="higher"                                                                                                                      \\ 
Mother's smoking status                                   & 1= if yes, 0=if no                                                                                                                                                                                                                  \\ 
Antenatal Care                                            & 1=if WHO recommended 8 or more visits, 0= if less than 8 visits                                                                                                                                                                     \\ 
Region (Division)                                         & 7 divisions; Barisal=1, Chittagong=2, Dhaka=3, Khulna=4, Rajshahi=5, Rangpur=6 and Sylhet=7                                                                                                                                         \\ 
Living Urban                                              & 1=if yes, 0=if no                                                                                                                                                                                                                   \\




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\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} L{0.6} L{1.4} @{}} % 0.6+1.4=2
Variable & Definition \\ 
Dependent Variables &  \\ 
Stunting & [(weight/height) standard deviation]${}\times100$; Z-score below $-2$ \\ 

ARI & had cough last 2 weeks\slash short or rapid breath\slash discomfortable chest  \\ 
Independent Variables &  \\ 
Cooking location & 0 if outdoor, 1 if indoor  \\ 

Fuel type & 0 = non-smoke producing\slash clean fuel(lpg, natural gas, biogas, coal, and charcoal), 1 = smoke producing\slash solid fuel (kerosene, wood, straw, shrubs, grass, animal dung) \\ 

Smoke exposure risk (SER) & high SER (if smoke-producing cooking fuels = 1 and indoor cooking = 1); moderate SER (if smoke-producing cooking fuels = 1 and outdoor cooking = 0); and low SER (if non-smoke-producing cooking fuels = 0 and indoor cooking = 1)  \\ 

Child's age (in months) & 0 if ``0--12'', 1 if ``13--24'', 3 if ``25--36'', 4 if ``37--48'', 5 if ``48--below 60''   \\ 

Male Child & 1 if yes, 0 if no \\ 

Child's Birth Order &  (really nothing?)\\ 

Child Size during birth & 0 if very large, 1 if larger than average, 2 if average, 3 if smaller than average, 5 if very small \\ 

Wealth index & 0 if poorest, 1 if poorer, 2 if middle, 3 if richer, 4 if richest \\ 

Mother's age at the time of her first delivery, in years & 0 if ``below 21'', 1 if ``21--30'', 3= if ``31--40'', 4= if ``41--48'' \\ 

Mother's education & 0 if ``no education'', 1 if ``primary dropout'', 2 if ``primary completed, 3 if ``secondary dropout'', 4 if ``secondary'', 5 if ``higher''  \\ 

Mother's smoking status & 1 if yes, 0 if no \\ 

Antenatal Care & 1 if WHO recommended 8 or more visits, 0 if less than 8 visits  \\ 

Region (Division) & Seven divisions: Barisal=1, Chittagong=2, Dhaka=3, Khulna=4, Rajshahi=5, Rangpur=6 and Sylhet=7 \\ 

Living Urban & 1 if yes, 0 if no  \\

